Chapter 1

"Titans Go!" Robin the leader of the Teen Titans yelled through the jewelry store, as everyone was attacking the villain that dared messed with their city.

"Come on kiddies, you always lose why try?" The synchronized voice taunted while back flipping out of the way from the "dolt's" starbolts. The villain stretched out his hand letting an "x" pop out from his gloved hand hitting Starfire pinning her to the far wall shocking her leaving her body limp, and unconscious. The villain smiled inwardly, but was soon back to reality when Cyborg's cannon blast past mere centimeters from his mask. He turned around to teleport out of another blast. Cyborg and the other Titans looked around frantically, but he had reappeared behind Cyborg putting another "x" on his system, shutting down his system allowing his mind to fall in a deep sleep. He looked around to see a green t-rex come straight towards him, but he just stood there his hand leaning on a glass case once the green t-rex was in range the villain had sent another "x" gluing him to the cold ground.

"Awwww man! Why is it every time?!" Beastboy yelled getting back to his original form.

The villain turned around to see the birds standing there, while "Traffic Light" was in a fighting stance just waiting to make a move, while the other "Sunshine" had her hands glowing black and her eyes white.

"Ok, come Chuckles and Sunshine we'll make this quick." Red X smiled under his mask as Robin and the villain clashed fighting while each dodging with ease with some hits but both dodging. "Ok, this is boring now." Red X back flipped out of Robin's attacks, Red X managed to pull another "x" from his hand hitting Robin as the "x" bound him like a straight jacket.

"X!" Robin yelled fiercely struggling in the "x."

"Come on out Sunshine!" Red X taunted looking in the shadows.

"Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!" Raven yelled as glass cases from the jewelry store were flying at X, but he was dodging them easily but some coming way to close to him. He looked up to see Raven in the air smirking as she threw more cases at him, but he teleported. Raven looked around in the air, but as quick as X had left he reappeared behind her grabbing her waist and pulling her down to the ground and pinning her.

"I don't why you are even on this team, I mean you're not special you don't do anything." Red X stated seeing her eyes start to grow red.

"You WANT to see MY POWER! Ohhhh I'll show you just a fraction on my power!" Raven yelled, but her voice was off more threatening and she had fours eyes glowing a murderous red.

"Ohhh, crap," Red X cursed under his breath as he heard her chant her mantra, he saw his body covered in her aura and with her hands she threw him around like a rag doll as he was 9 feet above the ground she let go as he came crashing down on glass. "You're…..still…not…special." Red X barely gasped between breaths, as he saw her smile wickedly.

"Ohh, who said I was DONE!" Raven smiled, "Creatures of the dark, come to me and destroy X with his fearsome fears! Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!" With that Raven's eyes were still red, while under her cloak dark tentacles began to form under her cloak and drag Red X, not matter what he did he was vulnerable.

"NO! NO! NO! STOP GET AWAY FROM ME!" Red X yelled as the tentacles began to bring him under, like she had done to Dr. Light.

"What can't HANDLE the DARK?!" Raven laughed like her father, bringing him in deeper.

"RAVEN!" Raven turned to see Robin kick her to loose her concentration on Red X who was gasping for breath while trying to scurry away. Raven's eyes were getting back to normal, and her voice back to her usual voice.

"Another….time," Red X barley managed to say before teleporting away.

"What was THAT about?!" Robin demanded as raven was on all fours afraid to meet eye to eye contact. All the other Titans were getting up and groaning, while Robin was studying her. "ANSWER ME!" Robin demanded, but it was too late, Raven had melted into the shadows leaving the "crime scene."

Raven teleported out by the docks to clear her head, cursing at herself for loosing control, but as she racked her brain she felt this very oddly familiar, as she thought harder she could feel Red X's memory come to her. Even though Robin and her have a connection, she would never tell him that as he was being pulled under she was looking through his mind finding any information that she could use, and turns out she has. Raven walked up to one warehouse that she remembered that Red X had a meeting here right after he limped away very cowardly.

Raven peered through the door to see Red X and Adondis standing on each end of the table.

"Here," Red X grabbed two things from his belt, a video recorder and some type of band.

Adondis took the objects to slide a handful of money on the table, "And as promised. Now I can beat the Teen Titans to be at MY MERCY!" Adondis yelled happily.

"But remember your part of the deal I have he-" Red X was cut off as they heard Raven's communicater go off. She teleported away before they saw her and arrived in the Titan living room.

"What!?" Raven demanded, but as she looked around only Starfire was making "food," and BB and Cy were playing video games.

"Hey are you ok?" Cy asked very concerned.

"Why did you guys beep me?" Raven asked suspiciously.

"We…didn't?" Cy looked concerned as he got up from the couch to pause the game. "Are you sure ok?"

"Yeah, just tired," Raven reassured, as she turned to leave and went to room, "Ah, I can finally sleep and take a long," Raven was talking to herself as she opened up her door to see Robin on her bed, "sleep." Raven muttered under her breath as she was going to scream at Robin for being in her room.

"Hey, Rae," Robin asked getting up meeting eye to eye with her as he stood up from her bed and walked over.

"What are you doing in MY room?!" Raven demanded not letting her anger become the best for her.

"Well, I needed to talk to you, so that's why I called you." Robin stated, meeting her glare.

"YOU called ME?!" Raven yelled, but Robin did not budge from her anger.

"Yes, we need to talk about what happened before." Robin responded calmly as he looked at her with intensity.

"There's nothing to talk about." Raven responded in her monotone.

"Yes there is," Robin put a hand on her shoulder, "Please tell me." Robin persuaded soflty.

"Well, I lost control because he said I wasn't important to the team." Raven explained, getting quite bored and annoyed.

"Ok I got that but why did you get so……infuriated." Robin paused looking for the correct word to put in.

"Because," Raven paused as she added, "I've had a bad experience with those three words 'I wasn't important.'" Raven sighed as she rested on her bed head face down in her pillow.

"What-" Robin was cut off as he heard Raven's mantra, and before he knew it he was in HIS bed. Well that could've gone better. Robin thought as sleep took all the Titans minds.

But unknown to anyone in Raven's room, someone was there watching her sleeping form so tempted to wake her up and kiss her all over. "Soon my bird, you'll be mine." The voice muttered before disappearing.


So who was that figure in the background? Why was Red X meeting up with Adondis?

You will find out soon once I update.



PS- I need your help, I need to decide should this be a Rae/RedX or a Rae/Rob or a RedX/Rae/Rob fanfic. So please tell me what you think I should do