I do not own True Blood or anything you recognise from it.
Jeremy smiled a dazzling, victorious smile and slowly walked over the heap - which was me, on the floor.
"And this is where your story ends." he smiled, "Now...I've got soemthing that'll freeze your blood."
He strolled over to Elizabeth's impaled body and took hold of the sword handle, pulling it out of her red-stained stomach until he was holding it in front of him.
"Disgusting," he said, carelessly wiping the bloody sword on Elizabeth's clothes. To think, a few minutes earlier he had been kissing her - it made me sick. Then I realised he was holding the sword in front of me.
"I can't believe you're going to be the last thing I see before I die. The key word being thing." I said with hatred.
"I think I'll change my strategie this time," Jeremy began, "I might behead you."
My eyes widened and my hands not-so-subtley balled into fists. He practised his swing a few times and then held the sword high. The smirk on his face was almost unbearable to look at. I closed my eyes.
I heard Jeremy's intake of breath...and then a squelch - and then a shout? I could feel that my head was still intact with my body, so I opened my eyes to investigate.
Jeremy's eyes were wide and his mouth was gaping open. A large hand poked out from his chest covered in blood, and holding his heart.
Then, the hand disappeared from his chest and Jeremy fell to the floor - Eric stood proudly behind him. He inspected the heart, then pulled a digusted face and dropped it casually onto the floor, wiping his hand on his shirt.
"What a nuisance." he said, looking down at the corpse which was Jeremy.
I let out a huge sigh of relief and scrambled out of the heap of concrete that I was in.
"I agree. Nice little trick you did there." I replied, walking, a bit wobbly, over to Eric. All around him were a variety of severed limbs and organs. It brought back memories, ahh, happy days.
I stared at him, incredulous.
"What?" he said, as if it was no big deal, "I was angry."
I let out a sigh of, well, I think it was relief, and ran my hand through my hair.
"We should leave." He said, holding his arm out for me. I took it.
So there we were, linking arms, strolling happily out of an abandoned warehouse full of severed, impaled and downright dead bodies. I thought the night didn't turn out that bad.
I pondered my future. It looked pretty much the same as this - which was alright, as long as it was Eric and I that walked out cheerfully at the end of the night, back to the reality where nobody but we knew what the crazy grins on our faces were all about.
Well, that's the end guys and I hope you enjoyed it. I told you I would finish it :D Now you are supposed to review and then go and read my other stories xD If you're lucky, I might make a sequel.