Disclaimer: We've got everything from dating!fic to established-relationship!fic to full on married-with-kids!fic. This is definitely not canon and therefore I do not own them. ;_;

Flailed over by Lu. Not sure if it counts as betaing, but we'll call it good. :D

Summary: Shawn knows he's not supposed to say words like that. Especially in front of the kids.

"Son of a bitch!"

Giggles and some gasps broke out from the group surrounding him as the hammer hit the ground.

He shook his hand and looked at the thumb, then sucked it into his mouth to soothe the sting. That freaking hurt.

"Shawn Spencer!"

More giggles and a chorus of "Ooooooh!" in the universal sound of witnessing someone get caught by Mom followed.

Shawn turned to look at his wife, the ever beautiful Juliet Spencer, nee O'Hara.

"I hurt my thumb," he said in a pitiful voice, holding out his hand for her to see.

She was still glaring, but she took it and pulled it close, giving it the expected inspection.

"You'll be fine," she pronounced, but her tone was more annoyed than comforting.

"Kiss it better?" he said, pouting.

She stared and he wiggled the thumb back and forth. "Jules, it hurts."

She rolled her eyes, but he could see the amusement that lay just under her irritation. A kiss was pressed to the soon to be bruised flesh, then she turned and pulled him along with the hand she still held.

"Jules, I have to finish the tree house!" he protested, trying to pull free.

"Not until I wash your mouth out with soap for swearing."


"You know the rule, Shawn. And we agreed that we'd follow the rules right along with the kids because if they're not supposed to do it, neither are we."

"Can't I just put a dollar in a jar in the kitchen?" he pleaded.

She looked back and arched an eyebrow. "We tried that. It only made you guys swear more."

Giggling followed that from the door leading out back. She glanced over, but he ignored it and grinned.

"Yeah, but think how fast we earned our Disneyworld vacation!"

She rolled her eyes and kept moving into the kitchen, grip on his wrist firm and unyielding.

Before she could grab the soap, though, she was turned around and pressed to the counter next to the sink, Shawn leaning in to kiss her until her head spun and every muscle in her body went limp and then it was a very good thing he was crowding her so close or she'd be on the ground.

"You know," he said, when he finally pulled away--just enough for her to gasp for all the air she'd been deprived of, not so far he couldn't nuzzle her face, planting the occasional soft kiss on her cheeks and eyelids and the corner of her mouth and the tip of her nose, "your pretty little mouth-" He kissed the mouth in question so her slowing pulse kicked up again. "-Isn't as clean as you'd like to pretend. The spirits tell me you still swear at work."

She swallowed, trying to form coherent thoughts through the haze that his light, butterfly strength kisses created every time. "But- Um . . . I- You-" She gasped when he found that spot right under her ear that seemed to be connected to her knees somehow and had the ability to turn them to liquid when kissed. She had to grab onto his arms to steady herself.

He tightened his hold as well when he felt her falter and she could feel him smile against her neck before he kissed his way back to her lips.

Then his hands moved to her waist and she felt another brief moment of vertigo as he lifted her up to sit on the counter.

He kissed her one last time, deep and long and brain-frying in intensity, then pulled back.

She had a vague notion of hearing a strident, "Gross!" followed by shushing from the doorway.

Shawn reached behind her to the sink and grabbed the soap.

"If I get it, so do you," he said, waggling the bar back and forth with that damn grin of his on his face.

She scowled.

"Spirits my ass. I know your secret, Mister."

Shawn's eyes widened and his mouth formed an 'O' of surprise, before the grin came back twice as strong. There were more giggles and another low, "Oooooh!" from the peanut gallery.

"See? Told you."

More giggles came from the doorway and Juliet let her head drop into her palm with a groan.

"Okay fine," she said, lifting her head again, amusement and annoyance warring on her face.

"Damn you're adorable when you do that."

"Do what?" she said, adding, "And that's another one for you."

His grin widened and he kissed her again.

