My first Yaoi so please be kind! Thanks and please leave me some reviews? Btw if i spelt okami wrong please tell me!

Lately he wasn't feeling himself. He was always feeling as if his body was in fever but no matter how many times he tried to address it was ignored and usually faced with a "sit-fit" from Kagome which only made him feel even worse.

The inu sat in a circle with his friends, they were all huddled next to a fire. The inu felt sweat beads on his forehead neck and arms.

"Hey Inuyasha you don't look….or smell right." Shippo asked innocently.

"Just a cold no biggie." Was all he responded he didn't want to make the kit worry. He was now seen as the kits father and even mother. Kagome had the fleeting impression that he thought of her as his mother but Shippo had told Inuyasha over a thousand times how he thought of her as an onee-chan and nothing more.

The two had even discussed that after the group split how Shippo would become his son for sure and that then they could live together. The young inu would raise Shippo to be a strong demon. Because he knew if the kit stayed with humans he wouldn't be able to protect himself sufficiently when he was an older demon.

"Now that you mention it you do look a bit pale Inuyasha. I mean demons aren't known to get colds. And I'm sure that since you're a half demon that if YOU are sick from something that me, Miroku, and Kagome should have whatever it is ten fold. Maybe we should head back to the village." Sango observed.

"She's right Inuyasha if Sango thinks that something is wrong then I think we should heed her advice and get you checked out by Kaede." Miroku added.

"Oh come on guys! He's probably just faking it! Knowing this lazy guy for as long as I have he probably just wants to rest his lazy ass!"

"Kagome, I know that there's something wrong with him! He smells different!"

"Shippo he could have used some spell or something. Come on lets just keep going and leave Inu-Lazy to himself." Kagome turned her nose in an immature manner, packed up her stuff and started walking carrying shippo over her shoulder. The kit looked at his father/mother with worry.

Inuyasha just urged him to go as Sango and Miroku started to pack up watching him warily.

"Are you sure you'll be okay I mean we could get Kagome to rest a bit."

"Nah its okay I'll be right behind you guys."

He watched as the two became small specks in the distance and started to trudge towards them. He skidded and his vision blurred he felt dizzy but he kept on going he wasn't holding anyone back. Well that's what he thought until he ended up heaving a load of all he had eaten in probably a whole week.

"uhg" He groaned. Something was very wrong with him but he couldn't place it. After what felt like ions he reached a clearing. He saw Kagome sprawled across her sleeping bag and holding Shippo in a death grip. He saw Sango all the way on one corner of the clearing and Miroku in the extreme opposite with an angry hand mark on his cheek. Gee didn't take a lot to figure out what he had done.

When the inu took one more step he felt his legs collapse but landed in a forest of soft fur. "Thanks Kirara." He mumbled against the fire cat. She mewed in worry.

"I'm not sure what's wrong with me either but I hope its doesn't last long other wise we'll never find the jewel shards." In all honesty though the inu was starting to doubt it would be better to even put the whole jewel together once again. Whoever welded it went mad. He would destroy Naraku but after that he didn't know what he would do. Or what Shippo would do.

"Papa!" He heard a worried yell. As the fox kit jumped into his weak arms. "Papa why'd you just collapse! Your sick aren't you!"

"No, Shippo I'm just a bit tired is all."

"Your lying Papa!" He looked down at the kit he now considered his own, tears threatening to spill. He never even wanted to make the kit sad. That's why he lied the way he did. So that the kit wouldn't shed any unnecessary tears.

"Shippo, calm down I'm just tired is all. Okay. I'll rest a bit and then I'll be fine again."

"Are you sure?" The kit said in between sniffles.

"Yeah I'm sure. Just don't call me Papa around the ningens okay? We don't want to draw out that issue quite yet."

"Okay Pa- I mean Inuyasha"

"That's my good little kit" He said while rubbing the kit's head affectionately. "Now go snuggle up with Kagome so she doesn't throw a fit in the morning."

"Kay Papa!" Shippo hugged Inuyasha before going back to snuggle next to Kagome. After Inuyasha was sure that Shippo was asleep he sighed. Whatever was wrong with him he hoped it would pass soon.


"Inuyasha!" He heard the miko's voice nag angrily.

"Nnn...let me sleep a bit more okay?" He turned to the side. Sango and Miroku eyeing him worriedly. The inu almost never slept and they had never once seen him sleep in. He was always awake and alert before they were even awake.

"Inuyasha you wake up and eat the food I made!" Kagome yelled in his sensitive ears loudly. Although he would never admit it having her scream in those sensitive dog ears was very painful for him.

"Can't I just eat it later? Give me ten minutes or something!"

"NO I SAID NOWI didn't cook just for you to be a hard ass and not eat anything. NOW MOVE YOUR LAZY ASS AND EAT BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" Kagome screeched.


"Kagome! How has my woman been doing lately?" Kouga asked flirtatiously.

