"Give my regards to Saint Peter – or whoever has his job, but in hell." Captain Hammer pulled the trigger and ended the life of the famed incompetent, Dr. Horrible. The populace watched with a hushed silence, as if they'd been the ones hit by the freeze ray. Then he raised the death ray in the air, still crackling red, and his faithful followers cheered.

The letter arrived in the mail the next day. It felt like Christmas as he ripped it open.

"Bad Horse, Bad Horse

Bad Horse, Bad Horse

With iron hooves of malice, he gallops to the fight

He saw the heinous murder you performed last night

As to your application, he says you've shown your might

We're thankful that you took this course

Here's hoping you'll show no remorse

Bad Horse, Bad Horse

Bad Horse, he's bad

We know that at this moment, you must be filled with glee

And we're sure that you'll come to our meeting at three

But heed our little warning, or we'll poison your tea

You're riding now, no change of course

So don't betray us

Signed: Bad Horse"
