I realized that I didn't have many of the other Bones characters in this story and I apologize for that. I really wanted to focus more on Brennan for this particular story, but this chapter will have EVERYBODY. :D

It couldn't have been more than 20 minutes before everyone started showing up at the hospital to see Zack. Hodgins and Angela were the first. Hodgins could barely contain himself. He had practically run into the room. When he saw Zack laying in the hospital bed, his face lit up brighter than I had seen in a long same could not be said for Zack. Instead of being happy as I thought he would, he instead looked nervous.

"Hodgins..." he said, only just glancing up at him, like he was afraid to make eye contact with him. He looked at me where I sat on the chair on the other side of his bed. I glanced between him and Hodgins, trying to figure out what was wrong.

A bright smile crossed over Hodgins' face. He quickly crossed the room, followed by a beaming Angela, and stood next to the bed. "Zack, how are you feeling?" he asked. He seemed unsure of himself, like he didn't know whether to hug him or not.

"Alright," Zack said, still avoiding his eyes.

Hodgins noticed. "What's wrong?"

Zack didn't say anything, but his face scrunched together like he was in pain.

Hodgins knelt down by the bed and tried to look his friend in the eyes. "Zack... if you think I'm mad at you... I'm not. Dr. Brennan told us everything. I know."

Zack hesitantly looked him in the eyes, his own gleaming slightly from tears he was trying to fight away. "I... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Hodgins. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Hodgins shook his head. "No. It wasn't your fault, Zack. It wasn't."

"But I betrayed you," Zack said.

"No, you didn't. You did what you had to to save your family. Hey, I get that," Zack said. He put a hand on Zack shoulder. He smiled. "I'm just so glad to have you back."

Zack searched his face and when he saw sincerity, he smiled. "I'm glad to be back."

Hodgins finally embraced the younger man in a hug, patting him on the back. When he pulled away, I was certain I saw tears rimming his eyes.

Angela, who had been quiet, allowing Zack and Hodgins the moment they needed, finally went over to the bed and gave Zack a hug as well. "We all missed you so much."

"I missed you, too," Zack said, smiling at them both.

After a while, Dr. Saroyan, Sweets, and Wendell all entered the room. Sweets gave Zack a warm handshake, welcoming him back and assuring him that the charges against would be dropped. Dr. Saroyan placed a hand on his shoulder and told him that his old job was his if he wanted it. Wendell gave Zack a handshake, welcoming him back. This having been the first time the two had met, they spent a few moments getting to know each other and, to everyone's surprise, seemed to get along well.

"Where is Agent Booth?" Wendell asked me.

"He's still looking for the shooter," I answered.

"Who do you think it was?" Hodgins mused.

I shrugged, although I had a strong feeling I did in fact know who it had been.

Angela looked at me and I could tell she was thinking the same thing. As discreetly as she could, she came to my side and leaned in close so that no one could hear. "Do you think it was him?"

I nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Did you tell Booth?"

"Um... no."

"No?" Angela asked, surprised. "Why not? We have Zack back. Why haven't you told him so he can catch him?"

I hesitated. I had been asking myself that for the past several hours after having found Zack. Why hadn't I told him? There was certainly nothing holding me back now. Finally, I shrugged helplessly. "I don't know... I just can't."


"Because... because I couldn't do it in good conscience."

"What do you mean?"

I paused, trying to gather my thoughts. "I... I don't know."

"Brennan... you have to tell him," Angela said severely. "He threatened me, you, Hodgins, he pushed me down a flight of stairs, he threatened you with your own gun."

"If it hadn't have been for him, we never would have gotten Zack back," I said. "All of the evidence we have now... we have it because he gave it to us. Zack would still be in the mental hospital, we would all still think he killed the lobbyist and I..." I stopped, the sudden onslaught of emotion making my throat go dry.

Angela stared at me, surprised at all I had said. I knew she didn't agree with my silence, and really, I didn't either, but I couldn't get myself around the idea of telling Booth. Besides, what could Booth do if I did tell him? As far as any records showed, Samson Coles was dead. How was Booth supposed to find someone who didn't exist anymore?

"Brennan... if you don't tell him... I will," she said.

