I finished! Yes I should warn you though that I do not think this chapter makes much sense. I have been struggling with it since I finished the last chatper, I have not really known what to put in it or how it should go. Each time I would start it it would only hit a dead wall that I could not climb over. so then today, after some much need lack of sleep I was able to get this done. I finished this at two in the morning so if it doesn't make sense (again) tell me so I can try to finish it.

It is all mostly done in POV Zoro due to the fact that I could not figure out how to do it. The rest seemed to be easy.

Thanks for reading this whole story tell the ending, i hope you all enjoyed it. And yes, it isn't suppose to have a horror/sad/ etc ending. Happy is what I was going for, didnt' work, did it. haha.

He stared out at them as if threw a looking glass. Clouded even after he blinked to clear the smoke away, it was irk some and yet it drew him to watch and participate. He could only see them, an outer body experience, as he stood and looked at 'Luffy' yet he knew though without no reason that the man in front of him WAS not Luffy. So he continued to stare at him, watching as the man turned to look at some people on a boat coming and stalling next to the going Merry.

The first person he saw board the ship was a woman, dark haired and an aura of strength surrounding her before members of his crew came aboard, all glancing around the ship. Their eyes lingering on him before looking at the 'Luffy' imposter, he didn't know why but he felt like he HAD to watch.

So he continued to stare, ensnarled into this moving picture where the sound faded in and out as the man who looked identical to Luffy fought his friends, throwing Ussop over board after delivering a deadly strike to his stomach making the sniper cough up enough blood that Zoro KNEW he should be concerned.

Yet he didn't believe that this was happening. He felt like it was a moving picture, something that wasn't supposed to be true and here he was seeing it with, what he believed to be, his eyes. Sanji was the next one to step p to bat as the man turned sharply to stare at the woman as she stayed in the far back letting his crew mates fight in her stead. HE felt appalled by this though when he turned to look at Sanji he heard words being spoken, yet they sounded jumbled to his ears. He could not make out a single word or sound.

His eyes trailed over Sanji's form, picking out hints of something 'off' and it bothering him until his vision faded to be replaced with a different angle of what he was seeing. He was now closer to the floor- sitting or laying down- while watching Sanji being slammed to the floor, a strangled cry of pain reaching Zoro's ears before he saw the man's hand gripping Sanji's throat giving it enough pressure that Zoro could literally feel crawling up and over his skin before he heard the man say in a low baritone voice, a growl that he knew Luffy could never do, "You don't have to fear me, Sanji, Luffy's no longer part of this body or mind." Zoro frowned, not understanding the meaning that was obviously being shared threw those few and yet drastically syllables.

Then Zoro saw something he knew he should never see. Sanji looked shattered before the fire in his eyes dulled. He watched as Sanji began to die and he nearly screamed out before his vision was engulfed by fire. He started coughing, feeling every muscle in his chest tighten and panic as the smoke began to build, neither dimming or sparking a fire before he heard something being thrown, breaking the already broken mast before a deafening cry then nothing more.

He couldn't stand not being able to understand what was happening, but he noticed that the senery started changing warping into something more of the unknown, almost as if hours had passed before him.

He then noticed that he was crying, tears trailing down his cheeks and his throat constricted before a hand resting on his shoulder. His head was titled to the side, slim and small fingers under his chin holding them to look at a bloody face before the woman came into view.

Her lips moved and it was obvious to him that she was trying to convey something to him before she pointed to the bodies of not one but of his crew, all five of them. Their faces were white, covered in severe cuts and bruises before something jumped out to him as he looked at the scene.

Luffy's body was laid a few feet away, near a broken mast while the rest of the crew huddled in the middle of the deck. He watched again, seeing their faces before they all began to meld together and he knew then without even fully understanding this situation that something had obviously been broken within his crew, his friends.

Then his mind was enveloped in the mist and the dark swarm around him closing off his perception of the world. His senses gone: sight, hearing, smell, and touch.

He felt dead for the first time, and knew that he too had felt that snap like those of this crew.


The people of the island watched as Kuina began to prey. When they had learned of the truth they had been shocked but after some conciliation they no longer held it against her. She had been here, helping them, and had loved them threw out her trials. It was the least they could do for all that she had done for them.

They watched her as every pore on her body started to turn into jagged cuts, her blood pooling around her yet floating off the ground, growing bigger before splitting into six spheres , each changing and rearranging themselves to fit something that would work for those they were intended for.

They watched diligently before the spheres reached the six crew members and slowly began to engulf then, tinting their clothes red and their skin a dull maroon color. It stained them all before seeping into their skin, their prior wounds healing as the spheres drew a line, thin as the serious and deadly wounds became nonexistent. They drew back to Kuina.

The village watched as she died, giving her life to save the life of the crew she had reputably destroyed.


The crew woke up, one by one, back on their ship, the going merry, to find her fixed, stocked, and to show no evidence of the island they had just visited. Though in their minds they deemed not to say if it was true of not.

The first one to confront the unanswered questions and the tension that came with that answer sent the crew into a nervous shock. Only bits and pieces of their encounter were known to the whole crew, yet two of them could not remember any island or anything that dealt with such a severe amnesia to attack the whole crew.

"I don't understand how we all could forget so much of what happened." Sanji said, looking at Zoro as he lifted more of his ridiculous weights about before turning to Nami. "I only remember that… That Zoro was in trouble." Nami nodded before she shivered as she looked at Ussop and Chopper playing with Luffy, though they seemed a little distant from him.

It had been obvious to the whole crew that the situation had changed their relationship drastically. They had stated avoiding Luffy if they were alone. Chopper, though, had seemed more concerned with the after effects of this having on their captain and first mate.

It did not seem to be like there was going to be one until a few days out on the sea after they awoke. Luffy sat at his usual spot before turned to look at Zoro sleeping, a smile spread across his childish face catching the attention of Sanji and Nami while Robin tensed almost waiting for the battle to begin anew.

Yet it only last for a few seconds before his goofy grin was plastered on his face as he shouted to Sanji for food. It had almost been a dream.

The next thing that had sent the wrong signals that the situation was no longer behind them but still drawing upwards was when Zoro became sick, a fever that rivals Nami's when she was sick at the beginning. It grew until he became delirious and nearly violent. He had spoken in a tongue that they knew not. Until Luffy laughed, the laugh Creed used often at their expense, as he said to them, a chill that made them all realize in a dreaded horror.

Creed and Luffy were more melded together then anyone would ever guess. His words made the whole crew realize that his determination to stay by Zoro's side, be he the one from so long ago or the one who had become so close to them.

Zoro had returned normal a few days later, but the damage was done. Their bonds were closer to ripping but it had been pointed out to them that it was indeed not how it could have been.

Though Creed had changed a small and slightly significant part of Luffy, Luffy was still here breathing and in control. Zoro no longer believe or knew who he had been in a prior life times before.

It was that thought that made them desire to return to anything that used to resemble normalcy: even if that meant not seeing the small and yet obvious signs of change.
