A\N: Just a thought. Of course, you know how 'just a thought' usually turns out...awesome. ;p Enjoy!
The agent glares at me.
I reach out and carefully run a finger down his cheek. The boy shudders. "Poor Kireti." I coo. "Did you think I wouldn't find you? Those gems are a siren's song to me."
I slap him, so quickly he doesn't realize I'm going to. Kireti stares up at me, terrified and broken. I've grown used to it, like all the other aspects of my job, but I still hate hurting children.
I turn away from Kireti and gaze at the gems. Mine. Finally mine, after years of searching...
"You won't kill what I stand for."
I turn back to Kireti, an eyebrow raised. "Oh? Explain, please."
Kireti gazes back, unafraid. The elven people, and their planet, were easy to conquer, but occasionally, just every so often, they surprise me. "What I did, and why I did it, people know. They'll think about it. Eventually they'll realize that you aren't a good leader. My ideas will live on, Lord Tirthor. I may die, but you won't kill what I stand for."
And here, boys and girls, is where a general should ask if I want Kireti killed. But no one does. I don't have any yet, and an idea springs into my mind. I smile slowly.
"Tell me, Kireti," I ask slowly, "How would you like to join me?"
"Never." He hisses.
I send my spellbook zooming to my hand. "Never," I warn him with just the faintest hint of a twinkle in my eye, "Say never."
* * *
Kireti walks beside me as I stroll along the surface of Zian. The toady in charge of the planet struggles to keep up. Oh, please, you little runt. I'm in a cape and the official royal clothing here, the least you could do is walk at my speed.
"Lord...Lord Tirthor..." He pants.
I stop and glare. When the man recovers his breath, he sees the full force of my bright green eyes turned upon him. "Slesse." I state, not bothering to color my voice with warning. "Should you not learn how to keep up with me, I will simply have to allow Kireti to debrief you."
Slesse looks terrified. If you have earned my wrath, death at my hands is more merciful than death at Kireti's. Apparently the poor boy was abused before he became a rebel, and now takes out his trauma on anyone who I direct him at. "Of...of course, my Lord." Slesse stammers.
I turn and walk on. Slesse follows, and once I see that he can speak, I ask, "What is this urgent matter you called me here for, Slesse?"
"Well..." He pauses. "It's, er, a rather delicate matter, your Worship."
A lead ball sinks into the pit of my stomach. "I trust, Slesse," I say softly, "That it had nothing to do with the rather precious gems I left with you for safekeeping."
Slesse's expression answers for me.
I walk faster. "They are unharmed." They'd better be, or you're dead.
"Yes, of course, my Lord!" Slesse says, hopeful that I won't murder him now. "But, er, well..."
"Spit it out." I command, sweeping into Slesse's palace.
Slesse gulps as I storm down to the holding room.
I throw the doors open.
"I don't know where they are." Slesse says, quite unnecessarily.
I stride forward.
The pedestal is cracked in half. A note is left wedged into the crack. I pull it out.
So this is what you've been protecting? Amazing. Raw Dino Gems...I'm a bit jealous. You've even got that cute boy Kireti working for you, and twelve whole planets under your belt! I guess Zedd did a good job brainwashing you, 'Lord Tirthor'.
Don't worry, darling. These gems will be put to good use. I'm waiting for you to use them, though. It's fitting that the one who captured them should be the one who dies by them.
Love you, Handsome.
My hand flies out, and Slesse screams, falling to the floor and writhing in agony. Kireti watches with an almost greedy look--he imagines his abusive father in our victims, I think.
I pull a pouch out of my pocket. The White Gem is safe. "Luckily you did not completely fail, Slesse." I smile grimly. "Otherwise, Kireti would be killing you."
"Lord...Tirthor...Mercy..." He wheezes.
I snap my fingers.
He screams and dies. His top henchman stares in awe.
"What's your name?" I ask.
"El...Elesse." She says softly.
"Then, Elesse, the planet is yours. Guard it well against my return." I smile at her charmingly. "Good day."
Then I whirl out.
"Couldn't resist flirting, hunh?" Kireti teases. He didn't lose his spirit when I enslaved him magically. I don't mind. He knows his place and when to keep his mouth shut, and it is entertaining.
"No." I admit. "Get the shuttle ready, Kireti."
I crumple Kimberly's note. Tommy's heart crumples with it as I speak.
"We're going to Earth."