Chapter Title: First Kisses
Authoress: thatonedork
Episode: First Kiss
Inspiration First Kiss Moments
Disclaimer: I do not own Wizards of Waverly Place



"McReary TimeReary." Alex mumbled. With a flick of her wrists, and a wave with her fingers, the time rewinding spell took its effect.

After 18 tries, Justin and Miranda finally had their 'perfect' first kiss. The two separated from each other, both with smiles on their faces.

"Just because Justin finally got his first kiss because you used magic, it doesn't mean you're off the hook Alex," Jerry stated sternly, "but doing that for your brother was sweet of you. I'll lessen your grounding by a day."

"Gee, thanks dad." Alex grumbled.

"What's wrong Alex? You helped your brother get his first kiss, you should be proud." Jerry said as he wrapped an arm around Alex's shoulder.

"Yeah... I know…" Alex whispered. She looked at Justin awkwardly putting his arm over Miranda, both obviously content in each others' arms. Aslight tug was felt in her chest as Alex saw Miranda lean up against Justin and wrap her arms around his torso.

"Let's go home now dad. Please" Alex pleaded.

"Sure thing honey let's go." Jerry replied. Alex gently pulled on Jerry's shirt and led him out of the theaters, leaving newly formed couple alone.


"– And after 18 tries, I finally got my first kiss. All thanks to Alex using the 'McReary TimeReary' spell." Justin boasted proudly to Theresa.

"My son finally got his first kiss. Oh I am so proud of you," Theresa gushed. She spread her arms wide and captured Justin in a tight embrace, "My son is growing up so fast!"

After minutes of Theresa crying over the fact that her 'baby boy' was 'beginning to leave the nest' Justin was finally able to slip away. Noticing Alex sitting on the couch, Justin walked over and plopped himself beside her.

"Hey Alex," Justin started, "Thanks."

"S'nothing." Alex replied monotonously. She kept her eyes glued to the screen, not sparing a glance at Justin.

"By the way, who was your first kiss?" Justin asked curiously.

This question got Alex's attention for she tore her gaze away and stared at Justin incredulously. Quickly gaining back her composure, Alex turned back to the T.V. and let out a scoff.

"You know it was with that one guy….. from English." Alex replied hesitantly.

"Wait a minute? My baby girl already had her first kiss?! How can this be?" Theresa cried out. "How come you never told me this Alex?"

"I thought I did. I guess it slipped my mind." Alex answered.

Justin stared at Alex curiously, and his mind finally clicked. "You never had your first kiss did you?"

"Yes I did!" Alex cried.

"Then who was it? When was it? Where did it happen?" Justin asked confidently.

"It was with that guy… back then… in that place… OKAY, OKAY! I didn't have mine yet. Just shut up." Alex yelled angrily. She turned off the T.V. and stomped her way up stairs. A few moments later you could hear the faint SLAM! of a door.

"At least my baby girl, is still my baby girl. She hasn't… LEFT THE NEST YET." Theresa cried, tears threatening to fall.

If one were to listen closely, and tune out the incessant crying, they would hear the soft sigh of relief from a certain male Russo.


"Hey Miranda." Justin said cooly.

"Don't try to act cool Justin. You're not cool." Miranda replied cheekily.

"Your right sorry," Justin answered embarrassingly.

Miranda smiled, and titled her head up. Justin catching the signal leaned down to give her a quick peck on the lips.

"So Miranda, I was thinking maybe this Friday –"

"Hey Justin!"

Justin turned his head around only to see Alex smooching on another guy. They quickly parted, and Alex smirked at him with a satisfying look on her face. She turned away and began walking to class, with the random guy following her.

"Wasn't that your sister?" Miranda asked, pointing her finger in the direction Alex walked.

"Yeah it was," Justin mumbled, "come on let's go to class"

Justin swung his arm over Miranda and walked away. Justin turned his head and glanced back to where Alex…. kissed that guy. 'I can't believe she gave her first kiss to some random guy.' Justin thought angrily.

"Hey Justin, what's wrong? You seem angry." Miranda asked.

"It's nothing Miranda. It's nothing.



A/N: For the sake of the story, I would like to add this note. Alex is not related to Justin in anyway. She was adopted when she was small, but does not know it… yet. Just for the sake of the story. I'm not really for the whole incest thing, so this is my solution to it. Hoped you enjoyed this drabble. More to come in the future
