Disclaimer: A History....
I don't own the Harry Potter realm.

A/N: I love Luna. I think it would be funny if Draco and Luna were together. They'd make quite a quirky couple. :)

Luna paused after she pasted another picture on her wall. "Friends" it spelt. Friends indeed. A whole lot of them, thanks to the DA. What was the new picture? A picture that seemed to glisten without any light. A smirk, blonde hair, silver eyes. You know who that would be. The one, the only, Draco Malfoy. Yes indeed, a Malfoy. How had he become Luna Lovegood's friend? Did his picture deserve a spot right beside Hermione's? Or beside Ginny's? Under Neville's? Over Harry's? Malfoy was a devious boy. A Slytherin. Wouldn't such a smart Ravenclaw girl know not to mess around with him? But Luna wasn't normal. She couldn't deal with the regularities. She couldn't deal with the stereotypes.

But how did this all start? How did the whole friendship start?

It all started in Luna's first year and Draco's Second at sorting. Draco sat smugly at the Slytherin tableg. When the names got to the end of the L's it was Luna's turn. She walked up to the stool. Draco was forced to close his eyes and open them back up, by some sort of magic that he would never understand. After that blink, he noticed the radish earrings and the wide eyes of the Lovegood girl, waiting for the hat to make a desicion. Why he found her wild hair attractive, he'd never know. But that's what's interesting about love, you never know why.

"Ravenclaw!" The hat bellowed. The Ravenclaw table cheered, The smirk on Draco's face turned to a grin. Did anyone in Slytherin notice?

Many times throughout the year, he noticed her floating about, paying no attention to where she was going. Many times he found her flitting off to the bathroom near where all the attacks had been happening. one day, he followed her in sneakily.

"Hey Myrtle," she said happily.

"Luna!" Moaning Myrtle yelled zipping out of one of the stalls.

"Do you ever feel like someone is following you? I feel like I'm being followed all the time. It could be just nargles or maybe even wrackspurts taking over my brain."

Oh no. She's onto me. Draco thought.

"Peeves follows me around all the time. But that's only because he wants to make fun of me any time he gets the chance."

"Thanks Myrtle. you helped a lot. Gotta run."

Luna passed the sinks and went through the hallway. She stopped for a second. "huh. Sounds like that tapestry is full of nargles."

She pulled back the tapestry.

"Uh... Lovegood."

"Draco, what are you doing here?"

"Uh. Just fancied a stroll," he said unconvincingly.

"Right. I'll be on my way now. Farewell."

She walked past him. Not even asking him why he was in a girl's bathroom.

He ran out of the girl's bathroom quicker than you can say he who must not be named.

Well, opinions?