Chapter one: Day 84, Week three of Dark eco treatments

So hey, :D, didn't see you coming in.
This is my very first fan-fic -shivers-. This story is placed in the experimenting era.
There is JakXErol (oh erol, when you said you wanted Jak you really meant it didn't you?) Uh, meaning rape scene so -Turns to plushi jak- S-sorry man. I will be introducing an OC into this shin dig, but later in the chapters. Hopefully she'll give original characters a good name, she's not a mary-sue, i swear!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Jak and Daxter characters and all that jazz.

"Day 84 of experimentation and observation and Week three of Eco treatment" muttered a tall armoured elf into a recording device as he starred at a smaller being in a cell in front of him. "Nothing has changed, although..." The taller one stopped between his sentence and gazed at the other elf, "I think he's starting to speak" A smirk played across his marked face. The creature in the cage seemed to be breathing heavily between small hiccups, his body contorted into a fetal position.

Erol put the device down and knelled in front of the cell, "You're not gonna cry, are you Jak?" he asked as a young Jak shook his head violently. Erol started to laugh maniacally as he unhinged the cells' door, "I think i see a tear, you pussy". Jak got up slightly, his body sore from the Barons experiments and from Erols alternative ones. He managed to scoot away from Erol, his small body pressing against the cell wall.

The marked elf squatted in front of the blond and reached his hand out. Jak shivered and closed his eyes, his body getting ready for yet another examination. But, to Jaks surprise, all he felt was Erols thumb against his cheek. "I told you I saw I tear" Erol said tauntingly as he brought his thumb to his lips, and gingerly licked the tear away. "I'm too tired right now anyway, I'll let you rest" he said before getting up and leaving the cell.

Jak was now alone in the darkness. His heart felt weird, angry and disgusted. 'I don't know what happened" Jak thought, letting out a small whimper as his eyes closed slowly. He couldn't believe it, today they made him speak...

Jak was just getting used to the small experiments. They were mostly just written questions and vigorous physical agility tests. Which Jak was good at. His body was slender, but muscular. He did get weird injections daily and they didn't hurt too badly. Plus, Dax was going to rescue him soon! But today, it was something different.

"Okay freak, we're gonna do something new today" Erol said as he opened the door to patient number 36s' cell. Jak walked out, the stuff they injected him with yesterday made him fatigued and slightly hungry.

Erol brought him to a cold room, the walls were gray in color and the floors were aluminum. Smack in the center of the room was a chair. The chair had arm and leg bounds, and around the chair loomed strange machinery. Jak gulped, trying to swallow the adams' apple that tried to come out. "Sit down, we're gonna start soon" barked Erol, pushing Jak down onto the device as he tugged a tuff of jade and blond hair. As the taller figure played with his pray, The Baron strolled in. "Stop being a fag Erol and record this". Erol got up reluctantly and picked up a recorder. The Baron examined Jak, his huge calloused hands running up and down the teens' body. The Baron touched Jak differently than Erol did, not as... lecherous.

"Okay, we're ready to start..." Said the Baron as he opened Jaks' mouth and peered down his throat. Baron stepped back and the machines started to move, "Do about forty kilo Jules of dark eco". Dark eco. Jak opened his mouth, but was interrupted by a sudden flash of caustic pain. He could feel every vein in his body, every molecule seared with heat. Jak yelled, jerking on the restraints with desperation.

This went on for about half an hour before the Baron decided it was enough. He turned the machines off, and examined Jak again. "It seems nothing has happened, weird, we'll do another round tomorrow" The boss said before retorting,"Erol, get him washed up and ready". 'W-What was that?!' Jak thought, swallowing hard, tasting iron in his mouth. "You heard the Baron" said the tattooed-face of Erol. "Let's get all ready for dinner" he added as he yanked Jak out of the restraints and brought him up. Jak felt his stomach flip upside down as he was brought to the prisons' oh so luxurious bathrooms.

There were other prisoners there, all male. The Baron was going to make the bathrooms co-ed, but he decided not to give them the pleasure. Jak loathed bathing here; he hated having everyone's' glare, with their sick and tired faces. Some carried on with their business, while others watched Erol strip him down. Jak starred at them, his ocean hued eyes full of question. But then again, today was different and Erol brought Jak into a shower stall. "Get naked" he commanded the shamed hero, and when he disobeyed he got hit.

Jak fell on the floor; he could feel something new in his belly, a flame of anger. Erol picked him up and stripped Jak of his clothes, he did it organically. He has done this before. 'Please Erol don't do this' Jak thought as the other being reached for a bar of soap. Used soap, it touched so many bodies. He squirmed as Erol lathered Jaks behind. Erol then shed his clothes as well, "I've seen you naked before, you don't have to be shy" he coaxed as the blonde silently mouthed inaudible words. Jak gulped down tears as he wet his hair. "You have to let me do this to you Jak, that's what the Baron said, he said I have to get you... all... washed... and... READY" Erol pushed Jak onto the slippery floor and kissed him violently. His tongue tried to invade Jaks mouth, "N-Nnnn!!" was all he could muster as he felt Erol against him.

Jaks' vision was blurry as he tried pushing him away. "So slippery", Erol teased while he stuck two fingers inside of Jak. 'Please...Please' Jak thought, trying to fight, why couldn't he fight? Jak started to sob silently as Erol entered him, with a hearty grunt. "Yes!" Erol groaned with a deep thrust. He kept pulling on Jaks hair, and with every tug Jak grew angrier; he could hear his heart in his ears. "Why don't you say my name? Huh, Jak?" panted Erol, before laughing, "You can't say nothing! No one can hear you!!" he forced Jak against a wall, biting his shoulder as he let out small moans. Jaks' stare fell onto the ground, bright fresh blood mixed in with the water.

"Please" Jak whispered, his new voice startling him for a second. Erol stopped thrusting and leaned into Jak, "What did you say?" he asked him, pulling his hair back, "I can't hear you, bitch" he growled before thrusting as hard as he could. "E-Erol, n-no" the younger teen panted, "Erol, please... S-STOP!!!". Erol ignored him as he washed Jaks' body with bloody water ,"Say my name again, I dare you!" But it was too late, Erol was done, the evidence was all over Jaks nude body and inside of him. He fell onto the concrete floor and let himself silently cry. Erol spat at Jak,"Pussy" and left.

Jak starred at his own hands,"Why?" He kept asking the question until anger filled the bottom of his stomach, the heart beat in his ears thumped louder, and until it felt his ear drums would burst. "WHY?!" he roared, punching the floor, his vision turning dark purple for a few moments.

No more nice Jak, No. This was just the beginning.

So, there we go... a brand new fan-fic. I really hope you like it. I felt like it dragged on for a bit, so constructive criticism or praise is always a good thing. I usually recommend music to go with the stories, but none come to mind right now. I'll go and write more chapters ._. I'm actually excited for the next one...