Dark Mercury and Kunzite

Dark Mercury hated Kunzite who had created her and in his eyes he owned her. Dark Mercury did not care about Queen Beryl. She sneered every time she said or thought of Queen Beryl because to her Beryl was not a queen. Beryl served Metallia but Dark Mercury served no one. "One day it will be I who rule the Dark Kingdom," she thought. "I have more power than she ever will."

Kunzite walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "How is my dark beauty today?"

"Plotting your queen's demise," she answered.

Kunzite snorted. "I could care less about the self made Queen Beryl." Kunzite kissed her neck. "You are my queen."

"You think I am your property," Dark Mercury replied. "You are wrong about that. You are right about me being your Queen. I will be queen of this kingdom."

"Anything to get rid of Beryl," Kunzite whispered in her ear.

"If you do not release me you will be less than when you walked here," she threatens summoning her ice sword.

Kunzite released her. "You will be mine," he told her.

"When I am dead," Dark Mercury said.

"I think it is time you should go visit your friends," Kunzite suggested.

"Those weakling are no longer my friends," replied Dark Mercury. "It will be fun to torture Usagi though." Dark Mercury gave a wicked grin as she disappeared in a flutter of black rose petals.

When Usagi saw Ami she yelled with Joy and ran to her friend. "Ami! I am so glad you are safe," Usagi said embracing her in a hug.

Ami only stood there and did not return Usagi's hug. "Safe," Ami whispered.

"Ami are you okay?" Usagi asked worriedly. "I am fine," Ami replied coolly. "You annoy me," she said walking away.

"Ami," Usagi yelled after her but Makoto grabbed her arm shaking her head.

"Even you should be able to see something is wrong with Ami," Makoto told her. "We need to ask Rei to do a fire reading," she suggested.

"Okay," Usagi said defected.

Dark Mercury appeared back in the Dark Kingdom's base. "Have fun my pet?" Kunzite asked.

"I was until you showed up," she answered.

"How were your friends?" Kunzite questioned.

"Usagi was crushed when I told her she annoyed me," Dark Mercury told him. "She annoys me almost as much as you do."

"You wound me," Kunzite said aloofly.

"Is that a request?" Dark Mercury asked her eyes gleaming as her sword appeared in her hand.

"Beryl wants to see you Kunzite," Jadeite said from the doorway. "Oh and bring her too," he pointed to Dark Mercury.

"Kunzite," Queen Beryl raised her voice as he entered with Dark Mercury. "What have you done? You brought a Senshi here!"

"She had been turned by Metallia's power," Kunzite informed Beryl. "Which will soon be my power," he thought.

"How do I know she will not betray me?" Beryl asked.

"I do not serve you," Dark Mercury said from beside Kunzite. "I serve myself just as Kunzite does."

"How dare you speak to me like that?" Beryl yelled.

Beryl stood as dark energy crackled around Dark Mercury. Beryl raised her hand to shot her own energy at Dark Mercury but stood motionless. Dark Mercury gave a wicked grin. "Do you feel that Beryl?" she asked. "I slowed your blood a small amount. Humans, or people who where once human are made up of mostly water. I con water in all forms." Dark Mercury released the Queen of the Dark Kingdom. "Anger me and you death will be painful. You can keep your throne for now but remember who holds the real power."

"Was she that powerful before or is this Metallia's power flowing through her?" Kunzite wondered feeling something stir within him.

Since that day Kunzite followed Dark Mercury everywhere not caring if she saw him. She had threatened him on multiple occasions but nothing could stop his obsession with the blue haired girl. "Yes," Kunzite thought as she watched her walked down the hall, "I maybe obsessed but at least I know I am." Kunzite watched as Dark Mercury came upon Nephrite who was sitting on the ground.

"You are pitiful," Dark Mercury declared throwing his repaired cape at him.

"Why does she show him affection," Kunzite growled to himself as she watched Nephrite stare at the cape and then back at Dark Mercury.

