Hey guys! Fluffypenuinscandy story, Nightmare, really inspired me, especially the last sentence. Check it out!!
Misaki ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
Down corridors, through door after door.
Akihiko tried his best to keep up with him but he had never realised how fast the teen could run.
Misaki knew where he was going and needed to get there as soon as possible.
He finally reached the room he had been looking for.
"Nii-chan!" He cried as he came crashing through the door.
There was his brother lying still on the hospital bed. His sweet face pale and lifeless.
"I'm sorry" He heard the doctor behind him but couldn't take his eyes off of Takahiko. "It was a car crash. We did all we could but he was dead before we got to him.
Akihiko came running through the door and without looking at anyone or without saying a word he took the teen in his arms and tried his best to stop the tears from pouring down the boys face.
Everything around Misaki disappeared. The doctor, Akihiko and his dearest brother.
Misaki opened his eyes and sat up straight.
He couldn't help the sobs that were escaping his throat or the tears rolling down his face.
He heard footsteps outside the door. Akihiko came into the room, took one look at his crying lover and rushed to his side. He sat on the bed with Misaki and held him in his arms.
"Did you have that dream again?" He asked, stoking Misaki's hair.
Misaki, now crying into Akihiko's chest, nodded. He was shaking violently.
Akihiko realised as he looked down at the poor teen that he was not only holding Misaki the 19 year old who just had a bad dream, but also Misaki the 8 year old who had just lost his parents.
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