AN: This chapter takes a very dark turn. If you are triggered by mentions or graphic scenes of rape, please, do not read where I have marked it as Explicit Content. I do not in any way condone this behavior. It is for the sake of the story and the story line that this happens. It is not something that I glorify and as a victim of rape myself, I tried to be as delicate as I could without taking away from the story itself. But as I said, if this triggers you, please do not read. If you are a victim and you need someone to talk to, you are always welcome to message me and I will be here to listen. Sending good vibes and love to you all!

In a raging fury, Zuko storms through the palace halls, winding through corridors in search of his father.

Was I not clear this morning or does he just enjoy provoking me?

As he rounds a corner that leads to the gardens, Zuko is intercepted by his Uncle, with tea in hand and a warning glint in his eye.

"Just the young man I was looking for," Iroh's tone is warm and welcoming as always.

Zuko tries to move around Iroh and his tea tray, but halts when he feels Iroh's hand upon his shoulder.

"Uncle—" his tone is biting and filled with warning, but Iroh simply smiles and pulls at him to follow him deeper into the gardens. Zuko knows it's best to obey.

"Come now nephew. We haven't had tea together in ages!"

With a deadpan look on his face, Zuko sits himself across from Iroh at the small tea table, "We literally had tea yesterday."

"Like I said, it's been too long," Iroh begins to pour them both steaming hot cups of tea. As he does this, Zuko notices the small snacks that assort the tray and he sighs. Whenever his Uncle brings snacks and an extra pouch of tea, he knows they are going to have one of of his infamously long talks.

Iroh hands him his tea and he begins to sip on his own, his gaze firmly set on Zuko over the rim of his glass. Zuko stares back, holding his tea at chest level, but sighs as he puts the cup down.

"What is it?" he asks.

Iroh shakes his head, "Can't I spend quality time with you for absolutely no reason at all?"

Zuko's brow quirks up, "Yes. But I have a feeling this instance isn't for no reason Uncle."

Iroh hums in response and a smile splays across his lips, "You may be right nephew."

"Of course I'm right," Zuko scuffs, folding his arms over his chest with an annoyed furrow of his brow.

Iroh smiles, "What makes you so certain?"

Zuko leans in, close enough that only Iroh can hear his next words, "Any time I contemplate homicide, you're always there to talk me out of it," his hand gestures to the tray between them, "bribing me with tea and treats."

Iroh looks abashed, "Come now nephew, I am above petty bribery."

Leaning back, Zuko crosses his arms once more, "No. You're not," his eyes narrow at Iroh.

That earns him a chuckle.

Zuko studies his Uncle for a moment in silence, teeth gnawing at the inner corner of his lips. He wonders if Iroh knew what Ozai had done to Katara this morning.

"You did her no justice Zuko," Iroh's voice broke him from his trance.

"What?" he questioned.

Iroh leaned back, nibbling on a rice ball, "Lady Katara."

Zuko leans forward slightly, "What about the Lady Katara?"

"Your description paled in comparison to her true beauty, nephew," Iroh finishes.

Zuko inclines his head. So he has seen Katara. Question is when.

"I told you my words didn't do her justice," Zuko shrugs, finally taking his tea and sipping from the cup.

"You need to be careful nephew," Iroh warns him softly, "I know your father crossed the line, but you need to remember why we are here."

Zuko's grip on his cup tighten, he can hear the porcelain cracking under the pressure.

"I do not condone his actions. I never have," Iroh's eyes shift involuntarily to Zuko's scarred eye and he lets out a small huff, "we cannot jeopardize everything we've worked towards. Lady Katara was spooked. But it isn't worth killing him over."

Zuko's cup shatters in his hands, Fire bursting through the cracks, "How can you say that!" he demands, his free hand slamming onto the table.

"Remember your breathing Zuko," Iroh seems entirely unphased by Zuko's temperament.

In all honesty, Iroh should be use to it after spending all these years together.

"He tried to force himself on her Uncle," Zuko hisses softly and Iroh nods.

"I crossed paths with them this morning before it could go any further."

Zuko scuffs, "What would have happened if you hadn't stopped him when you did?"

Iroh settles his gaze firmly on Zuko, "We would be having an entirely different conversation if that were the case."

Zuko pinches the bridge of his nose, huffing out a breath of air, "You want me to just—" another deep breath, "ignore it?"

"I want you to be cautious nephew. We both have had our feet to the hot coals since our return to the palace," Iroh begins to pour himself more tea, "we cannot afford any unwanted attention."

Zuko clenches and unclenches his fist. Over and over again. He tries to see the reason in Iroh's words, but the constant thought of his father trying to harm Katara is playing over and over again in his head and it's driving him mad with rage. He knows his Uncle is right and that he needs to get it together but it is so difficult to quell the anger.

"No harm will befall Princess Katara," at the mention of her name Zuko's eyes snap to Iroh's, "should you distance yourself from her, yet remain her shadow."

Zuko's brow furrows, "What?"

Iroh sighs, setting his cup down, "You are engaged to be married to the Lady Mai and you have Song to warm your bed—"

"Uncle!" Zuko snaps harshly, his hand slamming against the table.

"I think if you paid less attention to Katara and focus on the other two women in your life—"

"Do you hear what you're saying? I'd be handing her over to father on a golden platter!" Zuko seethes.

Iroh's gaze is unwavering and his expression is unreadable, "This is war Zuko. In times of war, we all know that there are sacrifices that must be made. She knew the consequences of her actions!"