"Good now that your here Kouga" Kagome giggled in a way that almost made the poor hanyou shudder. "Well great except for the fact Inu-Lazy has been giving me a lot of grief cause he's to lazy to do anything! Can you believe that he even pretends that he's sick for it!" Kouga looked pointedly at the inu.

The Okami leader sensed something was wrong with the air. He sniffled and realized whatever the scent was, was coming from Inuyasha. A very sweet scent...that could only mean-


In the ground was an Inuyasha shaped crater. The hanyou had passed out after the first sit but Kagome kept on going. Kouga watched in horror when he realized that the first sit had made the hanyou pass out.

"Kagome stop it!"

"But why Kouga he deserved it!"

"Well the reason that Inuyasha is sick is because...because umm he's 'transforming' into a different form." Kouga half lied.

"What do you mean Kouga?"

"Well there comes a time in every demons life when he transforms into a more mature form of demon...when it happens its very painful and sickening. When I first transformed I was out of commission for a full two weeks. Seeing as its one week in the mutt had to have lasted a whole week without any umm...'treatment'."

"ohhh I get it so its like when a demon hits puberty?"

"Not exactly..." Was Kouga's shaky reply. " I mean considering this is probably going to be one of his most vulnerable times I guess that I could somewhat sorta help the mutt." Shippo jumped onto Kouga's leg hugging it happily.

"Would you? Your gonna help Pa- i mean Inuyasha get better?!" Shippo exclaimed. Kouga looked down at the fox kit an eyebrow raised. He must have been the only one to hear him say Pa- as in Papa. He had noticed for a while anyway the kit and hanyou had more of a connection than just comrades. The kit looked up to Inuyasha as his father and the inu looked at him like he was his son.

Not that the hanyou wouldn't be baring any children of his own. Or from what Kouga could tell anyway. Inuyasha was defintaly giving off the smell and reaction of an Uke male.

He had been taught by his father that when an Uke male went into a heat without any male they would show symptoms of a pregnant woman in a way. With all the vomiting, dizziness, and all what not. Kouga was really wishing that he paid more attention to his father though...he knew he was forgetting something important.

Oh well! He would just need to figure it out later. Somehow. It was almost impossible to find any information on male Ukes these days hence they were so rare. All the more reason they were so prized.

It was pretty cool to Kouga though that he was actually meeting an unmated Uke. Usually they were taken within the first hours of there first heat. As soon as it happened thousands of male Semes would immediately target them seeing as they were so rare. Hanyou or Youkai. It didn't matter. (Humans didn't fit into the mix since they could choose either position hence their bondings were so weak it didn't matter anyway).

"Hey Kagome...umm before I travel with the mutt shouldn't we...oh I don't know get him conscious and bandaged up or something?!" Him being in his first heat meant he was at his weakest and was probably going to heal at a humanly rate.

"Oh lighten up Kouga he'll get over it...he always does." Wait this bitch had done this to Inuyasha more than once? Somehow this really pissed him off.

"Kagome I REALLY think we should bandage him up. He isn't healing at his normal rate."

"Kouga Inuyasha can survive anything! Its fine even if hes healing a tad bit slower." Kouga felt his anger levels rise and for some reason he wanted to knock out this chick and hurt her ten fold as much as she did Inuyasha.

"Fine" He grumbled. Ubruptly he picked up the hanyou bridal style and walked away quickly.

"In the distance he heard Kagome yell when are you bringing him back?" But he was to filled with rage to care.

"Kouga" a young voice called. "please take care of my Papa." Shippo said tears in his eyes. "I want him safe and back to his normal self again so please" the kit now had tears streaming down his face.

"I don't know how you caught up kid but I won't let the mu- I mean your Papa get hurt and he'll be healthier when he comes back no doubt." Shippo hugged him affectionatly.

"Your not so mean after all Kouga!" He jumped of the wolf and then ran back to ningen just how he knew his father would say if he was still consious. Stupid Kagome. The kit thought angrily.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~On Kouga's journey with Inuyasha~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It couldn't have been over three hours and Kouga's arms and legs were quivering with need. Not once. Okay maybe three or four times had the okami thought of Inuyasha in any way more than a friend. But right now he had the dying urge to take him. They wouldn't be back at his den for two hours and even if there it was the midst of mating season and everyone was either locked up and fucking like bunnies or two young to do so.

"God damn it mutt why do you have to smell and look so tempting!" Kouga said. Inuyasha scent had been teasing him for hours it smelf delicious. And he knew it must taste that way as well.

"God I want to fuck you straight into the ground" All he heard was a sleepy mumble from the inu.

Kouga tried to quicken his running pace but still trying to be gentle with the hanyou. Unfortunately he stumbled when hitting a bolder. Abruptly waking the hanyou.

"What where am I? Wait Kouga what the fuck do you think your doing?! Let me go" He said while struggling against the okami. Only turning him on more. "Wait why are you looking at me like tha-mmm?!" Before he could finish Kouga's lips were on his as he lowered the hanyou to the ground and pinning him.