I looked at her, eyebrows raised in surprise. I hadn't expected that.

"I'm sorry, but... "

"No, no. You're right," I said. "Don't worry. I'll tell Booth."

Angela nodded and then looked around the room at the smiling faces. They were all laughing at something, and Zack was blushing slightly in embarrassment. She then turned to me. "Let's not worry about that right now. Let's just enjoy this moment."

I looked around, smiled and nodded. Standing, I went over to Zack, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing affectionately. He looked up at me and smiled happily. It filled the emptiness that had been in my heart.

I had gone to the Royal Diner without really thinking about it. I had taken a seat at the counter and ordered a coffee, only subconsciously aware of what I was doing. All I could really think about was that right now, Zack was safe. Hodgins had volunteered to stay with him overnight, to keep him company. No one seemed to want to leave him alone and I was thankful for it; as long as someone was with him, I couldn't lose him again. It was an illogical thought, I knew, but comforting nonetheless.

I had only been sitting there for ten minutes, and my coffee had only just begun to cool when he appeared beside me. He had a coffee and was sitting like he had been there for hours. I acknowledged his presence only when I was ready, letting him sit there for about three minutes before at last turning to him.

"Did you shoot the man holding Zack?" I asked. I didn't feel like beating around the bush.

He looked at me like he was only noticing me just now. "Why do you keep asking questions that you already know the answer to?"

"Is that a yes?" I pressed.

Bishop took a sip of his coffee and then gestured for the waiter. He then turned to me, gazing at me with an interested expression. "How is he? I hope he isn't too shaken by the whole ordeal."

"He'll be alright," I said, "but you still haven't answered my question."

"Why do you want me to confess so badly? You already know I did, so why would you insist on my saying so?" he asked. The waiter came over, interrupting us momentarily. Bishop paid for both of our drinks and then stood. He gestured for me to follow and without really considering the possible consequences, I stood and followed him out the door into the street. Slowly, we walked side by side down the sidewalk.

"I'm just trying to understand why," I answered.

"Why what?" he asked.

"Why you did all of this. You got Zack kidnapped, planted evidence that proved his innocence, threatened me and my friends, led me to Zack's blackmailer, and then shot the men holding Zack hostage. That's a lot of trouble to go through, especially when you don't gain anything from it."

"But I did gain something from it," he said, stopping beneath a dim street lamp.

I looked at him curiously. "What was that?"

He stared at me for a moment, glanced at the ground and then looked around uncomfortably. "Brennan... I had lost faith in humanity when my parents were killed. I saw the world as a dark, cruel place. It was that view that made me who I am today, but then you came. Out of dozens of cases, you picked my parents. And you didn't just look for their killer... you looked for answers; for the truth. You cared about who they were, what had happened to them, what would be done with them..." He paused, swallowing.

I waited patiently for him to continue, staring at his intense brown eyes, almost entranced by them.

"You caught their killer and put them to rest properly, seeing to it personally. I had had no idea what happened that night until you investigated it. You gave me what no one else could; closure and peace. From that point, I decided that one day, I'd return the favor. So I kept track of you and your coworkers. I made sure to know about everything that happened in the Jeffersonian. When I heard about the Gormogon case and saw how much it was affecting you and your coworkers, I kept an extra eye on everyone. I had assumed Gormogon would figure out you were close to catching him and try to stop you. When Zack said that he was the apprentice, I at first believed him. My original plan was make him look innocent, for your sake. I knew how much he meant to you, but when I did some digging, I found out that he actually was innocent. That made it infinitely easier for me."

"You were going to plant the evidence even if he wasn't innocent?" I asked, interrupting him.

He nodded.


"It didn't matter whether he was guilty or not. All I knew was that you needed him like I needed closure. That was good enough for me. His being innocent was just a bonus."

"So all of that... was for me?" I asked.

He nodded. "For you."

I stared at him, feeling a flutter in my stomach. I looked up at him again and noticed that at some point, he had gotten closer to me.

"I'm going to tell Booth," I suddenly blurted out. I wasn't sure what had provoked me to say that, but it was too late now. It was said.