"Give her the credit she deserves," Iroh hisses across the table, "Princess Katara is a warrior and a damn good one. She will survive this. Acting this way only mocks the sacrifice she's making."

With that, Iroh stands and proceeds to exit the gardens, leaving behind a very flustered and annoyed Prince Zuko. His breathing is labored and his blood is boiling. With what little restraint he has left, Zuko flips the table before storming off back to the harem.

"There is no need to move Lady Katara's things," Zuko's unannounced presence startles the Madam as she sits quietly in her office writing in her books.

"Spirits! You gave me such a fright!" her hand clutches at her chest, her eyes wild with fear.

Zuko bows to her briefly before turning to leave.

"May I ask what changed your mind?"

Zuko looks back at her, his eyes narrow softly, "Uncle had to remind me of my place," with that he turns to leave, "have Song brought to my rooms this evening."

The Madam nods softly, watching as Zuko walks away in silence. Her hand clenches around the quill as her other hand slams on the table.

That old fool! What does he think he's doing?

Zuko makes his way back to the war chamber just in time to see the admirals gathering together.

"Gentlemen, apologies for the intrusion earlier," he says as he walks past them with brisk determination.

Admiral Zei scuffs, "What was the emergency?"

Zuko takes his place at the head of the table, his eyes narrowing as he links his hands together, "A private matter that is of no concern to you, Admiral Zei," his tone leaving no room for discussion.

A few throats clear softly in the midst of the tension filling the room and Zuko finally tears his eyes away from the Admiral before looking to the others.

"Shall we continue gentlemen?"

Silence follows and Zuko's already foul mood is turning more sour by the minute. He begins to massage his temples as he waits for one of them to start speaking.

Fucking old pretentious bastards.

"Admiral Shinu, your report if you will."

"Prince Zuko," he stands, bowing before he makes his way to the large map, "we've been getting an increasing number of reports of rebel attacks on our supply route in the New Gaipan providence."

Zuko nods, his eyes surveying the map, "Our soldiers in the area have scoured the nearby forests and cannot locate the rebels' base of operations."

Their in the trees you dolt.

"What areas have been surveyed thus far, Admiral Shinu?"

The Admiral points to the map, "The southern quadrant and along the eastern bank of the Gaipan River, your majesty."

Zuko nods, lifting his arms up to rest his elbows on the table. His entwined fingers serve as a resting point for his chin as he clicks his tongue for a moment.

"Have them survey the eastern quadrant, as well as the western bank of the river. The rebels may be traveling great distances to cut off the supply chain," Zuko instructs.

"Of course Prince Zuko," he bows and quickly returns to his seat, scribbling down his orders.


A throat clears and a chair screeches against the marble flooring, it's loud and obnoxious tone shattering the silence. This alone causes Zuko to lethargically shift his eyes to the one making all the ruckus.

"Spirits Zhao, must you be so damn loud?" Zuko hisses in annoyance.

Zhao scowls at him before bowing quickly, "Apologies your majesty," his voice is laced with a hint of mockery and Zuko's eyes narrow further.

"Go on then," Zuko waives him off, "what is it?"

"I request to be granted a small surveying group to accompany me into the Si Wong Desert."

Zuko perks up at this, "Whatever for?"

Zhao straightens himself under Zuko's scrutinizing eye, "There is a library that is said to contain a vast amount of knowle—"

"You want to waste time and man power scouring a desert to find a library?" Admiral Wong screeches.

Zhao's nostrils flare as his eyes widen in rage, "Not just any library, but the library!"

"What nonsense is this?" Admiral Kan boasts.

Murmurs surround the table and Zuko is getting agitated. Quite frankly the sound of Zhao's voice alone drives him insane. But the back and forth bickering and chatter is making it worse.

"Enough!" Zuko's hands slam against the table, silencing everyone effectively.

His eyes pierce into the eyes of each individual before they finally rest on Zhao, "This library you speak of, what is so special about it that you would have me grant man power and resources to find it?"

There is a glint of hope and excitement in Zhao's eyes and it makes Zuko uncomfortable, "As I was saying it contains a vast collection of wisdom—"

"As all libraries do…" Zuko cuts him off, "your point?"

"It catalogs knowledge on every nation!" Zhao hisses in irritation.

All heads perk up at this, even Zuko's, "What do you mean?" Admiral Kan inquires.

Zuko's eyes shift to him before shifting back to Zhao, "I mean that there is a wealth of knowledge about our enemies that is just sitting there in the middle of the damn desert and there is no one to keep us from it! Imagine the secrets we could uncover that would effectively force the other nations beneath the Fire Nation's heel!"

Murmurs float around the room amongst the admirals and Zuko finds his scowl deepening, "How many men would you require?"

Zhao's eyes look as if they are about to fall out of his skull, Zuko doesn't believe he can widen them any further, "Half a dozen men or so," he replies quickly.

"Only half a dozen?"

Zhao nods furiously, "It will not require much my Prince," he remarks matter of factly, "we'd only need a month's time, two at most."

Slowly Zuko leans back into his chair, head leaning against his hand as his arm rests on the arm of the chair, "Two months in total for this little excursion and six men, not including yourself…" he chews on the idea for a moment, enjoying how Zhao squirms under his meticulous gaze, "I will table the proposal for now—"

Zhao slams his hand on the table, cutting him off, "My lord be reasonable!"