After Dark Mercury left Kunzite stormed over to Nephrite. "How dare you look at her?" he bellowed. "She is mine and mine alone." Kunzite quickly stalked off after Dark Mercury.

"What is this feeling?" Nephrite thought staring at his repaired cape.

Kunzite found her leaning up against a tree watching a lighting storm standing in the pouring rain. "Why?" Kunzite yelled at her over the roar of the thunder.

"Why what," Dark Mercury asked annoyed by his presence.

"Why do you show him affection?" Kunzite yelled. He pinned her against the tree and pushed his body into hers. "I command you to look at me like you do him. I own you!"

"You don not own me," Dark Mercury yelled surprising Kunzite as even while she had been evil she had not shown anger. When next she spoke her voice was ice cold, "I do not look at anyone." Dark Mercury could feel his lust and was repulsed. She summoned her ice sword in her hand and between his legs. "Let me release some of the pressure for you," she said pressing the sword closer to his leg.

"You will change your mind one day," he growled in her ear before releasing her.

"You stir up emotions with in me," she told him and gave a cocky grin, "revoltion."

Dark Mercury stalked through the halls. Even as when she was Ami water running on her skin always did something to her. As Ami her frustration always mounted because she could never do anything about it. Everyone though she was too innocent. "But now," Dark Mercury thought, "I can do as I please." She found Kunzite in his room and without knocking she walked in. To her delight and amusement Kunzite had not gotten rid of his problem. "Good," she thought. "He will be useful for once." She stood in from of Kunzite who sat on the edge of his bed.

"What do you want?" he asked frustrated whish for once she was not around.

Dark Mercury said nothing but stood in front of him and reached under her skirt. She smiled and pulled down a pair of black and blue lace panties.

Kunzite could not get himself undone quick enough.

Dark Mercury pushed Kunzite flat on his bed and then positioned her self on top of him. No words were spoken between them. When Dark Mercury was satisfied she stood, picked up her panties and with a smug smile she teleported back to her room.

As she laid on her bed Dark Mercury could not help but smile. Not only was she physically satisfied for the first time in, "Well for the first that that was not my hand," she thought. It had hurt but the pain had made her all that more excited. She was also satisfied in the fact that she had used Kunzite like he had used her in his plans to gain Metallia's power.

"Did that just really happen?" Kunzite though looking at himself, "Damn it!" he screamed in his mind noticing he still had the same problem as before but now it was worse. "I must have her again," he said to himself, "This time on my terms."

The next few weeks were a game of cat and mouse between them although there was a time when Kunzite was not sure if he was the cat or the mouse.

Dark Mercury had just come back from paying the Senshi another visit where once again Sailor Moon tired to heal her. Dark Mercury sneered as she thought about the events that had just occurred and cursed Kunzite.

"She was mine," Dark Mercury yelled appearing in Kunzite's room.

"You are mine," Kunzite smiled wickedly pushing Dark Mercury up against the stone wall.

Dark Mercury let out a moan as Kunzite ran a hand up her thigh. She realized at some point she had started to look forward to these encounters they shared. Dark Mercury would never admit it and knew if Kunzite felt the same neither would he.

Kunzite lips crashed into hers. He moved to her neck and whispered in her ear words that made her freeze.

Dark Mercury shoved him away letting nothing get through her cold exterior. "Do not fool your self Kunzite," Dark Mercury said. "Lust is the only thing between us. That and nothing more," she told him.

Kunzite crashed his body into her again pressing her against the rock wall and pressing his body into her. Kunzite slid her lace panties aside and with each thrust skimmed and with each thrust slammed her into the wall.

Dark Mercury did not like these feelings she was beginning to develop feelings towards Kunzite. "I don't need this," she yelled as the darkness swirled around her as she stood on the ledge.

"Then what do you need?" Kunzite asked as came up behind her and wrapping his arms around her.

"No you," Dark Mercury yelled tearing herself from his embrace. "You are messing with my mind. Making me feel these things, things that are not real," she yelled at him.