"Kouga no we're both males!" Inuyasha exclaimed. But being silenced again by the rough pair of lips. Kouga's hands wandered their way through the top of Inuyasha's haori and were playing with the taught nipples. Immediately making them hard. As well as other places.

"Yeah and your an Uke." Inuyasha's struggling stopped. Kouga took the opportunity to pin his hands above his head.

"I'm a WHAT!"

"An Uke. A bottom. A fuck toy. Now shut up and let me fuck you!"

"NO!" Inuyasha kicked at kouga's legs but Kouga over powered him straddling his legs.

"Now listen I'm going to fuck you and do a good job of it whether you want me to or not!" Kouga crashed their lips to each other so hard that their teeth clacked together. He shoved his tongue down the inu's throat as his free hand started playing with the nipples once again. Against his will Inuyasha cried out.

"That's what I want to hear puppy." He whispered in the inus ear seductively before licking the lobe and sucking it into his mouth.

"Mnn" Was Inuyasha's weak response.

Before the hanyou even realized Kouga had him naked and under him.

"When the-

"Don't ask just enjoy." Kouga's hand still bound the hanyous arms.

Kouga kissed down the hanyou's neck and placed sloppy kisses on his chest. Sucking both the hanyous nipples while pinching the other. Never in Inuyasha's life had he experienced such pleasure.

Somehow kouga managed to flip the hanyou onto his stomach while he licked down his back and parted his cheeks.

Kouga stared in awe at the puckered pink hole. How he would ever fit himself in he would never no.

"Kouga don't you even think of-" Once again the hanyou was cut off when he felt Kouga's hot fleshy tongue in between his cheeks. And then licking at his entrance.

"What was that puppy?" Inuyasha only moaned as he felt the hot wet fleshy tongue enter his hole. "that's what I thought" And with that the okam thrust his tongue madly into the hanyou.

"Kouga nooooo it feels weird!" The request fell on deaf ears as kouga slipped in a finger stretching him out. "N-no stop it!"

Kouga wiggled his finger and then curling it experimentally and hitting the hanyous sweet spot. "Ahhh"

Kouga wanted to hear more moans and then hastily added a second, then a third, even a fourth into the hanyou. Making it his duty to find his spot and pleasure him.

By this point Kouga was painfully hard. He could tell the hanyou was as well. Kouga then did something completely unexpected. He added his whole hand into the inu. Inuyasha felt the pain and cried in agony. "Pull it out Kouga please just do it and we can forget any of this ever happened." Tears spilled from the hanyous eyes. Yes Inuyasha was crying.

"Well what if I don't want to forget what then puppy?" He said while thrusting the hand in stretching out the hanyou even more. His new goal: find the hanyou's sweet spot.

Once again he curled his fingers until he found a spot that the puppy screamed out at but a cry of pleasure and not pain. He hit over and over until the hanyou finally cried out.

"K-k-kou-gaahhhh I feel something strange" He whimpered/moaned.

"Let it puppy all of it." The hanyou shuddered and for the first time in his life came. It sprayed all over the grass leaving a clear sticky substance on the ground.

The hanyou laid his head in exhaustion.

"We aren't done yet puppy. But its good to know your those types of uke that don't need to be touched to cum"

"Wh-wha?" He asked tiredly.

"I haven't cum yet."

And with that Kouga pulled out his hand roughly. He spit onto his hands rubbing the saliva and precum onto his shaft. Groaning at the feel of friction.

He positioned himself at the hanyou's entrance. And thrust himself completely into the hanyou. Inuyasha felt like he was ripping in two. Tears spilled down his cheeks and sobs raked through his body.

"Shhh its okay puppy. It will get better soon I promise." Kouga whispered sweet nothings into the hanyou's ear until Inuyasha finally adjusted to Kouga's mammoth cock.

Inuyasha whimpered in want but didn't want to say it. He had pride still! So physically he pushed back onto the okami to show he wanted it too. Kouga began to thrust hard and fast into the inu hitting his sweet spot every time.

"Harder." The inu whispered. Kouga picked up and started pounding into him. "Faster" the inu whimpered. Kouga moved at an human pace (No duh he's a demon!)

Kouga was getting close. The delicious friction and the feel of the inus virginial walls tightly gripping him where to much.

"Kouga i'm ahhh" Inuyasha shot his load into the grass once again. As his walls clamped on Kouga so hard he couldn't even move. He wanted to go deeper but couldn't so he just came where he was.

The okami bit into the inus neck to signify they were 'this seasons mate' and then pulling him into an open mouthed sloppy kiss. Not caring when the salivia was dripping down their chins. He separated from the kiss and watched as a saliva trail was made between them. Licking it away and then licking the saliva on Inuyasha chin up to his mouth. Giving him a small peck he laid the exhausted inu onto his chest and nuzzling his face in the silver hair.

He could get use to this.

Chaptire une COMPLETE! Okay now for the rest of the story...