"What's it like for you, Ash?" the brunette asked her boyfriend quietly.

"What's what like for me, Mare?" Ash Redfern kissed her forehead gently, pulling the blankets up around her shoulders so she wouldn't feel cold.

"The…well," Mary-Lynette thought about how to put it, her hand tracing patterns on Ash's bare torso. "Whenever…I'm near you, I…"

She struggled with the words; they all sounded wrong inside her head. This feeling was so strange to her, even now.

"There's…the electricity, of course, that I feel. But, also…this, like…thick, pink haze around me. Pressing in, warm, and…"

She shook her head, sighing in defeat. "I'm making no sense."

"No," Ash shook his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I know exactly what you mean."

His arms held her close in the darkness and Mary-Lynette looked up at his face, waiting for him to explain.

"Is it…like a thick pink, sort of…fog?" Ash enquired.

"Uhm, yeah, kinda." Mary-Lynette nodded.

"But," he smiled, kissing her gently. "I can see through it. I see you."

"Me, too. It's like…you're the only real thing I can see anymore."


"That's kind of freaky," Mary-Lynette remarked dryly. Ash chuckled, tickling her under her arms gently. They were silent for a bit, then Ash spoke again, his voice hesitant and wary.


"Mm?" she smiled, closing her eyes.

"Will you kiss me?"

Surprised, she leaned up to look at him, her hair tumbling down her back messily, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "You're asking?"

He let a small smile touch his lips as he held her face in his hands gently. "I just want to try something."

Ash sat up, pulling her gently to sit beside him too. "Now," he said quietly. "I want you to come forward slowly and kiss me. Take your time, Mare, that's essential."

"You're nuts," his girlfriend muttered, but she lined herself up against him nonetheless, ready.

Slowly, she leaned forward so their noses touched slightly…closer…slowly…and all the while the fog around her head pressed in, thicker, warmer than it had ever done before…Mary-Lynette almost felt faint from the feel of it… All she could see was Ash, but then she couldn't see Ash. How strange.

Their lips touched and Mary-Lynette couldn't control the gasp that escaped her lips at the almost violent sparks that erupted from that small touch. She actually leapt back, staring at a rather smug looking Ash, her eyes wide. Wow.

"Ash," she breathed, shaking her head. "Your experiments are genius."

Smirking, he pulled her back down to lie beside him, kissing her on the mouth, hard.

"I know," he winked.
