Disclaimer: Hey guess what? I don't own Harry Potter! Shocker!

Claimer: I own the entire Marx family though.

AN: So I've decided to start trying to write this again. I had to rewrite the first four chapters. Well not rewrite, except in some places. About 98% of it is all the same. There were some stupid spelling errors though I should have caught. So, because I wanted to hit myself for being such a dolt, I went through and fixed the errors. Hopefully I caught them all. And I'll be working on the fifth chapter after all of these go back online. Sorry if I lose all of your reviews. Please feel free to review again!

Through the darkest space, well I try to catch up to the catchphrased human race.

Jason Mraz


My arms fell lazily back to my sides and my mouth began to close itself from the enormous yawn that managed to escape. It was early in the morning. Around ten. Ten-twenty-ish. Okay, so maybe it wasn't exactly early, but it sure as bloody hell wasn't exactly late for me either. The morning was still cool and the air still crisp with the newly produced dew as I sat on the back porch of our manor. The house elf Jocken was supposed to be bringing me a cup of freshly brewed tea to wake me up and lift my spirits. Because this damn England weather wasn't doing it. More dreary rain clouds were hanging overhead, blocking out the glorious bright sun that should have been shining on this August morning.

Jocken finally appeared, quietly opening the back glass door and setting down an intricate silver tray on the small table my parents had placed back here. "S-sor-ry it took me so long Mistress Kendra." I smiled tightly down at the frail creature.

"It's fine Jocken. You're dismissed now." I flicked my hand back towards the door and slumped further into my seat, taking my cup of steaming tea with me. Despite the period of time Jocken took bringing the drink, it tasted fantastic. After taking my tea the same way for six years he had perfected the art and didn't even asked me how I liked it anymore. That pleased me more than anything. I hated being asked minor questions. There was no point in them.

Sighing deeply I ran a hand through my long, blond hair, pulling it all back from my eyes in the process. What the hell am I going to do today? Taking a sip of my tea I thought it over. I supposed I could start packing my trunk for Hogwarts, which I'd be leaving for in just a matter of three days. Two more years of that place and I was free. Though I was excited at the thought I was also scared. I had no plans after Hogwarts. I had never thought the day would be coming so soon. Five years just managed to pass in a blur really. If I recalled hard enough I could remember the exact meal I had first eaten in the Great Hall the night I was sorted into the Slytherin house. From there on out the good times were basically a blur. All I could truly remember is something bad happening every year and Harry Potter being involved. Of course. He was involved in everything. I rolled my eyes. "The boy can't seem to stay out of trouble." I muttered, frowning deeply and sipping on my tea some more.

"Who?" A voice asked, and I craned my neck to see someone I had been expecting several days ago.

"Potter." I answered Draco as he sat down on another chair. Automatically Draco sneered at the name, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Why are you thinking of Potter?" I smirked at my best friend's tone towards The Chosen One, but I tried to hide it behind my cup.

"Why? Jealous I'm not thinking of you instead?" Draco's ice blue eyes shifted to me and he smirked.

"Pft. For Merlin's sake Kendra, been near too many dangerous, exploding potions?" I glared at Draco over the top of my cup as he tried to tie my insanity to my horrible potions skills. Out of all things to bring up, he brought up the fact I couldn't even make a simple potion without it exploding on me. My murderous glare continued towards the sixteen year old Malfoy sitting across from me as I thought of my previous five years in the Potions class. From the very first day in that class I knew I was doomed. Even if my professor was also the head of my house. I supposed it didn't help I had a smart mouth. Snape wasn't too fond of anything that came from my lips. So, instead of putting my head into the books, which I never did for any class, I just partnered myself with Draco and skimmed through each year, hoping I'd be able to somehow, if by a miracle from Salazar Slytherin himself, that I'd passed my O.W.L.S. Luckily I did. Both Snape and I were shocked when I got my results back. Keeping my mouth shut I managed to slip out of the Potions room and slip my way into my sixth year at Hogwarts.

"Pft. For Merlin's sake Draco, been near too many ferrets lately?" I mocked the platinum blond, and as soon as the animal's name left my lips he glowered at me.

"Don't bring up that creature of dirt in this house Kendra Danielle Marx!" Both Draco and I whipped our heads around in our chairs to see my mum and Narcissa standing in the doorway. Obviously she knew I spoke of the time in our fourth year when Draco was turned into a ferret because of The Golden Trio.

