Okay. Sorry Took so long, I had to think and type a good chapter about the action and such.

It may either be realllllllly corny at the end.

Or other... since I type this part before the chapter, I don't 100 percent know. lol

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Ouran


Haruhi and Mayumi sat down in the main room. Hikaru and Kaoru, had to go to one of there mother's fashion stations and clarify a few things. A screaming could be heard from the staff and they grabbed there weapons. Entering the kitchen, they saw Tamaki and a bunch of other members, who happen to harm some of them. Haruhi and Mayumi stood there in disbelief and held there weapons up. " Tamaki, what the hell are you doing ?! " Clarissa yelled and Tamaki chuckled. " There you two are. Saves me the trouble to find you. Come with me. Or It would be by force. " He warned. Haruhi growled, " Why should we? " Haruhi threatened and unlocked her gun. Tamaki smirked, " For my plan. I plan to sell you both later, but I would love to cause the twin brats some pain... or well the entire club! They took everything from me! And this is my payback. " He yelled and Haruhi and Mayumi were grabbed from behind, tissues over the mouth. Haruhi clenched her eyes shut.. Hikaru.... Was her last thoughts before she blacked out.


Hikaru phone vibrated. Kyouya was calling them. Answering it, they were confused. He barely calls anyone. " Hey, Kyouya, whats up? " Kaoru put his head nearby Hikaru's cell phone to listen in. " Listen well, Hikaru, Kaoru. Tamaki is gone crazy. He went to your house.. killed some of your staff and kidnapped the girls. I advise you come to my estate NOW. We need a plan. See you soon. " And he hung up. Hikaru dropped the phone on the floor. Kaoru went to there mother, told her they needed to leave and explained the situation. Yuzuha gasped. She handed Kaoru a list of codes. Hikaru, who had prepared all the weapon supplies, that were in the limo, came by and looked at the his. " What are these for? " Hikaru pointed out. Yuzuha sighed, " I have the lock codes, from the Suoh estate areas, where ever he's hiding, and the girls, its best if you had these. Plus it can activate a few vehicles, but careful, Hikaru. Kaoru. " Yuzuha hugged her sons briefly and let them go. Hikaru and Kaoru ran, got into there limo and was at the Ootori estate in less than half an hour. They kinda threatened there driver... to drive very quickly. A ride that was suppose to be 3 hours ended up half an hour.

Kaoru was beyond angry. Tamaki raided there house, killed there staff for no reason, and kidnapped his girlfriend. What the hell is he up to? Kaoru clenched his fists, they walked into the mansion, Mori, Honey, And Kyouya were there. Already half ready. Kyouya waved, " Yo. Your here, thats quick, we got a plan figured out. Mori and Honey, they are going through the main defense and offense, I know you both got a list of codes to access the rooms, and I will use the Ootori private army and get into there. That's when you two enter this room here, where we found out is where he's hiding the girls and himself. He plans to either sell them away, for enslavement or other. He proclaims we have taken them from him. The retard. " Kyouya pointed out and Hikaru punched the wall, causing a hole. " Then what are we doing standing here? Let's go! " He said irritably and the group nodded. Honey looked like a small army man. Mori looked like a riffle specialist, Kaoru, was skilled in the arts of using blades, Hikaru was good at shooting aim, Kyouya, was best at tactics, code breaking, theft resting and sneakiness. Getting in seperate vehicles they headed to one of the deserted areas of the Suoh Area.


Clarissa and Haruhi were inside cages. Haruhi was unconscious still, because they got tortured a bit. Whip marks still visible on her stomach line, Clarissa winced. The out edging on the cage had spikes and she had an electric collar. She saw Tamaki down there, smirking. " You bastard! Why are your harming us?! Let alone Haruhi! She never has experienced this shit before! And never has needed to, shes innocent! Why are you hurting her?! " Clarissa screamed and Tamaki clicked a button, causing to shock her painfully. " She broke my kind heart, by loving another man. Is that so hard to ask for ? Love? Your here too, because you freaking deserve it too. You and your bitchy attitude. " He said darkly. Clarissa glared, this wasn't Tamaki.. or well a side she never seen of him. Two henchmen can in, and where on there knees. " Master Suoh there is a group working through the defense and offense, shall we go full force? " Tamaki had a finger on his chin. " Yes.. Go to any degree to kill them and bring there dead bodies to me. " Tamaki demanded. Clarissa knew, it was the remaining gang members. Moving around, she got out of her chain cuffs. She looked over to Haruhi, who was still bleeding a little, but still asleep. Sad expression rested on her face. Clarissa want to hug her, and say sorry this had to happen to her. She was too innocent for her own good..


