Fix the Roof I Think the Universe Fell In

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: Oh my gaaaaaah! I'm here again writing Naruto, for some reason I just couldn't continue my previous one cause I just had no inspiration whatsoever! I feel terrible but I think I'll get over it! Then I realized, I think that every author (or at least me) should have a real-world character falling into the fictional universe fanfic. I felt like writing this, it made more sense to me, go figure. Please review!

Name Meaning/s:

Kyoko = mirror

Yuudai = Great Hero


"Screw you, you (censored) son of a bitch!" Yelled an irate Kyoko.

"Don't you backsass me you little brat!" Screeched her foster father. It was all the same to Kyoko, go to a foster home, screw up, get sent back to the orphanage, whoopee.

Before Kyoko knew it, she had a black eye and a one way trip back to the orphanage.

You'd think that at eleven and a half years old she would be tired of that pattern that she had established for herself when she was four.

Standing at 4 feet and 9 inches tall, she always felt short, her small build helped that feeling. She never let her silky brown hair grow more than a few inches below her shoulder before cutting it again. Her right eye was a shade of hazel, and her left was red.

Kyoko checked her watch.

"Two days, ten hours and thirty-five minutes, damn I'm getting slow." She shouldered her backpack and walked through those doors, again.

"OMG, you're like back again." Said her blonde ditz of a roommate.

'Kami, why do you forsake me with this nightmare of a roommate?' Kyoko looked at the ceiling, then her older brother walked in, Yuudai.

He was seventeen, only three days from turning eighteen, about 5'7, with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey, gaki." He ruffled his little sister's short hair, "back from neverland?" Kyoko kicked his shin and he smiled as he dodged his sister's kicking fury. Kyoko's roommate sighed and left the room to find a magazine to read.

"Hey, guess what?" Yuudai whispered.

"What?" Kyoko was curious, whenever her brother got that tone of voice, he usually had a scheme thought up and planned out, usually Kyoko was a part of it.

"Tonight at midnight, were gonna pull a city-wide prank, and you're gonna help me." He stated quietly.

"What kind of prank?" Kyoko questioned.

"A really big one." Her brother smirked then headed out of the room, then he added, "just remember we're leaving the city once we pull the prank got it?"

Kyoko nodded.

"'Kay," then he put on a disarming smile, "remember, I'll pick you up out front." Then he left.

Kyoko got to see less and less of her brother over the past two years, she knew that the day her turned eighteen he could get a job and leave the orphanage for good. Lucky him.

Then a headline blew through the open window and into her face.


Kyoko didn't even bother to read the article, that same topic had been in the papers for three years now and the police still haven't caught the criminal.

Kyoko sighed and got ready for the night's coming prank.


Okay, Kyoko was sure that she had packed everything that she owned, which actually wasn't much.

About four loose t-shirts, two pair of shorts, her extra khaki long shorts, her sandals, her ipod(she stole it from one of the other kids, w/ earphones), her two notebooks, 3 pens, 5 pencils(with a manual sharpener), her toothbrush, some toothpaste, a comb (which was missing a few teeth by the way), her gameboy advance SP ( w/ a charger; she'd swiped it off of another foster kid, he was a complete brat and he'd pissed her off, he was asking for it), her only three pokémon games, four pairs of socks, underwear, my lockpicking kit (the only present my brother had ever gotten me), and lastly but most importantly Kyoko packed her swiss army knife.

You know, a person would think that she stole it, like her gameboy and her ipod. But actually it turns out that the old man down the street was a war veteran, when Kyoko was little she used to listen to his war stories, eventually he gave her the army knife, saying that she would have more use for it than he would.

The old man died three days later, his house burned down, with him in it.

Then, after that, Kyoko had met her brother for the first time.

Then when Yuudai was transferred to another orphanage, leaving Kyoko alone again.

But Yuudai visited occasionally.

Kyoko shouldered her backpack, and went down the stairs, toward the kitchen. She raided the fridge, and some of the drawers, she found a silver metallic lighter (the kind that has a lid) and a box of matches, she couldn't decide between them so she took both.

