This is not in any way a Teen Titan TV show. It's more like a Marvel movie. Graphic and scary for those who get scared too easily and need to get a life. Lol. I don't own.

"Titans, emergency," Robin called from the living room. The rest of the Titans met him there a half second later. "The Riddler and the Joker are both at the bank."

"Wow, as if one's not enough," Beast Boy muttered. Robin got on his motorcycle while Cyborg got his car. The girls and Beast Boy flew above them. The bank came into sight a few minutes later. The glass doors were shattered and everything up and down the street was deserted. The walls were chipped and broken through in several places as well. "Wow."

"Titans, come on," Robin ordered and the Titans silently crept to the door. "Raven," Robin said before they entered. "If there are any hostages, get them out. I don't care what happens. These guys are bad. There not like other villains. These guys kill people. They're insane," Robin explained.

"I will," she answered nervously. The glass crackled nervously under the Titans feet as they entered the bank. The Joker was standing on the counter, his menacing smile plastered messily on his painted white face.

"And so then, I told her, no, I'm not crazy, I'm the joker!" he exclaimed. "That's when I…" he caught sight of the Titans. "And that's when I finished her with cuts to her cheeks so that she died smiling, just like you will," he finished menacingly. "Hello, Titans," he said jumping from the granite counter. "I've been keeping our audience entertained until you would come. You took much longer than I thought as well."

"What do you want," Robin asked calmly.

"Now that's no fun! You can't jump straight to the punch line like that. It's just not… funny," Joker said, stepping on broken glass and blood as he got closer to the Titans.

"We're not here for funny," Robin said signaling to Raven. She phased through the floor.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said. A girl in pink and black circus clothes and a jokers hat, complete with bells on the tips, came in doing cartwheels one handed. She stopped for a second, only to toss a huge gun at Joker before continuing her way to the hostages and holding out her gun. "She see's one thing, anything wrong, and you can consider yourselves murderers, juvenile murderers. Oh, I love those words…" he said pointing the gun at the Titans. "Hands up I think it is?" the Titans obeyed and Raven came back onto the floor, her hands up as well.

"I'm back!" the Titans turned and saw the Riddler in his green suit with question marks all over it. He stood in the door way with a gun like Jokers. "Sorry I took so long. Titan's tower is well secured. I just broke a window!" the villains broke out laughing as the Titans eyes widened.

"What do you want!" Robin yelled again.

"Oh, Robin, you've grown so much. Remember when you were… I think it was six maybe? Remember when I babysat for you and you got to see me throw laughing gas into windows! It was so much fun, except that you wouldn't stop crying…" Joker said lowering his gun a bit.

"Um, first, I was four, and second, you kidnapped me," Robin said putting his arms down. Beast Boy laughed when Joker got a sour look on his face.

"You think that's funny?!" Riddler asked walking around the Titans.

"A little," Beast Boy smiled. "You guys are insane and just too perfect for each other."

"Okay, Titans, before we start fighting, I need to look you over. Riddler, come here," Riddler skipped, yes skipped, over to Joker.

"Time to decide?" Riddler guessed excitedly. The Titans all looked at each other in confusion.

"Yes, I want Robin in the game, so not him. That's my beginning preference," Joker said.

"We want someone weak. Not the metal guy. One of the girls?" Riddler thought and then asked.

"Well, the blue cape can make things move with her mind as well as phasing through walls and floors," Joker said counting them off in his head.

"The red head girl then," Riddler decided and took a step forward. Joker grabbed his arm and pulled him back just as Robin was about to step in front of Starfire.

"No, no, no my partner in crime, she's a tamarian. Super strong. I like the little green one. He'll be easily tamed with a simple collar I can send for," Joker said.

"Oh, alright, green kid, you're our new favorite!" Riddler exclaimed throwing his arms in the air and then catching the gun as it fell.

"I don't know if I should be happy or scared," Beast Boy said.

"Scared," Raven decided for him.

"Thanks," he said and looked up at her with a grim expression.

"No! You should be excited! You get to be the biggest part in," Riddler paused and lowered his voice for dramatic effect. "The Game."

"What's The Game?" Cyborg asked.

"Well, if you give us the green kid, we'll give you the hostages. But, then you have to play The Game," Riddler explained excitedly.

"What's The Game?!" Cyborg growled.

"It's a game, where you do what we say and try to beat the challenges. We take Greenie so we know you'll play, and you'll try to win him back while he does his part in The Game as well," Joker said much calmer than Riddler.

"It's just a real game?" Beast Boy asked standing up straight.

"Yes, and we have at least… Girly, how many people do we have?" Riddler asked. The circus girl counted the people tied up on the floor and then answered.

"About fifteen, two kids," the girl laughed evilly and jumped at one of the people just to scared them before shooting a light, making the glass fall on their heads and making it a bit darker.

"Do you wana play?" Joker asked.

"No," Robin answered.

"Too bad!" Joker yelled and his evil laugh rang through the bank. Riddler laughed along with him making the whole dark street sound like the freaking house of horrors, and just to add perfect effect, it started raining outside. Three men in clown masks walked in from the back with huge bags of money; they also had guns like the girl had.

"You want the poor, innocent people to die?" Joker asked and a few more of the circus people, both men and women, all having the same apparel as the girl, came in. They each had a citizen and sat them next to the other hostages. "There's more and counting," he put on a pouty face.

"What sort of challenges?" Robin asked.

"That's classified," Riddler said pretending to be serious.

"But all the poor, innocent people, and for just a game? A poor three round game? I'll even make you a deal. If he's not dead by the third round, you can have him back, and you will win. If he doesn't die by round three, I win and get to keep him as a pet. I'll make him stay a dog for the rest of his life. I've always wanted a nice dog," Joker finished.

"Beast Boy?" Robin asked.

"Let's do it," Beast Boy replied.

"Okay! Wonderful, you come with us," Joker commanded and a circus girl came over with a gun to get Beast Boy. Raven shot the gun out of her hand and Joker yelled.

"Hey! You do that again and those people die!" he yelled and Raven calmed down.

"It'll be okay Rae. It's just a game, what could happen?"

I don't know if I'm to huge on the plot... If you like it please Review. Tell me if you see anything too. Thanks everyone!