"—and will bring it before the Council of Agni and the Fire Lord," he rises, hands pressing firmly into the table, "and should you dare interrupt me again, I'll burn that tongue you love to wag so much, to fucking cinders! Do you understand Zhao!" Zuko snaps, fire searing into the table beneath his palms.

Zhao bows, "I do not mean to off—"

Zuko rips his hands away from the table, fire bursting from his fists as they clench, "Your very breath is offensive Admiral Zhao! Why my father tolerates such a sad excuse of a man, I will never know. But whilst you are in my presence, you will act with the modesty and decorum that your station demands," Zhao bows again, this time, staying bent at the waist, "and you will show me the respect I deserve."

At this Zhao scuffs softly, thinking Zuko is too hard of hearing to notice it, but he is so very wrong when a hand grabs hold of his collar and forces him upright.

"Do you have something you wish to say?"

Zuko's bunched up fist is pressing into his throat, his teeth grind together trying to bite his tongue, "You haven't earned respect—" he gasps out.

With blind fury, Zuko kicks Zhao's legs from under him and throws him down on the table. The other Admirals watch with wide eyes as the Prince wraps his hand around Zhao's throat, leering over him with a poisonous look.

"What was that?"

"Your own father scarred you for being weak—" Zuko's grip tightens and Zhao claws at his hand, "banished you to the military—" he gasps again and this time tries to kick Zuko off, but only ends up kicking his thigh, "you're pathetic and that scar is a reminder of your failure as a Prince of the Fire Nation!"

Zuko pulls Zhao up from the table, pulling him in close, "Maybe you'd like one to match."

Even though his breathing is labored and Zuko is effectively cutting off his air supply, Zhao smirks at the Prince, egging him on, "Is that a challenge, my Prince?"

Zuko's face is wrought with rage and he slams Zhao back down.

"Ag-gni Kai-i," Zhao gasps, his hands frantically clawing at Zuko's.

With a snap of his fingers, fire erupts from Zuko's hand, "I don't think that will do Zhao," he looks at him darkly, "you're not someone who'd learn his lesson from a simple brawl," the fire is searing, hissing and crackling as he brings it closer to Zhao's face.

The man begins to struggle furiously against Zuko's hold and it takes all of his strength to keep him pinned to the table, "I think a more direct, hands on approach will get my meaning across," with a quick move of his arm, Zuko's palm engulfs the upper right half of Zhao's face and the sound of searing flesh can be heard.

His struggles become intense as his flesh cooks beneath Zuko's palm. The smell of char and decay fill the air and the other Admirals sit there stoically. They watch as the Prince enacts his punishment on Zhao and show little to no remorse at all. His screams reverberate off the walls of the war room and it only angers Zuko further.

Finally Zuko pulls his hand away from Zhao's scorched flesh. His hand reaches out to grip his mandible and he jerks Zhao's face to the side to eye his handiwork a bit more.

"Shame," he pushes Zhao's face away, "a few more moments and you would have lost your eyesight," Zuko pulls the small handkerchief out from beneath Zhao's breast plate and begins to wipe his hand clean of the blood and other bodily fluids. His eyes turn to the other Admirals in the room, his gaze commanding their attention.

"Is there anything else you gentlemen would like to discuss?"

Silence suffocates the air, even Zhao's whimpering is drowned out by it.

"Very well," he pulls himself away from Zhao and maneuvers around the table, making his way to the exit.

As he walks out of the war room, his voice echoes behind him, "Get someone to clean that mess up."

"Right away your majesty!" a guard responds to Zuko's retreating form.

The Admirals exchange a few knowing glances amongst themselves before watching the Prince's retreating form.

"It seems Prince Zuko's time in the military did him some good after all," Admiral Zei comments as he moves to stand.

The other men in the group murmur in agreement and for a moment all eyes shift to the man curled into himself groping at his face.

Admiral Wong pats Zhao's shoulder abrasively, "Prince Zuko showed you mercy," his hand squeezes at Zhao's shoulder making him hiss in pain, "you'd be wise not to tempt him into another altercation."

With that, the Admirals file out of the war room as guards rush in to aid Zhao, carrying out Prince Zuko's order.

"What!" Ozai erupts from his place atop the thrown of fire.

Doctor Li bows swiftly, making sure to keep her gaze down to avoid eye contact with the Fire Lord, "I have stabilized Admiral Zhao's condition, but he will be out of commission for a few days at most, your majesty."

Ozai is beyond furious, "What was Prince Zuko thinking!"

A dark chuckle emits from behind Ozai, "Is there something you find amusing Azula?" he turns to her, dismissing Doctor Li.

Slowly Azula removes her hand from her painted lips, flicking a strand of hair from her face, "I find it amusing how your mood shifts with poor little Zuzu."

Ozai's lips curl into a snarl, "Whatever do you mean daughter?"

With a shrug of her shoulders, Azula stands from her place next to her father's throne, "You hate Zuko because you think him weak," she descends the stairs, "and now you're furious with him for demonstrating his power and strength."

Golden eyes watch her meticulously, "It seems that no matter what Zuzu does, you're always going to find a flaw."

"He should have challenged Zhao to an Agni Kai," Ozai spits out.


"That would have been the honorable way of teaching that little shit a lesson!" Ozai snaps, the wall of flames behind the throne flare up.

Azula can only sigh, "Someone like Zhao wouldn't have learned anything from losing an Agni Kai," suddenly she finds great interest in her manicured nails, "I would have done the same as Zuzu."

Ozai eyes his daughter a little more closely, "There is no honor in that."

