Supplemental Materials—for fun :)


==Leonard McCoy: Descendancy from the Petrelli and Linderman families==

1. Arthur Petrelli + Angela Shaw = Peter Petrelli, b. 1979, d. 2012 (murdered by Sylar)

2. Daniel Linderman + Susan Olson = Katharine Olson, b. 1977, d. 2059 (heart attack)

*Daniel and Susan were not married.

3. Peter Petrelli + Katharine Olson = Peter Petrelli, Jr., b. 2012

*It was unknown to both Peter and Katharine that Daniel Linderman was her father. She grew up with an adoptive father and possessed no abilities.

4. Peter Petrelli, Jr. + Abigail Blake = Miles Petrelli, b. 2035

5. Miles Petrelli + Kyoko Masahashi = Theo Petrelli, b. 2066

6. Theo Petrelli + Lisbet Van Ness = Caruso Petrelli, b. 2091

7. Caruso Petrelli + Janine Anderson = Brighton Petrelli, b. 2119

8. Brighton Petrelli + Caitlin O'Hara = Anson Petrelli, b. 2145

9. Anson Petrelli + Isabel Black = Benjamin Petrelli, b. 2170

10. Benjamin Petrelli + Lauren Russell = Carla Petrelli, b. 2201

11. David McCoy + Carla Petrelli = Leonard McCoy, b. 2227

==Hikaru Sulu: Descendancy from the Masahashi and Nakamura families==

Ando Masahashi + Kimiko Nakamura = Kyo Masahashi b. 2012

Kyo Masahashi + Midori Yamaguchi = Saburo Masahashi b. 2037

Saburo Masahashi + Sachiko Tanaka = Michiko Masahashi b. 2058

Takuma Yamamoto + Michiko Masahashi = Taro Yamamoto b. 2081

Taro Yamamoto + Sumiko Fujiwara = Saburo Yamamoto b. 2107

Saburo Yamamoto + Sayuri Okada = Setsuko Yamamoto b. 2130

Daisuke Ito + Setsuko Yamamoto = Akane Ito b. 2154

Arata Sasaki + Akane Ito = Masaru Sasaki b. 2174

Masaru Sasaki + Kumiko Matsumoto = Isamu Sasaki b. 2197

Isamu Sasaki + Cho Kimura = Aina Sasaki b. 2216

Bayani Sulu + Aina Sasaki = Hikaru Sulu b. 2237

==The Descendants of Gabriel and Claire Gray==

Gabriel Gray + Claire Bennet = Noah Gray b. 2011

Noah Gray + Lily LaMarche = Krista Gray b. 2039

Larac'pralco + Krista Gray = Meric'laraco b. 2068

Meric'laraco + Muara'kataca = Yhela'merica b. 2098

Karac'teraco + Yhela'merica = Hatha'karaca b. 2131

Parac'naraco + Hatha'karaca = Lysic'paraco b. 2160

Lysic'paraco + Ompha'rataca = Terac'lysico b. 2195

Terac'lysico + Thyna'rinaca = Rhela'teraca b. 2224

Tirec'ronaco + Rhela'teraca = Lhura'tireca b. 2252

**The inhabitants of the planet Claire landed on have a patronymic naming system with the suffix of –o indicating "son of" and the suffix of –a indicating "daughter of."

Hence, the daughter of Tirec'ronaco is Lhura'tireca. (Tirec + -a.)