
Alfred Pennyworth sighed as he took his familiar seat at his vacation café in Italy. After almost two years, he found himself in need to escape as far away from Gotham as possible. At first, he had been so absorbed in his own grief of losing Bruce, that he had not realized the changes around him. Soon, monuments to Batman will all over, and it seemed he could not escape the reminders that he had failed Thomas and Martha Wayne. So, he left.

He had briefly tried to get a hold of Hanna. His efforts were useless. He got in contact with her brother, Matt, who informed him that, though she called to check in every once in a while, she refused to divulge any information about where she was, or what she was doing. All she said was she was fine, and all her kids were doing well. Alfred felt his heart ache, knowing that it was very unlikely he would see them any time soon, but he knew it was for the best. Hanna had been through so much, the last thing she needed was a reminder of her past. With that in mind, he let go of his search for her, and retired properly, taking his annual trip to his café to order his drink.

After placing his order, he glanced across the café, noting that he caught the eye of a stranger, but thought nothing of it. Instead, he focused on the paper in front of him, reading about the newest 'batman' taking the streets of Gotham, and cleaning up what little crime there was left. He had no idea who had taken up the mantel, but he had no doubt that Bruce had a hand in making it happen. It was unlikely that he would have left behind his city without putting in a plan to protect it. Just like he did his family.

A child's laugh echoed through the streets, and he glanced up, seeing a flash of brown hair before it disappeared into the crowd. Shaking his head, he took a long sip of his drink, and continued on. It was best if he didn't dwell on the past. He needed to find a way to leave it behind. Though he was upset at losing the closest thing he had to a son, he knew that the Wayne line was continuing on in the form of Elizabeth, who he knew was in good hands. That didn't mean he still didn't miss the young lady. She had brought life into the manor right when it seemed that things were at their lowest. She reminded him so much of Hanna and Bruce at a young age, that it was almost nostalgic to see her run around the manor while being chased by her older brother. He saw so much of Thomas and Martha, that he would honestly not be surprised if she grew to be one of the most influential women in the world.

Once he finished his drink, he took the bill from the waiter and went to pay it, only to stop as something caught his eye. The stranger from before, was not, in fact, a stranger.

It was Bruce.

Alfred felt his chest lurch as he met the man's gaze. Bruce was alive. After these years. He had survived, and looked happy.

In front of him, there was no mistaking Daniel, who was now a young man, with the beginning of a beard, and a look of concentration as he looked at the book he was reading over with the girl next to him. The girl, Elizabeth, sat taller than he remembered, her toothy grin lighting up the table as she spoke and giggled loudly. Her long brown hair was braided, and her blue eyes gleamed as she reached over and took a bite of the sandwich in front of her. Tears began to fill Alfred's eyes as he saw small traces of Martha Wayne in her smile and nose, while still looking as fiercely intelligent as Thomas and Hanna, as she seemed to work on whatever was in her book. Daniel rolled his eyes as he reached over and playfully tugged at her braid, causing the young girl to swat him away and laugh before turning back to the book in front of them.

Across from them, next to Bruce, sat a very familiar looking woman. Instead of the void and sullen look she held when he last saw her, Hanna looked healthy and content as she sat next to her husband. She chuckled along to a small joke Daniel made, as he eyes drifted down to her lap, where a small child sat.

He must have been only a year old, dressed in a blue hat and shirt. His brown eyes seemed to canvas the entire table before giggling and babbling about, causing Bruce to reach out and brush back his hair. Hanna noted the action, and smiled grasping Bruce's hand and leaning over to kiss his cheek. Bruce smiled and met her gaze, the two of them sharing a loving look before he turned back to Alfred and gave him a single nod.

Alfred nodded back, his heart leaping for joy as he paid his bill and stood. His eyes gazing over the small family before turning and walking away.

Across the café, Hanna frowned as the older man walked away, turning to her husband and nudging him. "Aren't you going to say something?" she asked.

Bruce turned to his wife, her blue eyes meeting his own. "No. We've said all we've needed to say," he said.

Hanna was silent for a moment before shrugging and turning to her children. As her youngest squirmed in her arms, she smiled at the happy and content looks her older two held as they worked on their homework. Neither of them aware of the conversation the adults were currently having.

"Are you happy?" Bruce asked softly, breaking her from her thoughts.

Hanna looked over, a smile overtaking her as she nodded. "I am. Are you?" she asked.

He smiled and kissed her forehead. "I've never been happier."

Hanna chuckled and pinched his side. "You say that. But we've got a lot of work to do. We've been putting it off till the baby was older, but now that it's come. We need to work on some things."

"Oh?" Bruce said leaning forward to kiss the side of her head. "What do you need, my dear?"

"We need to find a permanent home. Maybe the place in England?"

Bruce nodded and kissed her jaw. "Yes, Mrs. Wayne."

"We also need to find a school for the kids. I should also probably find a job," she mused aloud, shifting the baby in her arms.

"Of course, Mrs. Wayne," Bruce said, kissing her neck before raising his head to look down at her.

After everything they had been through, if it meant sitting here, in this café, surrounded by their children. He would not have changed it for the world. For once, since his parents had died, he felt truly at peace.

Hanna rolled her eyes and looked up at her best friend and husband. She has spent so much time wishing for this, it almost seemed surreal that it was happening. Now they sat, with unlimited possibilities for a future in front of them, and nothing but love in his eyes. Hanna knew, finally, she was right where she needed to be.

"Are you listening to me? You trying to distract me won't work," she said.

Bruce ignored her and kissed her deeply, smiling as he heard felt her pout. He pulled away and kissed the top of her head before pulling her to his side and looking at the sea next to him. Hanna sighed and snuggled further into his side, making sure to position their son on her lap so he was comfortable. After a moment, Hanna took his hand in hers.

"You may have won this round," she said, kissing the back of his hand. "But you will not distract me forever. I will win the war."

Bruce laughed loudly before looking down at her and meeting the gaze of his son. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Wayne."

The End

A/N: So here we are! We're at the end! It feels like a lifetime since I've started this. It's been so fascinating to see my writing change over the years and end here. It's been nine years since I started this, and I'm so happy that I was able to finish it. To finally bring Hanna's story to a close.

I want to thank everyone who favorited, alerted, reviewed, and messaged me over the years. I'm glad to have taken this journey with you and have come to this end. You guys are the best, and I am truly lucky to have had you over the years.

Well, I'll just close this up with saying THANK THE LORD! I finally finished!

Till next time!