"They are very real," Kunzite replied coolly. "Let's rule this realm together. We can take Metallia's power for ourselves. With that power we can over throw Beryl and kill those damn Senshi."

Dark Mercury's eyes flashed when Kunzite talked of killing the Senshi. "As long as you promise that I can kill Sailor Moon this time."

"If that is what you wish," Kunzite replied.

Dark Mercury grinned as she appeared in front of her former friends.

"Ami," Usagi yelled grabbing her brooch.

"She is dead," Dark Mercury replied. "As soon you will be," she pulled her ice sword from her side.

"Please Ami," Usagi begged as she released her brooch. "I will not fight you."

Dark Mercury raised her sword above her head. "Then die!"

Usagi closed her eyes and waited for the fatale blow believing love would win in the end. That she could heal Ami and bring her back to their side. Usagi head a clash of metal but felt no pain. She opened her eyes to see Jupiter standing in front of her with her Rose Chain in her hands.

"You have to transform Usagi," Jupiter told her.

Usagi shook her head. "I will not fight Ami," she whispered.

"Usagi," yelled Jupiter.

Usagi shook her head.

"Grow up Usagi," yelled Mars standing beside Jupiter.

"Why do you protect such a weakling?" asked Dark Mercury.

"We stand by out friends," insisted Jupiter.

"Stand by your friends?" Dark Mercury mocked. "You are quick to attack a friend."

"You are no longer Mercury or Ami," Mars answered.

"I am hurt," Dark Mercury mocked.

"Enough talk," Venus said coming up beside Jupiter. "Our duty is to protect the Princess no matter from whom," Venus finished as her Love Me Chain glowed in her hand while fire formed around Mars' hand as she readied an ofuda to throw at Dark Mercury.

"Love Me Chain!" Venus yelled throwing her chain at Dark Mercury which pinned her arms to her sides and Venus pulled it taunt.

"Let me go," Dark Mercury growled.

"Usagi would never forgive us if we did not try to save you," Jupiter said. Then in barely a whisper she added. "I would never forgive myself."

"Release her," someone demanded.

The Senshi turned around to see Kunzite holding Usagi with his sword to her throat.

"Usagi," yelled Mars.

"Who is more important?" asked Kunzite. "Saving my Queen or your Princess?"

"Queen," Venus, Mars and Jupiter said in unison.

"Once I kill that Beryl bitch," Dark Mercury replied coolly.

Venus released her chain as Mars and Jupiter stepped back. "Wise choice," Kunzite said release Usagi and pushing her into Jupiter's arms as Dark Mercury picked up her sword. Dark Mercury walked up to Kunzite and pulled his lips to her in a passionate kiss that left her former friends stunned before Kunzite wrapped his cape around her and they disappointed in a flurry of black flower petals.

"Kunzite," was all Jupiter said with a crushed look on her face.

Venus only stared at where they had stood.

"Ami kissing," Usagi said shocked.

Kunzite and Dark Mercury reappeared in Kunzite's bed chamber. "Ami," he whispered kissing her neck and pinning her up against the stone wall.

"No," Dark Mercury pushed him away. "She is dead. If you must call me something then use Akumi."

Kunzite turns and puts her on the bed. Holding her wrists to the bed with his hands he loomed over her. "Why do you want me?"

"You are a means to an end," Dark Mercury replied. "Nothing more," she paused for a moment before finishing, "Shin."

"We have a common goal," he said kissing her neck.

"Metallia's power," Dark Mercury agreed. "It is time to put our plan in motion. Tomorrow is Beryl's demise and then the Senshi and Endymion will be next along with anyone who stands in our way."

"We do not have much resistance on this side," Kunzite said biting her neck. "Beryl just deposed of Nephrite the other day. Made him stab himself through the heart to show us she had complete control over us."

"Jadeite will probably stay loyal to Beryl until her end," Kunzite said and then scoffed. "He is infatuated with her. Probably thinks he is in love with her."

"And Zoicite," Dark Mercury asked.