Mori and Honey probably killed 100 people by now and Kyouya lead Hikaru and Kaoru to the main room. Reloading the weapons they unlocked the code. They were a few rooms beside the chamber. Through a few windows, they saw two cages, One with Clarissa in it and Haruhi in the other, unconscious. Hikaru clenched his fists and growled. Kyouya put up his glasses, and walked over to a door, " See this? Kick it, it should break open. " He explained, Kaoru knocked it open. Tamaki turned his attention to the broken wall. Hikaru, Kaoru and Kyouya walked out of it. " Well what do you know? The brats came. Kyouya, come, you must be at my side, dear friend. " Tamaki smirked and Kyouya sighed. " Now why would I want to do that? Reside with the bumbling, jealous idiot? " He stated blankly and Tamaki looked at him darkly. Tamaki smirked, " I wouldn't be so sure. " He growled. Haruhi was conscious again and looked at Clarissa. " Clarissa..? " She whispered and she looked at her immediately. " Haruhi! Your awake.. thank god. There here.. Hikaru.. Kaoru.. Kyouya. " She spoke in a happy tone. Another wall busted open and Mori and Honey walked in. " And Mori and Honey. " She smiled. Haruhi smiled, and picked at her chain cuffs, getting her out of them. They looked below them.. if they jump, they could land properly, but there clothes were torn up pretty bad. Haruhi looked around, in her pockets if she had any weapons. She found a fairly small pick, a small knife, and a couple smoke bombs. Clarissa, had a few shriken, and some bandages. Giving half to Haruhi, she threw it into her cage. They wrapped there scars and hands and looked down at the scene.

Kaoru and Hikaru had weapons pointed at Tamaki. " You bastard. Those two, have never harmed you! So why harm them?! Are you really that fucked up in your head Tamaki!? " Kaoru yelled aggrevated. Hikaru stood there, " Haruhi has only been in the gang.. for less than a year still. And you do this? What the hell is wrong with you? " Hikaru yelled at him too. Tamaki just laughed. And laughed and laughed. " I am probably at an insane point boys. You two, took the only 2 true loves I have had. I took them and tortured them, because it tortures you to see them cry. " He chuckled like an insane person. Hikaru and Kaoru looked disgusted. 3 Shriken came flying down and Tamaki shot a glare at Clarissa. " You little bitch. What do you think your doing? " Tamaki threatened and Clarissa glared. " Oh Fuck off Tamaki you retard. I am against you. No duh. " She spat sarcastically. A few knives came flying down and scarred Tamaki at his sides. " Oh so the other one is awake now too? " He smirked and clicked a button, giving them shocked. Hikaru and Kaoru looked at them sadly. Hikaru shot the device, causing the neck braces to fall off the girls. Haruhi looked down to Hikaru. Tamaki threw it away. Clarissa and Haruhi exchanged glances and began picking at the lock of the bottoms of the cages. Hikaru and Kaoru looked at them oddly for a second. Then realized what they were doing, Mori and Kyouya went under the cages and they broke open and the girls came out of them. They were caught and put down. Haruhi ran over to Hikaru and hugged him tightly. He held on to her. " Are you okay..? Haruhi? " Hikaru whispered. She was crying on his shirt. Hikaru held an angry expression at Tamaki. " Your the one who did this. " Hikaru said threateningly holding his gun at Tamaki. Clarissa was hugging Kaoru and was pointing a knife at him. Clarissa let go and stood back. Hikaru whispered to Haruhi. " Please.. stand back. " And Haruhi nodded and went over to Clarissa. The two twins went at Tamaki, who pulled out a few weapons. Kaoru threw a bunch of sharp objects, that Pinned Tamaki to the wall. Hikaru and Kaoru were now in front of the immobile Tamaki. Kaoru held a knife to his throat and Hikaru pointed the gun near his head. Kyouya came and put his hands on there shoulders. " That's enough. We have no need to exactly kill him. We will put him, however in an insane ensythem. Looks like he got drugged up and such and went crazy, we got those studies done. " Kyouya spoke and Hikaru and Kaoru let off, and the army people took Tamaki away.

