This is my first fan fic I wanted to try a story about NCIS characters in high school. Kate, Tony, McGee, and Abby are freshmen at Naval Hills High. Ziva is a new girl who just moved to US from Israel and she has a sophomore brother Ari. Jenny and Gibbs are sophomores at the school. Ducky is a senior at the school and Vance is the principal of the school.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS

"Tony!" Kate yelled angrily as she saw Anthony DiNozzo, her next door neighbour who she has known since they were in kindergarten, stole her journal again.

"Looks like Katie had an interesting dream last night about her secret crush." He said tauntingly as he read the journal. She flushed at the thought of her dream about Ari Haswari last night. Ari is a sophomore who moved from Israel beginning of the year. Tony kept tormenting her about how she has a crush on him even though she doesn't.

"First do NOT call me Katie, and second I do not have a crush on him and you can't just take someone's private journal and read it without their permission. It's called invading privacy."

"Oh really because you see you left it open inside your public table so I just thought that maybe you wanted me to you know -" Tony started to say but Gibbs cut him off with a head slap, "Ouch!" Jenny then came and grabbed her journal from Tony and gave it back to her. Both Gibbs and Jenny are sophomores and they are currently dating. Gibbs is a tall quiet quarterback of the junior team and they're like big siblings to Kate and her friends.

Kate was just about to say thanks when she heard a desperate cry from the other end of the field. The cry belonged to Charles Sterling, or Chip, also known the biggest jock of the school. As she got closer she saw that Ziva David, the new girl from Israel who's also the half-sister of Ari and an old friend of Jenny, had given Chip a black eye and pinned him against the wall.

"Do not ever try to attack me from the behind again or I'll snap your neck right off." She threatened as she released her hands from his neck. Only then did Kate realize that Chip tried pulling a prank on Ziva, a 'tradition' that Chip and his basketball teammates held for every new kid in the school.

Two of Chip's friends tried to help Chip but she gave kicked one of them in the gut and kneed the other one in the groin and they both fell to the ground yelping. Chip got up and tried to fight back but before his fist reached Ziva's face, she grabbed his arm twisted it and forced him to the ground. Just when she was about to break his arm, Ari came up to her and whispered something in her ear in Hebrew. Her face just as emotionless as it had been before, she let go of Chip and stood up. Just as she turned around, Mr. Vance, their principal came and cleared the crowd that gathered up to see the new Israeli girl beat up not just any sophomore but Chip Sterling.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Vance asked angrily with his toothpick in his mouth just like always, "Mr. Sterling, the first day back and you're already in a fight? And Ms. David is it? It is not a good way to start your first day of school now is it?"

"She's completely insane; she appeared out of nowhere and broke my arm and threatened to snap my neck off." Chip told Mr. Vance as soon as he got the chance, his smug smile told everyone that he was looking for revenge.

"Mr. Sterling go to the nurse's office and get patched up and Ms. David since you are not hurt, go to my office now." Vance ordered, ignoring what Chip has just said.

"Whoa! That girl's one of your old friends right Jen? She's got crazy ninja skills." Tony asked.

"Yes my sister, Jenny, and I spent few summers together in Europe." Ari answered for Jenny.

"Really?" Tony said surprised by the sudden arrival of Ari.

"Hello Ari," Jenny greeted him politely, "It seems that Ziva still has her short temper. I hope she doesn't get into too much trouble... even though Chip started it, Ziva hurt him well... pretty badly."

"If you ask me it was time someone taught Chip and his gangs a little lesson. Who do they think they are? I mean they are so arrogant-" Tony said.

"Well, whether they deserved it or not this is definitely a bad start for Ziva," Ari interrupted, "and my father is not going to be pleased when he hear about this." As Ari continued and for the first time since they've met Kate thought that she actually saw some emotions in Ari's eyes. She could see that he really cared for his sister. She thought to herself maybe Ari wasn't as emotionless and as cold as everyone assumed he was.

"Just out of curiosity though, why do you have such a big resentment toward Charles and his friends, Anthony?" Ari asked and before Tony could reply I answered it for him.

"Tony apparently destroyed Chip's dream of becoming a scientist. In third grade Chip was this nerdy science guy and Tony dared him to use his volcano project to make a mess in the teacher's lounge which got them into a lot of trouble. Chip's parents confiscated his science 'equipments' and ever since they have been something like mortal enemies."

"Thank you for clearing that up for me Caitlin." Ari had this weird way, or a privilege if you will, of calling everyone by their full first name, even Gibbs who never ever let anyone call him Jethro except for Jenny and Ducky. The only one in the school who also had that privilege was Ducky, a senior friend of Gibbs and Jenny. "It was nice seeing you again Jenny and everyone else as well. Good bye."

Then the bell rang and it meant the start of another semester. Kate knew that it would be a different semester from the last and she had no idea what it means for her and her friends but one thing for sure and that is, it's going to be interesting.

TBC & please review