With a shrug of her shoulders, Azula turns and makes her way to the exit, "Neither was challenging a thirteen year old boy, but that didn't stop you, did it father?"

"Zuko, you promised you'd spend the afternoon with me…" a monotonous voice drones on in the most pathetic of ways.

Sighing, Zuko extends his arm out to his fiancé, which she takes hold of quite greedily.

"Now was that so difficult?"

He casts her a look from the corner of his eye as he walks them down the lone corridor, "I'm not in a sociable mood today Mai. Perhaps you should entertain yourself with Ty Lee's company."

Delicate fingers squeeze into his bicep, "I don't mind. Besides, I find you quite handsome when you're all broody."

He huffs at that, "You have strange tastes woman."

"Only when it comes to you," she smiles softly, the action bothering Zuko more than necessary.

His hand covers hers as they continue to walk together. Their time is filled with mindless chatter and Zuko tries his best to stay focused. He wishes ardently that he loved Mai. It would make a lot of things so much easier, but he does not.

There is still the matter of Song and then there is Katara. A sigh escapes him involuntarily and Mai catches it.

"What's the matter Zuko?" she asks him, her fingers dig into his bicep a little more.

It isn't your voice I want to hear speak my name.

"I told you," he pulls away slightly, "I'm in a foul mood Mai."

Her eyes narrow before she pushes her body into his a little more, closing the distance between them, "Does it have to do with Zhao?"

Zuko's jaw clenches at her inquiry, "That didn't take long."

Mai chuckles softly, nudging him with her shoulder, "Everyone heard about it minutes after it happened," she waves her hand around, "word travels fast in the courts."

"I've always hated court gossip."

They make their way into the gardens and continue to talk idly about their day or more importantly about their upcoming wedding preparations.

Zuko knows he has to find a way to end things with Mai. He doesn't love her and he never will. To trap her in a loveless marriage would be disadvantageous for her and quite frankly unfair. Mai deserves better. She deserves a man who will give her the world. Zuko isn't that man.

As their stroll comes to a close with the setting of the sun, Zuko escorts Mai to her rooms, where they chat a few more moments in front of her doors.

"Sleep well Mai," he gives her a curt bow of his head and doesn't give her time to say much else.

As he walks away, he hears her soft murmur behind him, "Goodnight, my love."

He doesn't acknowledge it. He can't. To do so would be lying to her and himself. Truth be told, his heart was stolen many years ago, by the girl with eyes like rain. This is a truth he has kept hidden. Should his feelings for Katara ever be exposed—


A scowl quickly appears as soon as that abomination of a nickname flies through the air. He doesn't have to turn around to know who owns the sing song voice, laced with mockery.

He continues to move down the hall, "What do you want Azula?"

Zuko is not in the mood for his sister's manipulative games right now. His walk is much brisker now that she's around.

"I just came to congratulate you," she follows close behind, "I heard you put Zhao in his place."

She chuckles and it sounds so maniacal. He wonders if this is how he came across to the Admirals earlier today.

Shit. I need to be meditating more.

"More accurately, I heard you burned your lesson right across that monkey face of his," at this Zuko stops and turns to Azula and is unsettled but does not show it.

Her crimson tainted lips are curled into a vicious snarl and her eyes though narrowed, are alive and wild with lust for carnage.

He sighs, "I lost control of my anger," he turns and begins to walk away, "it won't happen again."

"Father is furious," Azula keeps pace with him and it annoys Zuko.

"I could care less about father—"

Suddenly he is thrown up against the wall, his little sister pinning him there by his throat. The shock takes over him quickly at her speed and agility, but it is quickly replaced with mild annoyance.

"Careful Zuzu, father doesn't take kindly to disloyalty," she hisses in his face.

Zuko grunts before he twists her wrist, removing her fingers from his throat and pulls her toward him only to move aside swiftly and slam her into the wall. His hand presses against the back of her head and his knee digs into the back of her thigh.

"Careful Zula," she struggles against him at the mention of her childhood name, "I'm not the same little Zuzu you can play your little games with."

"Clearly," she says with an unamused tone, before twisting out of his hold.

She straightens her armor and adjusts her hair as Zuko begins to walk away, "Just remember, when you make a move against him, he is already making two against you, Zuzu."

Zuko looks over his shoulder at her retreating form. He mulls over her words. Quite honestly, what she says does little to surprise him. Their father has always been a selfish man. Takes whatever he wants. Consequences be damned.

It is late in the evening and he knows there are other things he should be doing. But he needs to extinguish some of this pent up rage before he ends up hurting someone else.

Zhao deserved what he got. But I cannot let my emotions over my situation with Katara cloud my judgement and hurt others.

With that thought alone, Zuko decides that it is better to go expel his energy in a spar.

"What do you mean? How could he change his mind?" Katara snaps, slamming her tea cup down onto the table.

The Madam's eyes shift down to the tea, watching it bubble and churn, "Katara, calm down."

"How can you say that!" Katara swipes her hand out to her side as she stands and the tea goes flying.

Both women's eyes go wide as they look to see the tea splattered across the wall of the Madam's office and then back to the lone cup sitting there perfectly still and empty.

"How—" Katara starts.

In an instant, Nyla bolts around her desk, hand snatching ahold of Katara's wrist and pulls Katara against her.

"Do not do that again," she hisses lowly in Katara's face, "or it will be our heads!"

