Decisions. Choices. Making Up Your Mind. Lily had never been very good with these kinds of things. Except when arguing with James. She could always decide what comeback to use, and usually they were pretty cold. But she didn't want to be cold shouldered with James anymore. He had changed for the better, but with this change he had stopped asking her out. It would take a lot of courage on her part to ask him herself.

"So," her conscious asked her, "With or Without?"

Lily pressed her forehead against the window and looked at the scenery that was flying by. She looked, but she didn't see. Instead a mental argument was going on inside the fiery redhead.

"I neeeeeed Him!" The somewhat delirious part of her brain screamed.

"Come on now, you've gone a long, long time without him." The non-mental part argued. "Seventeen years, actually."

"Yes, but I've only wanted to be with him for about three months now. I'm already about to burst. He smiled at me today and I thought I was going to faint!"

"Be brave, Lily. You are a strong independent woman. You will go without and you will enjoy it!" Note To Self: Do not let other side of brain have control when stalking James.

"Well, maybe you're right, but-"

She was jerked away from this state by a rather sharp poke in the shoulder.

"Lily, We've arrived." Her best friend, Alice, said.

"You go ahead, I'll be right behind you."

Alice left, looking a little apprehensive.

Lily shoved a long forgotten book into her bag and swiftly left the compartment She was going to sneak out, no questions asked. That was the plan, anyway. It's just too bad that plan evaporated from her completely mental mind when he showed up.

What she did next was completely involuntary. She didn't mean to. She let the delirious side of her mind take over, and then it kind of slipped out.


Evidently she wasn't strong enough for this.