One Night, One Mistake with the German Playboy

That's all it took for my life to forever change. At the time, I thought I loved him. Wait no, I knew I loved him, but I didn't know that by loving him a child would out of it.

Getting pregnant was the last thing on my mind at the time. All I could concentrate was expressing my love for him. It was wonderful, fantastic even, but who know that one night with the guy I loved, could cause me to lose him?

I sat and watched the screen with moving pictures, but I wasn't really paying attention, until a young, familiar face appeared. I stared as he posed for pictures on the red carpet. A smug smile plastered his face, as if he had the perfect life. He knew that he was loved by all, that anything asked or said, a young fan would jump at the chance to do it for him.

I picked up the controller and muted the sound. I didn't want to hear him talk about his wonderful nights with the groupies. Two and half years later, he was still the same boy. Cocky and sometimes annoying during interviews, and slept with the desperate fan girls at night. Did those girls have any sense of self-respect? I mean the guy treats you like his toy for one night, and then the next day you are just another girl added to his list.

Sometimes I wondered if he ever missed me. When he fell asleep at night, was I on his mind? Does he ever feel the same pain I do because he's not around? When he left, my life crashed and fell apart. At first, I couldn't even believe it when he said he wanted out of the relationship. I thought he loved me, but now that I look back on it, he probably said it to just get into my pants. To think that he hated the boys that said that to me just to get what they want, and then he did the same. I expected the morning after the fight, to wake up to him holding me and telling me how much he loved me and how he'd been an idiot, but that wasn't the case. He didn't come back, and he still hasn't after two and a half years.

A small cry came from the baby monitor that was clipped to my belt. I let out a sigh before trudging upstairs to my baby daughter. She was sitting in her crib, tears streaming down her face. She stretched out her arms when she saw me.

"Hey baby girl." I picked her up and sat her on my hip, gently bouncing her. A lot of people didn't want me to have her. They told me that I was too young for such a big responsibility and that I should abort her, but I couldn't. There was no way in hell that would ever happen. My love for Haley grew as the due date drew near, but I never loved anyone as much I did her, when I saw her for the first time.

When I found out I was having a baby the news wasn't so terrible for me as it probably would be for others. Secretly, I had wished for my own kid since I was fourteen. At the age of 18 I got my wish and was now 21. I just had my birthday about two months ago, and believe me, it was very boring. It consisted of me drinking till I passed out, and my mom yelling and screaming at me when I woke up later. She said I was being very irresponsible because I had let myself forget about Haley as I drank my sorrows away. She had found Haley next to me, crying, thinking that her mommy was dead, when in reality I was just too drunk to function.

Haley continued to cry as I bounced her on my hip. "Shh… It's ok…" I always had to do this, but a few minutes later, she would fall right back to sleep. Haley had been blessed with my natural, light brown hair and creamy, coffee colored skin. Her cute nose, chocolate brown eyes, and pink lips she inherited from her father, Tom Kaulitz.

I bounced her a few more times and found that she had fallen back to sleep, her head lying on my chest. I quietly walked back to the crib and laid her down gently. I took a step back and stared at her. She really did look a lot like Tom, and that broke my heart. Everytime I looked her I wanted to cry. I wanted Tom to be me with right now, but he wasn't, and I had to deal with that.

The doorbell rang downstairs, so I took one more glance at my sleeping daughter and headed down the stairs. I looked through the peephole of the front door and grimaced. I really didn't want to let him in, but I did anyway. Maybe he would help take my mind off Tom.

"Baby!" The boy said and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi." I said with no emotion.

"What? Aren't you happy to see me?" I shrugged and let him walk through the front door. "Is your mom home?"

I shook my head. "And Haley just went back to sleep."

"Oh good." He smirked and pulled me close and rested his hand on my butt. "That gives us about two hours then."

I nodded and pulled Sean up stairs. "We'll use the guest room."


I bet you guys weren't expecting that huh?

Well… the sequel is up!!! Yay! This was just a teaser. I'm not ready yet to begin posting yet. I just wanted to get this out there for you guys. I should be ready to start posting regularly in the next two weeks. I hope you guys continue to read!