"Yes mother." I obliged, not wanting to argue the subject. Last time I had said anything about a student that wasn't a pure-blood I paid dearly. As I did my very first year at Hogwarts. It was in Transfigurations I met a Ravenclaw named Terry Boot. Little did I know he was Muggleborn and that it would cost me when I came home for the holidays. We became very close friends, regardless of our house differences, and I did get mocked by fellow Slytherins for that. Another payment I made during my first year. My housemates forgave me a lot easier than my own parents did though. When I did come home for Christmas break my father was very cold towards me. He spoke very little and even then they were very clipped sentences. As though I was nothing more than filth, and he'd rather be hexed than speak to me. A heart-breaking yet turning point in my life. A few days into my stay at home my father called me into his study which was dimly lit by the fireplace on the west wall.

"Kendra, dear, it's nice to have you back home." He turned his chair to smile softly at me. I hadn't seen this look on my father's face since he became a Death Eater. This small emotion brought hope rising into my chest and soaring through my heart. More than it should have, but I didn't care. I had my father back. My daddy. I stepped further into the dark study, gaining confidence from my father's welcoming praise. Right as I was a couple of feet from the desk the smile faltered, and so did my feet. I froze dead in my tracks. Had I done something wrong in the six seconds it had taken me to cross the room? My father then spoke, a sinister smirk playing on his lips this time. "Or at least it would be if you weren't such a disappointment." Bitterness shone through his words and I felt the venom that was sinking into my brain. What had I done wrong? What did I do to displease him? "See, since you obviously don't know the reason, I find you to be disappointing because you've been associating yourself with a Muggle. You, a Marx, of all people. Even Draco is disgusted with you." All of his words struck me in the heart like a cold kitchen knife. That didn't strike me quite as hard as the Cruccio curse did. For seven days three time a day my father used this curse on me.

"Why daddy, why?" I cried between screams, writhing in pain on the floor as he stood over me, casting an ominous shadow.

"You'll learn Kendra. You are a pure-blood. You do not speak to Muggles, Muggleborns or Blood-Traitors. If I ever catch you mingling with one again you'll have an even worse punishment."

"Kendra! Hello?" Snapping brought me out of my past. Brought me out of the day my perception of my father would forever change. That was the day I stopped calling him "daddy". No, I grew up. He wasn't that figure to me anymore. He was merely a male who provided help creating me. He was never anything more. I erased my earlier memories of him. I couldn't take the change. My eleven year old self couldn't take the change.

"Yeah?" I dumbly asked, glancing around me to see who had been talking. Draco was the only person on the back porch with me now, since both our mums left after scolding me. For a long, intent minute Draco stared suspiciously at my face, trying to find some clue as to why I wasn't paying attention to him. Merlin forbid! He sighed deeply and put his face into one of his hands chuckling slightly.

"You haven't heard a word I've said have you?" His blue eyes locked with my green ones. I sighed and shrugged. What did he want me to say? As if reading my thoughts Draco spoke, that small amused tone still ringing clear. "Just tell me what you were thinking about." Looking down into my tea I hoped Draco would just drop the subject. Usually he was good at picking up my discomfort. Yet he continued relentlessly. "Come on Kendra. You know you can tell me anything-" I cut Draco off because I knew this speech by heart. Hell, I made most of it up.

"I know, I know. I can tell you anything, we've been best friends since we've been born!"

"Left the magical potions tube you mean." Draco smirked, correcting me. A little snigger rose out of my throat at the sexual meaning in the line.

"Whatever. Same difference. And don't bring up potions again!" I held up my hand to Draco and he gaped incredulously.

"Is this what you're hiding from me? Potions? That's why you've been wrapped all in your bloody head?"

"No it's not Mr. Bouncing Unmentionable. And stop bringing potions up damn you!" Draco raised an eyebrow and we were silent for a moment.


"Well, I can't use the F-word! Mum will kill me!"

"What? Fuck?" I glared at Draco playfully and stuck my tongue out at him. Again Draco raised his eyebrow, but this time in mock offense. In a slightly high (and somewhat pitchy) voice he replied, "Don't use those kind of facial expressions towards me! I am dictator in this house and you will respect me!" I looked at him barely controlling the laughter that threatened to burst from me.

"My mother sounds worse than that. But a very nice attempt Draco."

"Psh, sorry I wasn't meant to play the part of a woman, but as you can tell," Draco waved his hands down his body. "this is all man." A lecherous eyebrow waggle and smirk followed the sentence. "Now back to the conversation at hand. What were you really thinking and so help me Merlin if you call me a ferret again I'll hurt you Kendra!" He pointed a threatening finger in my direction, but I just smirked.