He only nodded. "I know you are," he said, again coming in closer. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. "And I understand... just don't expect to catch me."

I looked at him and noticed that I had subconsciously begun to move closer.

His eyes locked on mine and the flutter in my stomach increased. Our faces were inches apart.

He stared at me for a moment and then looked down at my lips. Again, he leaned in further until I could feel his lips just barely on mine. Almost like I had lost control of my own body, I tried to press his lips to mine, but with sudden abruptness, he pulled away, looking down at the ground.

"I would love... to kiss you right now," he said, eyes still locked to the ground. "After having watched you for so long... learned everything you like, everything you dislike, your favorite food, your favorite color... I know everything there is to know about you..."

I stared at him, finding myself wishing that he had not pulled away. The flutter was still there, but it had decreased slightly after having been rejected. I couldn't deny that I was attracted to him and I certainly couldn't deny that I did want to kiss him. Was that why I hadn't told Booth about him? I scolded myself. I was smarter than that.

I was interrupted from my inner musings when he continued.

"I know you so well... and for that reason... I can't."

I looked at him longingly. "What do you mean?"

He finally looked up at me again and smiled softly. "Brennan, you may be able to fool yourself, but you can't fool me. I know where your heart lies and as much as I would like it to, it's not with me."

A puzzled expression crossed my face. "My heart doesn't lie with anyone."

He chuckled a little. "Open your eyes, Brennan," he said. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he took my hand and held it. He stared down at our hands, as though trying to relish the moment while it lasted. He looked up at me again and sighed. "I'm afraid this is where I say goodbye."

I felt my heart sink slightly. My mind was a jumbled mess. I shouldn't be feeling this way. He had thrown Angela down a flight of stairs! He had threatened Hodgins, had Zack kidnapped. But then... he had given me Zack back when I had thought he was gone forever. "Goodbye?" I said.

He nodded, letting go of my hand after giving it a gentle squeeze. "I won't be gone completely. If you need me, I'll know... and I'll come."

"Why? You've paid me back," I said.

"Not to pay you back," he said. "Its the only thing I can give you."

I smiled. It was all I could think to do.

Finally, he turned away from me and started walking down the street, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. I watched him until he had completely disappeared from sight. My heart sunk even lower.

I stood there for a good ten minutes, my mind and emotions all muddled and shaken beyond coherent thought or feeling. I wasn't sure what I should do.

Eventually, my body took over and, after a short, silent drive, I found myself knocking on a familiar door. After the third knock, the door opened.

"Bones, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?" Booth asked.

I nodded. "I just... need to talk to you."

He opened the door wider. "Come on in."

I stepped inside and watched him close the door behind me. He then turned to me, looking with me with concern. "It's not about Zack is it? He's alright?"

"Yes, he's fine. Hodgins is staying with him at the hospital."

Booth nodded and then looked at me expectantly.

I stared at him for a moment, trying to remember why I had come here at all. I knew I still needed to tell him about Bishop, but surely that could have waited until the morning... so why was I here?

"What's the matter, Bones?" Booth asked.

I sighed. "I... I don't know. I'm just feeling... confused."


I looked at him. "Booth..."

He waited.

I hesitated, trying to think of what to say, but nothing came and finally, I gave a defeated sigh. "I have a few things I want to tell you in the morning."

Booth gazed at me blankly. "Is... that why you're here?"

"No, I came by to let you know that Zack was okay and that... that I'm grateful that you searched so hard for him. I know you don't really like him, so it meant... it meant a lot to me."

Booth smiled a little. "He means a lot to you so he means a lot to me."

I smiled. "Well... I should go. Goodnight, Booth."

"Goodnight, Brennan."

The end.

Thank you everybody for reading, reviewing and favoriting! All of it was appreciated and I am so glad that you enjoyed it! :D

Now for those of you who were hoping for BrennanxBooth fluff, I apologize that I didn't put much in. I didn't want to force it and I felt that it wouldn't really fit into the story right. I'll just leave the BrennanxBooth fluff to the actual Bones writers. I do, though, hope you enjoyed the BrennanxBishop fluff. I had been planning that for a while. I hope it came out as smoothly as I was going for.

Again, thanks for reading! :D