"Probably will defect to Endymion's side if there is battle," Kunzite said. "Even with Metallia's power over him he still talks about being loyal to Endymion and that he is our true master."

"Enough talk for now," Dark Mercury said pulling Kunzite to her in a deep kiss.

At the height of their passion Dark Mercury had found out awhile ago that if she froze the blood slightly he could stay up longer and the pleasure was better than she ever had felt. Once she was at the edge she returned his blood flow to normal so they could crash over the edge together.

The next morning when Kunzite saw her she was walking toward Metallia's chamber. If she saw Kunzite she did not acknowledge him as she passed.

"Metallia," Dark Mercury yelled entering her chamber as Metallia's dark energy swirled around her. "Give me the power you never gave Beryl," she demanded.

"Why?" Metallia asked in a hiss as the chamber shook.

"Beryl has failed you every time," Dark Mercury said. "I will complete what she could not."

"Very well," Metallia hissed. "I see there is a darkness in your soul darker than even Beryl's." An unseen wind blew around Dark Mercury as dark tendrils of energy encompassed her body swirling around her until she could no long see or be seen.

When the dark energy disappeared Dark Mercury and Metallia were one. In Dark Mercury's place now stood Akumi, future Queen of the Dark Kingdom. Akumi wore a long flowing dark blue dress. The straps had two dark blue sapphires that almost looked black straps met the dress. The belt around her waist and her tiara were the only thing which remained from her fuku. Also in her hair on the side which extended from her tiara she had what looked like a black lace fan on the right side.

Kunzite had watched her transformation from the door and said nothing as she past him. Sword drawn he followed her toward the throne room to fight Queen Beryl for control of the Dark Kingdom.

"What is the meaning of this?" Queen Beryl demanded as Akumi entered the throne room followed by Kunzite.

"I have come to claim what is mine," Akumi told her.

Jadeite looked at Kunzite. "Do you also defy our queen?"

"She never was my queen," Kunzite replied. "I shall get great pleasure in killing a weakling like you." Kunzite lunged for Jadeite before he could call forth on attack and pierced Jadeite's heart with his sword.

"I am the true leader of this Kingdom because I have Metallia's full power running through my views," Akumi told Beryl. "I am not even going to waste energy in a useless battle when I can just do this." Akumi raised her left hand toward Beryl and smiled. Beryl's eyes went wide before she dropped to the floor. "I will just freeze your blood and be done with you," Akumi told the dead former queen of the Dark Kingdom as she kicked the body away from her throne as she sat down. "Youma of the Dark Kingdom hear me now," Queen Akumi commanded. "Beryl is dead. I am your new Queen."

There were still members of the Dark Kingdom who felt Beryl should be the only queen of the Dark Kingdom while Metallia was their Goddess. Now Akumi infused with Metallia power was their queen and their Goddess.

There had been an uproar shortly after Queen Akumi came to power. She would not let the youma or Kunzite fight but stared down the masses that came her way. Akumi raised her hand and gave a wicked grin.

"Dark Mist Freezing!"

A dark mist crept along the floor toward the advancing mass of youma and servants. When the mist cleared all who opposed Queen Akumi where trapped in solid ice. She was still smiling as she closed her raised hand in to a tight fist and all that were trapped in the ice shattered into many pieces as the ice did. From that day on Kunzite stood by her side as she sat in her throne ruling the Dark Kingdom and no one within the kingdom tried to oppose Queen Akumi again.

"After all this time I have grown to love Kunzite," Queen Akumi thought sitting on the throne of the Dark Kingdom. "I guess some part of me is still human if I am able to love. He shall never know he is my one weakness."

Wrote this in Jul and Aug 2009.

This is my first finished piece of my Villain Love fics that are like my Senshi Love fics. The first one is actaully Black/Lady and Mistress 9 that I started writing around May 2009 but still have not finished yet.

Villain Love by DavisJes

Villain Love © DavisJes Aug 2009

Sailor Moon © Naoko Takeuchi