"Finally caught on did you?"

"Bouncing F-word? Is that the best you've got?"

"HA!" I snorted, throwing my head back. "Please, you should know that's not even close to as good as I've got."

"Oh I do know." I gave Draco a pointed look at his statement he just tried to make sexual, then sighed in defeat. This was Draco we're talking about.

"You're impossible." I threw my arms in the air and rose from the table, walking swiftly inside. The more I could avoid Draco, the more I could avoid this conversation. Too bad he wasn't feeling like giving up. Bloody blond, boy. Both sets of footsteps echoed off the white marble floor as we made our way through the sitting room, into the foyer and up the grand staircase that led to the most of the rooms in the house. Besides mine that is. To get to my room, which was the highest point in the Marx manor you had to go through the drawing room and at the back of that room there was door you could use to climb a spiraling staircase in which led up to my room. Complex, but worth it. "Draco, I'm telling you now, leave it alone." Without turning around I knew Draco was following me with that stupid, signature smirk of his that girls swooned all over. In a way he was predictable. In others not so much.

"Kendra, stop hiding all this shit from me!" Draco exclaimed as we started up the staircase into my personal quarters. By the tone in his voice the smirk was gone and he was obviously getting frustrated and annoyed.

"Why do you want to know so bad?" I finally asked, when we were in my room and the door was closed. I found myself sitting on my bed which was adorned in my house colors. Draco was leaning against the door glaring daggers at me, which gave away his thoughts. Something that usually only happened when I was around. Sixteen years with the same person could really do that to you.

"Kendra we've never hidden anything from each other, and if we have hidden something we usually spill it. But this, this is something you're very adamant about keeping a secret, why?" Draco's eyes darkened a little. Great, my best friend was pulling away from me because I refused to admit I was lost in my murky past. Eventually, because I really didn't want to be distant from Draco, I sighed and slumped forward a little.

"I was sort of thinking about the past." Part of me was scared to meet Draco's eyes, whose eyes I know would be full of hatred. Draco and I weren't fond of our lives in the past, but we could do nothing to change it. We forgot it and moved on. That's just the way we were raised. It was our functional in the dysfunctional.

"Father?" Draco made a quick guess. I nodded and shrugged at the same time. What could I really say? When he knew the answer he knew the answer. We were both open books in front of each other, even if we looked emotionless to others. Everything that had anything to do with Draco and I came right back to those sixteen years of contact. The bed slumped under more weight and Draco wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Which memory?" His voice was more of a whisper. My own painful memories brought up his too.

"Christmas break of our first year at Hogwarts." That one sentence said it all. Of course I hadn't told Draco right away about what happened. I was too scared of my father. Scared he'd use one of the unforgivable curses on me again. Most likely one I wouldn't recover from.

"I see." Another whisper. This heavy hell that was unleashed somehow was putting me into a gloomy mood. There was only way to change that.

"Hey Dray, want to play Hate Her, Love Her?" Draco smirked, even though all the sadness was still swimming in his eyes.

"Why not. It's not like I have anything better to do today." Just as I got up to go get some copies of the Daily Prophet and wizarding magazines Draco remarked, "Are you ever going to change into actual clothes today?" I looked down at my clothing, which happened to be the ivory silk night gown I had been sleeping in.

"Not until I take a shower."

"Are you going to take a shower today?" Twenty questions was getting old.

"Nope, I planned on lounging around the house today. Won't have much time to do it afterwards." One thought that brought the depression back in a quick swirl. Nothing pissed me off more than getting up early in the morning and dealing with people my age.

"Well are you at least going to run your face under the tap? You're looking a little oily today." I glanced over my shoulder and glared at Draco. Fine, I would at least take a shower then change into something to lounge around in besides my nightgown.

"You shouldn't be complaining." I muttered, taking a pair of shorts and a ragged old shirt that I used during Quidditch practice into the bathroom with me. "It shows more skin than you usually get to see." Draco laughed a little and eyed me again. This time he took in my bare shoulders, not even closed to covered by the thin straps. He also noted my legs, which didn't go on forever, but weren't short and stubby either.

"I've seen you in sexier." He waved me into the bathroom with a hand and I snorted at him as I left the room. Count on him to turn my flirting against me. Not that it would have mattered if he had played along. Nothing would ever occur beyond the sexual innuendos. Draco and I just weren't like that. Maybe once, in the back of our heads yes, but now? Never.

That's why we were so close of friends. We could get dangerously close to shagging and not let it affect what we had, because we knew what lay underneath deep down in each other.