Dance With Darkness

A D. Gray Man Fanfiction

~Act Nine (PREVIEW)

"Lost and Found"

Stole and Shadow left for the Black Order a bit later than they had expected to leave -but by the time night fell, they had finally gotten back to the Order.

He had returned to find an utterly depressed (well, for the most part. Kanda didn't actually care, hah) group that practically tackled him when they saw him.

"Where were you?" "We looked for you everywhere!" "Hey... Do I smell cake?"

"Cake? What cake!" someone yelled.

Stole sighed, "I apologize. I bumped into an old... friend, and we spent more time recuperating than I expected," he explained. "And yes, I brought Cake," he said, holding up a large parcel.

"Woohoo! Cake!" exclaimed Allen, chippering up immediately.

"Allen!" Lenalee reprimanded, but couldn't keep the smile off her face.

Typical Allen.

"What~? I'm hungry!" he said, a finger at his lips as he pouted.

Lavi rolled his eyes, "You're always hungry, Al," he said.

"Am not! And don't call me Al~!" he whined.

Stole couldn't help a small smile that twitched on his face.

Someone gasped, "OH MY GAWD! STOLE'S LAUGHING!" someone yelled and they turned.

Stole blinked.

"Nuh-uh! He's smiling- WHOA! He's smiling!" exclaimed Allen, before they all turned to him.

Confused, Stole blinked, the smile disappearing, "Huh?" he said intelligently. (J: Note, sarcasm -Stole: Hey!)

"He is not!" scoffed someone -Stole was too dizzy from being spun around to face everyone to tell.

"He was to! He's just dizzy now! See? He can't even stand straight now!" exclaimed Allen.

"Tche, Liar liar pants on fire!" someone called immaturely.

He was pretty sure he heard Allen blow a raspberry...

Gawd they were so immature! He thought, unable to help the slight snort and and the stream of laughter that escaped, tears spilling from his eyes a bit, as everyone stopped, and stared -he was laughing...

By time they all settled down, the cake had been split between all the exorcists there, though, sadly, Komui didn't get much seeing as he was the last there -of course, Lenalee, being the nice girl that she was, had saved a slice for him, along with some coffee she had brewed for him, seeing as he was actually workingthis time...

(J: -le gasp!- He did his work! Komui: Hey! I do my work... sometimes...)

Allen, of course, had eaten the most, and Shadow and Stole had shared a slice, seeing as he wasn't too into sweets at the moment (a certain someone had stuffed him full at her house) and sat with a cup of tea, politely declining when Lenalee offered coffee, explaining that he was more of a tea person (having been raised that way by Leverrier -not that he would ever admit it).

The oddest thing, though, was when some of the others seemed to practically bounce off the walls -just how much sugar had they had...?

He was pretty sure the cake didn't contain all that much... right?

A/N: Okay, so I know this is short, but, if you were paying attention *points up* This is ONLY A PREVIEW!

So... yeah, I thought I'd put SOMETHING up for now, but... I'll probably just end up re-writing this story once I get other stuff outa my system (NO, I don't do drugs... If I did, my typing would not be this precise, and I probably wouldn't be able to get on Fanfiction anyways, cuz I'd be dead).

Yeah... Anyways, since so many people seem to like this story, I'm not gonna take it off, but I doubt I'll be able to update anytime soon...

So for those that have been eagerly awaiting the next chapter... *bows*

I'm VERY sorry! Please don't kill me! DX

And to those that have no idea what I'm talking about... You probably won't be here, so...


Ahem-! *cough* That's it for now, but this story will continue...

Eventually. That's a promise! ^w^