There she stood in her dark green cargo short pants that ended a few inches above her ankles, her faded orange t-shirt and her worn black hoodie. Her old sneakers used to be an army pattern, but most of the green had faded.

She went out the door and waited, then her brother showed up and she followed him.

They came to an abandoned building, and walked in.

"Why are we here nii-san?" Kyoko asked boredly.

The she felt a sharp pain in her head, and her world went dark.


Kyoko awoke to the smell of smoke, she was back in the orphanage, and tied to a chair.


"Oh you're awake. " Her brother said in an almost effeminate manner as he threw aside the empty gasoline container.

"I knew I couldn't trust you!" Kyoko snarled as she realized that her long-time sinking suspicions were correct, her brother was the mysterious arsonist.

"Got that right, you know that Fire and Ice poem? Well have fun with the fire." Yuudai dropped the lit match, and the floor lit up as the flames ate up the gasoline on the wooden floor. Kyoko worked the knot diligently trying not to panic and it loosened just enough for her to slip them off her wrists.

She had jumped toward the stairs, away from the chair, just in time before the flames consumed the wooden chair she had been previously tied to.

Kyoko turned to go down the stairs when-


'Crapmonkeys, Yuudai must've put bombs in the building too.' Kyoko cursed as a burning support beam crushed part of the stairs.

Oh well, there was nowhere to go but up, Kyoko climbed up another flight of stairs, and from the corner of her eye she saw something ghastly.

It was the caretaker of all the orphans, hanging from the ceiling. The one who always no matter what always said that she would find a home if Kyoko would just let it happen, and now she just hung there, lifeless.


Something within Kyoko's chest seemed to snap, she felt angry, hateful at Yuudai for betraying her and trying to kill her.

She ran up the stairs and opened the door leading to the rooftop.

There stood Yuudai, dumping gasoline all over the rooftop in preparation to set it on fire.

Kyoko scowled bitterly, her brother turned and consequentially they charged each other.

The building quaked beneath them as the weakened support beams began to give way, but still brother and sister fought, not giving an inch. Kicks, punches, sweeps, lunges, anything and everything Kyoko threw at her brother he could match.

"I know all your moves Kyoko-chan," Yuudai sneered, "because I," he blocked her wild punch, "taught 'em to ya!" Then he tossed her toward the roof's edge, to her death.

But Kyoko could thank her lucky stars for the flagpole that she grabbed onto, keeping her away from the roof's edge.

Yuudai was furious, how dare that little brat take so long to die?! Enraged, he charged like a bull hurtling toward his sister with alarming speed.

As he neared, the rain that had began to fall seemed irrelevant as Kyoko reached into her pocket reflexively and clenched her fist around the flag pole, to brace herself.

Kyoko flicked out her army knife reflexively and held it forward.

Yuudai plowed forward, and gasped painfully as the metal stabbed into the flesh of his stomach.

Blood flowed over Kyoko smaller hand and she stared into her brother's cloudy eyes for a single moment, then she used what was left of the momentum and swung him around, right over the edge of the roof.

Kyoko didn't even look long enough to see him hit the ground, she heard the crack of his bones as his body fell all five stories and hit the pavement below. Kyoko turned to leave, only to see her only escape, the stairway covered in flames, then a spark flew toward the spilled gasoline covering the roof.

'Oh shit.' Kyoko thought as the building beneath her seemed to lurch as another explosion went off, and the blazing roof beneath her feet gave way, and she fell into the floors below the floors collapsing as well with a clatter of crashes and fiery explosions as the wild flames had reached the gas lines.

The sight that greeted Kyoko's eyes was the flaming debris crashing down on top of her as the building finally collapsed.

Her last sight was of the burning support beam crashing down on top of her, afterward, and as the thick smoke filled her lungs, Kyoko's world went dark…

A/N: Dramatic I know, review and all that blahbbity, blah, blah. Review PLZ! Yep chap was set in the REAL WORLD, the one that we all happen to live in! NEXT CHAP will be the Naruto-verse! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!