Katara's eyes widen, "When—"

Nyla shoves Katara in her seat with force before she huffs, straightening out her tunic, "The first day we met was the last day you had herbs in your tea that affected your bending," Nyla whispers out harshly as she walks around her desk and takes a seat.

Experimentally, Katara wiggles her fingers and soon the tea is pulling from the wall, floating in small bubbles. A rush of adrenaline courses through her—

"—Katara," the Madam hisses and with a flick of Katara's wrist, the tea is tossed into a nearby plant pot.

Katara flashes her a sheepish smile, "Why didn't you tell me?"

She is unable to contain her excitement at this new found progress. At least one thing is going for her.

"I didn't have the chance to. You're always being monitored—"

Katara blinks at her in confusion, "Who is watching me?" she asks, leaning toward the Madam with narrowed eyes.

Nyla nods her head toward the door, "That young guard that's always lurking about," she leans back in her chair, grabbing her teacup in the process, "he is Commander Nikko of the Fire Lord's Elite Guard."

"And why is he watching me?"

Pale golden orbs narrow at her, "I wonder why the Fire Lord would want such a high profile prisoner under surveillance," her words are dripping with sarcasm and Katara huffs softly, crossing her arms and leaning back into her chair.

"So please, for the love of the spirits, do try to contain this little secret," Nyla sips on her tea and Katara nods.

Her mind wanders back to their original discussion and she returns her gaze back to the Madam, "Why did he change his mind?"

"I don't think he did so willingly."

"Meaning?" Katara pushes.

Nyla sighs, setting her teacup down, "Prince Zuko said that he had spoken with General Iroh and was reminded of his place," she waves her hand about, "whatever in Agni's name that means."

Katara's brow scrunches together, "So does this mean the Fire Lord may now call upon me?"

"No," Nyla shakes her head, "the harem must honor the terms of the Agni Kai. You are not to be touched by any man other than Prince Zuko."

Katara sits there for a moment mulling over the Madam's words. She doesn't know why the idea of Zuko not wanting her suddenly sits differently with her. The news should elate her, but it doesn't and that bothers her more than anything.

It's for the best. She rationalizes to herself. He is just a distraction and still the enemy.

"If Prince Zuko will not have me, then I can dedicate more of my time to research in the library," Katara rationalizes.

"Amongst your other studies," Nyla interjects, "whilst you're here, you'll still need to follow the rules of any other concubine behind these doors."

Katara pouts dejectedly, "If I must."

Nyla smiles softly, "You must."

After the conversation with the Madam, Katara decides to take an evening stroll. She passes by Jin's room and pokes her head in to see if she would like to accompany her. Alas the Earth Kingdom girl is fast asleep. Quickly Katara runs to her room to grab her slippers and her robe. It is a tad chilly and she is only in a very thin silk night gown. The slits rise high up to her hips and she does not feel like exposing her body more than necessary. After securing her robe around herself, Katara proceeds to make her way out of the harem.

As she walks through the doors she spots a young man, Haru she believes, speaking to one of the soldiers just beyond the harem's entrance.

Emerald eyes sweep in her direction, taking in her form. Haru whispers something to the soldier and suddenly she is met with a steely gaze. Katara offers both men a curt nod of her head. As she begins to turn, she notices the soldier pats Haru on the shoulder before nodding his head toward the opposite end of the corridor. Katara's brows scrunch together but pays it little mind as Haru bolts away.

A smirk curls into the corner of her mouth as she watches the lone soldier keep a healthy distance, but follow her nonetheless.

Commander Nikko, I presume.

After a few minutes of aimlessly strolling around the palace, Katara finds herself in a small but lavish garden. Creeping vines crawl up the red alabaster columns and walls of the palace that wrap around the garden. Wild honeysuckle bushes litter the grounds, a small pond sits in the center surrounded by wild flowers and creeping vines. Small coy fish swim lethargically around in circles as small candles float atop the waters surface. It is breathtaking and seemingly empty.

With a glance over her shoulder, Katara notices her Fire Nation shadow is but a few paces behind her and she decides to make her way to the pond.

The commander watches as she begins to walk into the pool of water and he decides that his eyes should not witness anything further. The gardens appear to be empty and there is only one way in and out. So he turns from the scene, hands clasped behind his back and his eyes fixed forward on the corridor ahead.

Katara huffs slightly when she sees the commander's back is to her, but proceeds to walk into the pond anyway. She wishes to play with her waterbending. To reconnect with her element, but she can't quite do that with a brooding commander lurking about. She yearns for a distraction. Something. Anything that would take him away from her side, if only for a few moments. But for now, she'll have to do with submerging herself into the shallow pond and revel in the feel of her element as it heals her soul.

"Rraaaaaaaaaaaghhhhh!" Zuko yells in frustration, parting an inferno that is sent spiraling his way.

Sweat drips down his body, his hair is stuck to his porcelain skin and his cheeks are red with exhaustion. The soldier he is sparring with is the third one in the last few hours and still, his temper has not waned.

Zuko holds his hand up, signaling the soldier that he is done for the evening and that he may return to the barracks.

"My lord," the soldier says in haste as he grabs his uniform and a towel.

Merely waving him off, Zuko grabs a towel and begins to dry his sweat soaked body off. He runs his palm over his sweaty face, dark locks clinging to his skin and neck where they had fallen out of his loose bun. His torso glistens in the moonlight and the fires in the braziers reflect off the small droplets of sweat decorating his body.


