A Beautiful Cacophony
'An End of an Era'
A/N: Please read! Super important-ish!
Hello everyone!
So I haven't updated this story since April 17th 2011... Whoa.
I just wanted to (finally) have the courtesy to say that this story will never be finished in its current form. As you can imagine, 4 years is a long time and honestly, I'm not sure where I was even going with this story. Any notes I had were long destroyed or deleted. Plus I had lots of strange subplots, and rubbish characters and essentially it was the product of a very different mind.
I now think somewhat differently and I don't believe this story does justice to the true Astoria that I wanted to portray. Please don't get me wrong; I love this story to bits. With all its faults, it's still the first ever fanfiction, and story, that I ever wrote. I still go back to it sometimes and look at it fondly in its flaws. But I feel there are too many flaws to spend more time on it.
I will miss this story. I will miss this very non-Slytherin Astoria, the awkwardly romantic Draco, Jacob and his drama, Reyna and Goleth and of course, Honey-Blossom. I feel sad even posting this. I have put it off for so long, thinking that one day, just one day, I might come back and pick it back up. But I think 4 years is long enough to realise that will never be the case.
But fear not! The fact is that I still love the essence of this story. I love the idea of writing about Astoria's own journey through Hogwarts, through her awkward stages and through her friends and through darker times. And of course, her budding feelings for our favourite Draco!
So I will start again! I will write a new story about this! It will hopefully be better and more true to the Astoria that I want to create. I will try to create better side characters, stick more truly to their Slytherin roots, and make the romance more believable than ever.
I will direct you to this very story once I begin posting it. I am still in the planning stages at this point, but I have faith that it will be uploaded very soon! I am very excited about this, and I hope some of you will be too.
And to those of you who have read all of this story, or even just bits of it, I am so sorry that I have let you down! I do hate leaving this story like this, but I just can't see what else I can do with it. I hope you will understand.
To those of you who favourited, put on alert and reviewed this story, thank you so so much! You all truly helped what was once a new, budding writer to grow in confidence, feel good about her writing, and want to continue further. You are all wonderful people, and I am grateful to you all.
I would love it if any of you would come on this new journey with me, with a somewhat different Astoria, different characters, but the same passion and essence!
Goodbye 'A Beautiful Cacophony', and hello to the future of Draco x Astoria!