Hikaru and Kaoru did have a few scars from the fighting before. Mori and Honey were untouched, and Kyouya had a few sly moments. Haruhi's clothing was tattered and somewhat stained with blood. As was Clarissa, Hikaru and Kaoru put there weapons away and walked over to them. Kaoru embraced Clarissa. " What did he do to you.. You had to go through.. something scary like this again. " Kaoru whispered nearly in tears. Clarissa closed her eyes and smiled and let her tears fall. " He.. didn't hurt me.. as much as Haruhi.. I got shocked.. a bit, whipped and thrown in a cage. Almost stabbed at a few times.. and thats bout it. " She clarified. Kaoru held her tighter. " I should have killed him.. I should have. " Clarissa smiled. " And where would that bring you?.. Tamaki only went insane.. now we can help him too. " Clarissa spoke softly and Kaoru sighed. " I don't know how you can give him mercy, but fine. " Kaoru stated and Clarissa laughed. " Hey! I never said I forgave the guy for being a retard! " She smiled and Kaoru smiled too. " Im just glad your alive. " Kaoru kissed her and she blushed. All though, being the more emotional twin, he didn't normally kiss her, thats for sure. Kaoru smiled. " haha, surprised you didn't I? " Kaoru smirked and Clarissa nodded smiling.

Hikaru and Haruhi, were already walking out, his arm around her waist, not as tight. Just being careful of her cuts. Haruhi hugged him tightly and didn't really want to let go. " Thank you, Hikaru. " Haruhi whispered. Hikaru ran his hand through her hair. " It's fine.. relax okay?. When we get home.. we will have some of the new staff members wrap you up and clean you up and make you feel safe again. " He spoke softly. Haruhi nodded and they both got into the limo. " What are you.. gonna do about Tamaki? " She whispered slightly scared. Hikaru clenched his fist at his name. " .. best if I don't answer that. I won't.. exactly kill him.. just.. possibly severely beat him. " Hikaru whispered and Haruhi giggled. Hikaru smiled at this, " Glad to see your feeling a bit better. So what did he do? " Hikaru asked in a medium tone. Haruhi gave him a serious look. " Whipped me and Clarissa, locked us in cages, had his henchmen do all of it, and i think I may have gotten stabbed in the leg twice.. " Haruhi pondered. She didn't really remember much. Hikaru sighed, " Bastard. .. He's a dead man.. " He uttered darkly and Haruhi put a hand on his face. He looked at her surprised. " Hikaru. Don't kill him, he was still the guy, who created this group and like Kyouya said. he got drugged by the henchmen and will be put in custody. I am sure... they just targetted him. Don't kick his butt too hard. " Haruhi explained smiling. And pecked him lightly and sat there after, leaning on his shoulder, asleep. Hikaru had a slight blush, and Kaoru and Clarissa came into the limo and they went home.


Clarissa let her hair down. It had grown more. Brushing it out lightly she looked in the mirror after. Kaoru's facial expression kept running through her head. The sad expression, of him nearly crying, touched her heart so much. She got an idea in her head, going over to Haruhi's room, she knocked lightly. " Haruhi? " She spoke lightly and Haruhi answered the door, she was fully clean too. " Yeah? " She asked sweetly and Clarissa smiled. " Let's go spy on the twins, for old times sake. " Clarissa giggled and Haruhi nodded, closing her room door behind her. They walked over to there corridor of the building and listened to there voices.

" Hikaru.. what should we do about Tamaki? The girls don't want us exactly killing him.. " Kaoru pondered off.

" Eh, beat him. Thats it. It knock some pure sense into his small skull. " Hikaru said harshly.

" Yeah.. but... we almost lost them... " Kaoru's voice cracked.

" Come on Kaoru.. It's okay, they are safe now. Don't cry. " Hikaru's voice got softer.

" Aw come on. we own emotions too, you moron. Don't tell me you didn't feel like crying when you saw how bad shape they were. " Kaoru perstered.

" Fine. Wanna know? I cried my guts out when I was taking a shower. Its alot easier that way. " Hikaru stated nervously.

Haruhi and Clarissa exchanged glances and opened there room door. There hair was ruffled, they were sitting on there bed. In white tank tops, and black shorts. The looked up, Kaoru did have a few tears and Hikaru looked pretty irritable. They looked surprised at the girls. " D-Did you guys hear us? " Kaoru whispered in shock. Clarissa ran to him and hugged him. " It's okay.. it's okay to cry, Kaoru. " She whispered. Hikaru stood up, allowing them to have there moment. He exited the room with Haruhi. Leaning on the wall. Haruhi looked up at him. " You cried? ... " She whispered. Hikaru was blushing slightly and looked away. " Yeah.. well you looked in alot of pain and fear.. I was scared that I was... going to lose you. " He pondered off, his bangs hiding his eyes. Haruhi took his face and made him look at her. His eyes were watery again in his case. She wiped them away and smiled. Hugging him, " I am here now.. Because you came and helped me.. I love you so much, for who you are Hikaru. Emotions, or without. Your still the same sweet guy, I have fallen in love with. " Haruhi spoke softly and Hikaru's breathing was a little ragged. " Haruhi.. " Hikaru whispered and he smiled, for to him, his mood was a bit lighter.