He is exhausted, his body is tingling and his mind is still racing. Zuko needs to bathe. Song will be in his rooms in less than an hour and he smells like a ostrich horse's ass. So with that in mind, he tosses the towel over his shoulder and grabs his tunic and makes his way into the palace. Quietly he makes his way through the long halls in silence. As he rounds the corner he sees a lone soldier standing at the end, guarding his mother's private garden. Upon closer inspection, it's a soldier he knows well.

"Nikko," Zuko calls out to him, his voice hoarse from his yelling during training.

The commander gives him a swift bow, "Prince Zuko."

"What has you out here at such a late hour?"

Nikko's head shifts to the side just a fraction and Zuko moves in closer, taking a look over the man's shoulder and what he sees catches his breath in his throat. Katara is lying in the small pond, eyes closed, robe parted and hair fanning out around her, swaying gently in the water. She looks so ethereal that Zuko can feel his body react at the sheer sight of her. His fists clench at his towel and tunic and it takes everything in him to look away from her. If what his Uncle says is true, if he shows little interest, his father may lose interest in her all together. That would be beneficial to her and in the end, to him as well. He stifles a groan as he feels himself harden and his eyes quickly snap to the commander's knowing gaze. There is a mischievous look in his eye and a coy, subtle smirk inching into the corner of his mouth and Zuko wants nothing more than to wipe that look off his face.

"As you were," Zuko clears his throat, continuing on his way toward his chambers.

The commander watches the Prince's retreating form and has to commend him on his self restraint. He can only imagine the sight that woman is to behold right now. With a soft shake of his head, Nikko clears his own throat and straightens himself just a little more, not daring to look at the scene behind him.

Slowly Katara's eyes slip open, her gaze fixed on the moon. Her fingers flex at her side, itching to command the water, but she knows that she cannot. She sighs softly and pulls herself up from her position in the pond, her legs tuck in towards her chest and she rests her head on her knees as she wraps her arms around her legs.

If only you'd leave me.

She thinks as her eyes travel over to the soldier standing at the garden's entrance. And suddenly an idea comes to mind.

Slowly she rises from the pond, water flowing down her body in small streams and she quietly makes her way to the commander.

"Excuse me?" her voice is like velvet and Nikko has to command himself to stay vigilant.

He turns to her and a gasp catches in his throat as he takes in her soaked appearance, "Yes mistress?"

Katara smiles tenderly at him, "It seems I got a little carried away. Would you mind bringing me a towel?" she presses up against him, her hands curling around his bicep.

Nikko nods numbly, "Yes mistress," he whispers out before pulling himself away from her as if she were diseased.

Katara chuckles as the commander moves down the hall with haste.

Finally alone.

Her fingers flex, she can feel the call of the water and the power of the moon surging through her veins, but a noise catches her attention and she drops her hands to her side.

"If it isn't my little waterlily," a sinister voice whispers around her and Katara turns to see a dangerous pair of golden eyes piercing through the darkness of night.

Her breath hitches as she instinctively backs away from the man with the predatory gaze as he advances into the gardens. Every fiber of her being tells her to attack, to use her waterbending to protect herself, but she knows better. If she does this, Nyla will be in danger and Katara cannot have that on her conscience. No matter how terrified she is, Katara will not betray a friend and ally.

"Your majesty?" her voice quivers more than she would like and the twisting curl of his lips makes her understand that he enjoys the sound of her fear.

Her hand instinctively reaches behind her, searching for something, anything to protect her but all she is met with is the cool alabaster wall enclosing the garden in seclusion. A sob lodges itself in her throat and she can feel tears burn in the corners of her eyes. She tries to take calming breaths, but with every advancing step he makes, Katara's resolve begins to weaken.

He is standing before her now. His powerful body barely pressing up against hers and Katara feels as if she cannot breathe. His presence is suffocating and there is nowhere for her to run to. She presses herself into the wall, hoping that it will swallow her whole, her hands clench into fists as her chest heaves softly.

"I'm tired," Katara says as calmly as she can, "I think I'll retire for the evening, your majesty," she tries to push past him but Ozai reaches up, his hand grasping her face, fingers digging into her cheeks.

Katara's entire body freezes and she just stands there in terror, blinking up at Ozai. Never in her life had a man put his hands on her like this and she not kill him on the spot. She knows she should just push him away, tell him to take his hands off her but it was like her whole body shut down and she cannot force herself to move.

Her eyes start to sting with tears of pain and fear and in this moment, she is just so, so scared. She wants Commander Nikko to return quickly, but deep down she knows he wouldn't be able to save her.

"I can forgive you, my waterlily," his velvety voice breaks the silence, like a ship crashing through ice.

A sob breaks through Katara's lips, "Forgive me for what?"

"For becoming my son's whore, so long as you promise to be mi—"

Ozai shifts closer, moving in to kiss her and something inside Katara snaps. She manages to bring her hands up between her and Ozai and shoves him with all her strength, getting him to finally release her. He stumbles back with shock evident on his face.

"Stay away from me!" Katara yells, her chest heaving, "Stay the fuck away from me!"

She tries to get away but Ozai gets a hand around her wrist, yanking her back and slamming her into the wall. She swears she hears something crack as her back collides with the alabaster. A lone hand runs through his long, loose tresses as he stares at her intently.

"Do not fight me girl—"

"Your majesty, let go, you're hurting me—"

"You're majesty?"

They both look up to see Commander Nikko striding towards them. Ozai immediately releases her, but keeps himself close enough to feel her breath on his cheek.