"Make that face," he explained, reaching behind her on the other side to the cupboard. He pulled down a jar from the top level and then retrieved his wallet and pulled out two dollars and put them in the jar.

"Shawn-" she protested.

"Jules," he countered. "Even if it's not going to kill us, soap in our mouths really can't be good for us. And it tastes totally nasty. And I wanna go back to Disneyworld," he said, putting just a bit of a whine into his tone.

She rolled her eyes.

"You know we can go without having to save up money in a swear jar, right? We both make more than enough to cover the cost of a vacation."

"But this is more fun! And the kids get to contribute too."

She snorted. "Somehow, I don't think this is what all those parenting books are talking about."

The back door had gone conspicuously silent.

He pouted, adding the puppy dog eyes, and then pitching his voice in just the right tone.

"Please, Jules?"

She sighed and looked heavenward for strength.

Shawn apparently saw that as an invitation to kiss her on the throat. Which she didn't mind, but it made it hard to stand firm on her idea. Or, you know, even just think.

"Okay fine," she said.

He pulled back and she looked down to see him grinning. "Love you," he said and kissed her again, a quick press of lips.

She blinked rapidly the way she always had to when he said it like that, out of nowhere and just . . . stating it like it was a fact of life, a natural law or something that he was just reminding her of. Just because.

Almost like he didn't even know he was saying it.

"Now it's your turn."

"I love you," she said and kissed him, though hers was neither quick nor a press of lips. Her involved tongues and teeth and her arms around his neck and his thumbs sliding up under the hem of her t-shirt to brush against her skin.

When they finally pulled back he coughed lightly, clearing his throat. "Wow. Uh, that was . . ."

She was pleased to see that for once he was the one light headed and dazed.

Then he shook himself. "That was awesome. But I meant it was your turn to put money in the jar for swearing."

She blinked at him. "What?"

"You said ass."

"You just said ass."

"You said ass again."

"I was just repeating you when you said it first!"

"You still said ass. Twice."


He kissed her again, then pulled three more dollars out of his wallet and dropped them in the jar.

"Are you going to be a good example or a bad one?" he asked, jerking his head toward the door.

She looked over to see the faces of all their children pressed up against the screen, wide grins that the most certainly learned from their father on their little mouths.

She sighed and said, "Fine."

She pushed against him and he pushed back and his fingers ghosted along her ribs, tickling a giggle out of her.

"Shawn! Stop it!" she managed to get out between giggles.

"Not escaping until you pay," he singsonged.

"I have to get my purse."

"One of the kids'll get it."

The door exploded open as they rushed inside, racing through into the house to look for it like a speed round of a scavenger hunt.

"Found it!" one little voice crowed and they all came back in a thundering rush of little feet as the youngest of the Spencer clan clutched the bag that was almost half her size to her chest.

She held it up and Juliet accepted it with a, "Thank you."

She dug out the two dollars she owed and put them in the jar to the sound of cheering from her kids.

Shawn was grinning and he kissed her one more time, then helped her down from the counter.

"Now, time to finish the tree house!" he said punching the air with a fist and spawning more cheers. "And then? Ice cream!"

The noisy cheering tumbled out the door as everyone ran to retake their places at whatever task they'd been assigned to do before they were interrupted by Dad's cussing and Mom's momming.

And of course the kissing. Gross.

Shawn and Juliet walked to the door, but before she got out she was pulled back against her husband's chest, his arms wrapping around her stomach and his chin coming to rest on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Jules."

"For what?" she asked, turning her head. "Being a total pushover?"

He kissed her.

"For giving me everything I ever wanted."

He let her go and slid past her out the door, calling out encouragement and making jokes, the kids laughing and giggling as they got their construction project started again.

She had to stand there for a moment, one arm wrapped around her stomach and the other hand pressed to her mouth as tears welled up that had to be blinked away.

"No, Shawn. Thank you."

Review, plz&thx.