Document Opened: 08/05/20009, 05:24pm.

Authors Note:
For the 100_Tales sommunity over at LiveJournal.

Pairing: Akasuna Sasori x Deidara.
Theme/Prompt: No.37. Seconds.


'Where is he? Damn brat knows I hate to be kept waiting.' Or at least that's what he told himself while keeping his eyes on the sky for the tell-tell approach of his younger partner.
He kept it up while looking up at the sky and occasionally around the area while inside Hiruko.

What was left of his patience was wearing dangerously thin. They should have met up and been on their way ten minutes ago. Every few seconds that ticked had thoughts of possible reasons why the bomber was so late. If he was dead or dying? Injured? Still fighting any remaining enemy? These thoughts caused a little bit of worry to ebb it's way into his mind despite hs efforts to keep it from doing so.

Annoyed at his own thoughts, he got out of Hiruko to go do a quick search. The trees were too dense to use Hiruko properly so after getting out of the puppet he put him back in the scroll and went to begin his search.


The red head returned to where he had been previously waiting after searching for half an hour, his annoyance was now out right anger.

'The next time I see him, I will kill him.' He thought while having another look around. There was no sign that anyone else had even been there.

"Danna! There you are, un." The blond ran over to his missing partner who for a reason he had yet to figure out look very angry.

"Where in the hell have you been?" He'd get answers then kill him.

"Looking for you since you didn't show up to our meeting spot in the village, un." He looked at Sasori like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No. This was where we were supposed to meet." He growled.

"But Danna, we split up here and agreed to meet back at our room in the village, un." It was only a few hours ago that they started the mission. It was successful and they didn't have to leave until midnight.

Sasori was silent for a moment while thinking about earlier and much to his disdain, he found Deidara to be right. He wasn't about to let him know that though. A small part of him was relieved that the bomber was alright. He would merely change the subject.

"Deidara, come here." The bomber did and was a little surpirsed when Sasori grabbed his wrist and pulled him down for a deep kiss. One Deidara was more then happy to recorporate.

After a moment Sasori pulled back. "Lets go." He released the blonds wrist. "Back to the base, un?"

"No. Back to our room in the village. Technically we don't have to leave until tonight and I know a good way to kill time." Deidara's face was flushed knowing what Sasori meant and walked alongside his partner.


Authors Note:
I couldn't resist doing that to .

FInished: 08/05/2009. 09:59pm.

Oh! Before I for get this is my second entry for 100_Tales. All you use s their table and write diffferent stuff for it. One fandom or more.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto does.