"I apologize if I am interrupting," he hands a towel to Katara, "perhaps this is something that should be taken to your chambers?"

Ozai glares at Commander Nikko, but the soldier did not look the least bit intimidated.

"Come your majesty," Nikko says, extending his arm, "a mistress as beautiful as she does not deserve to be ravaged publicly," he chuckles, "I wouldn't want any wandering eyes to get an eyeful of what is mine."

Ozai gives the commander a once over before he looks to Katara, cocking his head to the side in thought. His hand comes up to brush her cheek bone, before tucking some loose hair behind her ear.

"I think you may be right Commander," he leans in and captures Katara's lips with his, crushing her between the wall and his powerful figure. His tongue pries open her mouth, forcing its way to lick inside, brushing over her bottom teeth before pulling away. A string of saliva hangs between them before Ozai brushes it away from Katara's lips, gently, as if he were a tender lover.

"She deserves to be ravaged properly," Ozai pulls Katara away from the wall and Katara struggles against his hold, "privately."

"Your majesty, please!" Katara begs, but Ozai ignores her pleas.

"You are dismissed for the evening Commander," with that he brushes past Nikko, dragging Katara with him and her eyes pleading with the commander to save her.

"Fuck," he curses and takes off in the opposite direction.


Katara struggles against Ozai's hold, "Your Majesty, I'm begging you! Please! Let me go!"

Ozai pulls her forward and Katara collides with his body, "You will obey me whore!"

"Or what!" Katara spits back with fury. Angry that she cannot fight him off as she wishes.

His hands yank her lower half forward, his arousal grinding into her, "Or suffering will be your teacher," he hisses into her ear.

Katara's throat feels too tight and her breath is coming in short bursts and she wonders if she might be on the verge of an actual panic attack. All too quickly she is spinning and Ozai is pushing her forward through a pair of doors with such force that she stumbles into the chamber and clamors to grapple herself against one of the columns that's closest to her. A startled scream escapes her as Ozai comes up behind her and grasps hold of a fistful of hair.

"I'll give you something to scream about, woman!" He twists her around, his lips crashing into hers as he backs her toward his bed. Katara struggles against him as much as possible but he is just too strong. All her efforts seem to do is anger him more.

"Your majesty?" a soft voice breaks through the turbulence of the raging storm and Katara spins around as Ozai acknowledges the woman who sits huddled up in his bed, her naked body covered by red silk sheets.

Katara's eyes widen, "Song?" she gasps and the woman narrows her eyes at Katara dangerously.

Before Katara has time for much else, Ozai spins her back around and begins to rip her robe from her body.

"You may leave us," he states and Song remains there for a moment, watching as Katara's body retreats closer to the bed, trying to stay out of reach.

Ozai's eyes glitter with something menacing as he steps closer and Katara curses as she feels her legs collide with the bed. She flinches when he whips her around and bends her over the bed, her hands pushing against the mattress, trying to get up frantically. Katara's tear filled eyes connect with Song's unfazed gaze, pleading for help.

"Your maj—"

"I said get out!" Ozai yells and Song doesn't waste any time. She quickly bolts from the bed and pulls a dark olive cloak with a flower embroidered trim around her naked body. Without a spare glance at a struggling Katara, Song runs from the room without another word.

"I'm going to tear you apart," Ozai bends down and whispers in her ear. His voice still in that same low, dangerous tone.

She whimpers in sheer terror, "Your majesty pl—"

But then Ozai is pulling at her face and is crushing his lips against Katara's, cutting off her words. Katara struggles against his weight as it presses against her back but then Ozai's tongue delves between her lips, licking into her mouth and Katara's fingers curl into the bed sheets. Ozai is kissing her roughly, his lips harsh and demanding, and Katara feels herself begin to spiral out of control, kissing him back, her hips thrusting against him, searching for friction. Her body having a mind entirely of its own, while every other fiber of her being is screaming for him to let go of her, to get off of her.

She moans instinctively as Ozai wretches his lips away to mouth at her throat. "Maybe I should show you what it's like to be fucked by a real man," he breathes against her neck, "that way you'll know the fucking difference the next time my son tries to have you."

And before Katara knows what is happening, she feels the fabric of her night gown being ripped apart. She struggles when she feels arms lock around her, pulling her up and away from the bed only to twist her around and push her down into the mattress. Ozai follows her down, forcing her legs apart, pinning Katara down with his body weight, before finding her lips again. Katara whimpers into his mouth, her hands pushing against Ozai's clothed chest.

Heatedly, Ozai reaches down between her legs, his fingers forcing themselves roughly between the folds of her sex to find her dripping with excitement. Katara curses her body's response. She hates that there is nothing she can do to control how it reacts to stimulation.

"Look at you," Ozai whispers against her lips, "already so wet for me…"

Katara gasps, Ozai's fingers thrust into her and her hips rock against him instinctively. Ozai takes one of her free hands and runs it against his aching cock, "You want this?" he rasps.

Katara shakes her head furiously, ripping her hand away from him, "No!" she spits in his face, trying to force him off of her, but he just won't budge.

Her entire body is trembling and she feels like she will shatter into a thousand pieces if Ozai doesn't pull his hand from her sex soon.

"You say you don't want this," he whispers against her lips, her body jerking as his fingers toy with her clit, "but your body is telling me a different story."

With as much strength as she can muster, Katara reaches up to slap him as hard as she can, "Fuck you," she will not give into him willingly.