The night went on, both groups a little happier

---------- 5 Years Later

Clarissa was running around. " Nicolas Hitachiin, get your butt back here! " She smiled looking for the small boy. Who was aged 1. Haruhi sat there in the dining room laughing her butt off at the small kid who hid on the table. The little boy whispered. " Auntie... don't tell mommy I am here. " He giggled and she smiled. Hikaru and Kaoru walked into the door. Kaoru looked and waved to Haruhi. " What's Clarissa and Nick doin? " He laughed. And looked under the table and saw the little boy. He red hair like him, and yellow eyes. Like a mini-replica. Just didn't have a twin. Kaoru walked over to under the table. " Now what are you doing under the table Bud? " He smiled cheesily. Hikaru laughed at this, and hugged Haruhi. " Hey, how was your day? Hope Clarissa didn't drive you nuts. " Hikaru joked. Haruhi smiled, " Nope, just fine. We are just watching Nick. Playing a few games. " Haruhi explained. Nick crawled out from under the table. He was a smart boy. " Daddy! You home! yay! " He glomped Kaoru. Kaoru chuckled. " Are you and Mommy playing a game? " He stood up holding the small boy in his arms. " Yeah. I hide under table. Mommy dun found me yet. Oh! There mommy! " He pointed at Clarissa and she smiled. " Found you. And welcome home guys. " Clarissa chuckled. She pecked Kaoru on the cheek for welcoming him home and looked at Nick. " Darn, you two are like.. exact replica's! My lord. " She pointed out. Kaoru chuckled. " Father like son. Unlike my dad... me and Hikaru look more like mom. Isn't that right, Nick? " He looked at the small boy. " Daddy looks like grandma. Grandma and Mommy are pretty. " Nick giggled. Clarissa kissed little Nick on the forehead. " Your gonna end up having 900 girlfriends in high school.. I swear.. " Clarissa joked around, but it could be true. Kaoru smiled over to Hikaru and Haruhi, " Haruhi, how did the x-ray go? How many kids? " He joked. Clarissa was laughing. " She's only 4 months prego Kaoru! Not like they can tell.. Unless there were twins. " Clarissa stated. Haruhi laughed and Hikaru was turning red at the comment. " No, it's fine. They could tell. It's only one of them. A boy. He's gonna be cute. " Haruhi giggled, Hikaru smirked. " Great.. Now we are gonna have two crazy boys. Hey Kaoru! Why don't you make a daughter? " Hikaru laughed and Kaoru turned red. " H-Hikaru! " He stuttered and Nick sat there clueless. The poor pureminded child. Had no clue. Nick sat there. " Well Daddy, I dont see big deal. All you gotta do is kiss mommy right? " He put a finger on his chin. Kaoru looked down at the small boy. " Best we keep your mind pure, until you need to know Nick. " Kaoru smiled nervously. Clarissa was dying laughing on the floor. Nick giggled. " Mommy is laughing lots. yay! " Nick flailed. The now adults smiled. Hikaru turned to Haruhi, " Heard from Tamaki at all? " He asked in a slight serious tone. Haruhi nodded, " Yeah, he's doing alot better and.. is very sorry and very happy about the little one Kaoru has and the little one who is coming. Also. he says he wants to see you, business purposes and Kyouya wants to speak to you and Kaoru too. " Haruhi explained and he nodded. " Tension in that room is gonna burn the tables.. I swear. " Hikaru's sweat dropped.

And so there life went on, They had families, or created families, there friends, Mori and Honey, opened Kendo and Martial Art camps where the children attended, and they soon attended Ouran, with much different paths ahead of them. They would never have the gangster life, but a peaceful one. Tamaki did have a daughter, and Kyouya had 2 sons and a daughter. Kaoru and Clarissa did later have more kids, they had another son when Nick was 3. Hikaru and Haruhi's first child was a boy. Then they had a daughter about 4 years after there son was born. Mori, had only a son, and Honey had a daughter.

They all had families, lives and there gangster lives would not be repeated... Hopefully.



Wahh. So end this fic. Sorry if the ended sucked or not. Not my problem. But it did make sense XD

Reviews are appreciated.

Hahaha, I just love making futures for Ouran Couples having children.

it just makes sense! you know?? :D

Quite fun. lol, they all need heirs to companies and such. But have happy lives.

------ Icetiger13

- Ouran goes Vampire has started

- Through the Motions should be ending soon now.