Back again, and finally with a lemon hehe. Oh and there will be some hurt, But with fluffy to the rescue, by the way who started the fluffy nickname is my question, it's so cute, but I always wondered how it started. And thank you to all my readers you guys are great, I mean it I was blushing with all those fantastic reviews, thank you vary much everyone!

Chapter 4

Kagome woke to the sun dancing on her face. It had been three days already, and all she did was fight with herself, trying to decide if going to see Susshomaru was a good idea or not. Now she had to return back to the gang so they could continue their journey, and she had no idea when she would be back.

"I won't be able to see Sesshomaru for awhile" The disappointment in her voice shocked her, then again for the past three days everything seemed to shock her. Kagome sighed and got dressed, she put on a yellow sun dress and a pair of yellow sandals, it was like the dress that little girl wore on the beach. Kagome smiled to herself the girl was so cute, and had such a pretty name. Throwing on her heavy backpack she set off into the Well.

Kagome's Prov

"Kagome your back!" The happy little fox demon jumped into my arms.

"Shippo?" I laughed


"Welcome back Kagome" Both Songo and Miroku walked up.

"Songo Miroku! How is everything?" It was good to see them all again

"Where's Inuyasha?" I couldn't help but ask, I do still love him though I don't understand why I feel so needy for Sesshomaru.

"Umm Kagome, there's something you need to know, and I think Inuyasha is the only one who could tell you" Songo looked mad, and Miroku looked tired. I wonder what could it be? I followed everyone to Kaede's village. Kagome stopped when she saw Inuyasha coming out of the hut.

"Hey how's it going?" I asked, I had to tell him about Sesshomaru, I can't be sneaking around like this.

"Kagome, your back?" He looked worried, like he did something wrong

"Ya silly, remember three days" I laughed at his forgetfulness.

"Would you like to take more time off?" He asked so seriously, and it made me wonder, what could it be that he's trying to keep me from.

"Why would I?" I stared at his eyes, he looked away and thats when I knew. I lowered my head trying to find the right question to ask.

"You can come along, but we have a new member in the group, I finally convinced her to join us" He sounded happy at the last bit. I felt my heart jumping and the only thing I could think of was her, I knew there was only one woman that can truly replace me.

"Please tell me what your talking about" I couldn't look up, and when I did Kikyo exited the same hut as Inuyasha, and she was fixing her robe. I could hear my own gasp, and a tug at my heart told me I should run, but another part told me that I deserve to see this after what happened with Sesshomaru, I should suffer.

"Kagome?" The woman, my rival stared at me in question.

"Hi" was all I could say. She looked me up and down and brushed me off.

"Why is she here, I thought you said she would be gone?" She asked Inuyasha and the feeling of being unwanted hit me like a punch.

"I told her to have some time off I didn't think she would come back so early" Inuyasha explained. Again with the punch. Suddenly the idea of running to another man sounded like my only option.

"You have no right to just send Kagome away, she's our friend and we want her here!" Songo glared at Kikyo her eyes burned into the dead woman.

"It's fine with me, I just wouldn't want to make this harder then it already is" Kikyo answered.

"I... Maybe I should go back for a little bit" I can't take much more, the pain of being replaced and making me sound like a burden was to much for me to handle.

"No Kagome, you don't have to go" Songo defended me, and the look she gave Kikyo told me she wanted her to go.

"I think it's best, that she does Songo, for now" Miroku stated, and Songo turned to him in shock

"It's to hard for her and to make her stay would be cruel" He whispered in Songo's ear.

"Kagome, please do come back though" Miroku looked worried. I nodded and started back towards the well. I would not cry, I would not run, not until I got past the well. Slowly I took my time savoring the place, the one place that was truly home for me, I would miss everything here, and whats worse I would miss Inuyasha, I loved him so much, yet I felt like everywhere I turned he was thinking of Kikyo or revenge for Kikyo, or obtaining the jewel that was in the care of Kikyo, everything was Kikyo to him. So then why did she love him?

I could feel the fire burning in my lungs as I ran, my legs ached, tears were pouring out of my eyes and the sun was setting. People asked me if I was alright but I couldn't answer them, couldn't stop to even look at them, I didn't want to be alone, I didn't want to have to cry with no comfort, no warmth, no Sesshomaru. I had to see him, I had to be with him, he would make me feel better, he would love me. The sand slid between my toes as I crossed the beach, I climbed up the long stone stairs and felt my heart thundered when he was there on the porch, that gentle smile on his face, I nearly tripped but swung into his arms instead. When I looked up at him it was like the perfect moment, the glow of the sunset on his face making his eyes brighten, the musky sent that made me melt, and the smile that told me he was only for me, I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and softly brushed my lips over his. No I couldn't be in love with Inuyasha, If I was I would have felt the same need, but not like this, never have I felt so attracted to someone before. His lips parted and I groaned as the kiss became deeper, his hands once again trailing touches up my body, and without warning he pulled away.

"Not here love, come" He held me against him as we made our way inside.

I looked around the room I was in, a black leather couch, two tall bookshelves and a red carpet. He walked over to the window and grabbed something. When he came back to me he opened his hand to reveal a small dream catcher.

"You made me this as a thank you gift for saving your life, When Inuyasha betrayed you I took you with me, I'm not sure what caused me to do that, but after some time my mind and heart became more occupied with thoughts of you Kagome. I love you, but I'm scared that being with you now will stop us from falling in love back then. So I need you to promise me you will return, I don't think I could imagine a life without you, and it has been so hard to except your death back then." His broken smile lifted me up, he needed me, he wanted me and more then anything I want him.

"Can I still be with you now?" My question sounded desperate, but I don't care I wanted to be with him.

"I would like that" He lowered his face and pulled me into another heated kiss. His lips curved around mine and tongue danced in my mouth. My body instinctively pressed against his and he groaned with longing. He picked me up and lowered me onto the couch. Slowly trailing kisses down my throat, I gripped the cushion and gasped as his warm breath and soft kisses took my breath away. He started going lower down my chest and unbuttoning my shirt. My body ached and rubbed against him, his firmness showed and he hissed at my small attempt.

"Mmm darling be patient I want to savor every moment" He flicked his tongue around my belly button and lowered his mouth to the lining of my skirt, with one hand he reached underneath and pulled down my panties, dropping them down on the floor, he smiled up at me before lowering his mouth over my womanhood, I yelped and moaned as the ecstasy and pleasure hazed my eyes, my heart fluttered and pound in the area in which he was skillfully loving. I could feel every flick of his tongue, every curve of that mouth and the hot pleasure of his lips. I felt a build up inside of me and I gripped the pillow while screaming my pure pleasure that came crashing over me. He pulled me back into his arms and wrapped my weak legs around him.

"I'll be gentle" He whispered in my ear, I moaned a little.

"Hnm I want you inside of me, please" I begged, my voice so weak and helpless. He chuckled and undid his paints. I stared into his eyes as he looked down in mine, I wanted him. And a great force sent me in tears, I felt a surge of pleasure and pain as he entered me again vary slowly.

"Just relax" He whispered and slid his hand over my breast playing with my hard nipple I gasped and felt the pain dissipate little by little. He kissed my lips and face as the pain went away, I could feel my breath quicken a matched his, the uneven breathing became louder as he moved in and out of my body, I moaned and gasped when once again this pleasure possessed me. The sound of the couch moving with us made me even more aroused, I want him more. Wrapping my legs around him I buckled my hips forward to meet his thrust. We both screamed as the build up started, he moved faster ready to ride out the great pleasure soon to come, once, twice and three times sent us both flying in pure bliss his body collapsed on mine and the warmth as well as the feeling was all it took to make me fall into a peaceful satisfied slumber.

It's a terrible place to stop I know lol But don't worry there will be more, I might take a little longer, I want to go back and make sure everything looks right, do some spell checking and grammar. Also I have to start posting some other stories so I will be a little late updating. I want to put up my LenXKaho fics as well as ghost hunt. Oh I also plan to make another Sesshomaru and Kagome fic if anyone is interested:)