Ozai rears back and slaps Katara with his free hand before pinning her wrists above her head, his other hand still fucking into her. Pain blossoms across her cheek and she cannot help the whimper that escapes her.

"Fuck you're so tight, my waterlily," Ozai breathes, gazing down at Katara as he worked his fingers in and out of Katara's hole.

"You're gonna feel so good around me…"

Katara feels Ozai's fingers curl inside of her, brushing against her g-spot and she lets out a pitiful sounding whine.

As soon as he's had his fill of fucking her with his fingers, Ozai quickly removes them and throws Katara's legs over his shoulders. She hears clothing drop to the floor and suddenly he thrusts deep inside her. There is no slow buildup like there was with Zuko, no letting her adjust. Ozai immediately begins to move, setting a brutal pace, his hips snapping against Katara's thighs, fucking into her roughly.

Katara cries out, her hands clawing at what little she can reach of Ozai but he seizes her wrists and brings them over her head, pinning her hands to the mattress. His grip is firm and there was no way she can break out of Ozai's hold.

"How come you're not telling me to stop?" Ozai growls in her ear, as he continues hammering into her.

"Is it because you like the way I fuck you?" he grips at her mandible and forces her to look at him.

Her teeth clench as she suppresses a moan when he hits her at just the right angle. His words revolt her but her body preens in response to his movements. She is completely caged in by Ozai's body, totally at his mercy and she hates it. Being fucked by Ozai makes her feel tainted, vile and wicked. His hands on her body burn and she feels like venom is filling her veins. A strangled cry is ripped from her throat at every brutal punch of Ozai's cock inside her, her hips jerk up of their own accord to meet his thrusts.

"I know you love it…even if you won't fucking admit it…" Ozai grunts against the shell of her ear.

Spirits she hates it. She wants him to stop, to end this!

Thankfully, with Ozai hitting her bundle of nerves dead on with every stroke, she isn't going to last much longer. She can feel her entire body tense up, every fiber pulling taunt, her blood pounding through her veins, "Ple-please stop…" she manages to choke out.

"Come for me waterlily," Ozai's breath is hot against her face, "make a mess of yourself for me."

As if her body was under Ozai's command, Katara came soon after. Her toes curling, back arching off the bed as her orgasm rips through her body. After several more thrusts, she feels Ozai reach his own climax, groaning above her. He unhooks Katara's legs from his shoulders, pulling out of her and buries his face in her neck, both gasping for breath. Katara's fists clench above her head, her jaw tightens and tears run freely down her face. She wants nothing more than to kill him, but she knows she can't. And that's what kills her the most.

Slowly Ozai pulls away from her, his hair brushing against her face. Katara turns her gaze from him, not being able to look at him without vile thoughts running through her mind. He is only breathing because of Nyla. Because of Aang.

"That was exhilarating," he pats her thigh, his voice light and filled with amusement, "you may go now," he states matter of factly and Katara clenches her jaw even tighter.

She pulls herself up, grabbing at the remnants of her night gown and picks up her robe, wrapping it around her naked and battered body.

"I look forward to seeing you again, Katara," he calls after her as she hastens herself out of his chamber.


It takes every ounce of strength she has left to run through the halls. A few times she collides with columns or walls as she staggers and looses her balance. Rounding a corner she runs right into the arms of Commander Nikko and his eyes are as wide as hers. Rage fills her at the thought of him watching Ozai drag her away and she shoves him with so much force it knocks the breath right out of her.

"My lady!" he calls to her as she runs around him.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" she screams and tries to outrun the sound of his clamoring footfalls.

The harem doors are in sight and she cannot help but crash into them. This is her sanctuary. She needs Nyla and Doctor Li. Katara needs to get him out of her!

Her cries rip through her throat. They are guttural and terrifying. Angry murmurs and whispers fill the harem's halls as Katara calls for Nyla in desperation.

"MADAM!" tears rush down her face as she crawls further down the hall, her legs just not having the energy to carry her any further.


Behind her, Commander Nikko bursts through the doors, his chest heaving as he dives next to her, his hands coming to rest on her back and grab at her upper arm.

Katara shrinks from his touch as if burned, "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

"Let me help you!" he urges and Katara pushes against him, trying to get away from him.

"You let him—" she begins to sob uncontrollably, "YOU LET HIM HURT ME!"

Conflict echoes in his eyes as he tries to help her up, "My la—"

"Katara?" a voice calls from further into the harem.

The madam's form comes into view and Katara gasps at the sight of her. A blanket of safety and comfort drapes over her as she sees the Madam now running full speed toward her.


In a matter of seconds the Madam is on her knees, cradling Katara into her body, her sharp gaze fixes on Nikko.

"What happened?" she demands harshly.

Nikko bows his head, unable to look at either of them, "The Fire Lord intercepted the Lady Katara in the gardens and he—"

Suddenly thunder clashes overhead and the sky is split open by a surge of lightening. The heavens begin to weep.

"He what?" Nyla hisses.

Commander Nikko shakes his head, "I believe he forced himself on Lady Katara."

"And you didn't stop him?" Nyla screams and Nikko shrinks back from her.

"He is the Fire Lord! Who am I to stand against him?" he hisses back, anger and malice lacing his tone, yet his eyes unbearably soft as they rest on Katara's form.

"I went to fetch Prince Zuko—"

Nyla silences him, "He has been here with the Lady Song."

Katara stirs at the sound of Song's name.

"Song?" she whispers meekly and Nyla nods at her sympathetically. Not aware of the reasoning behind Katara's inquiry.

"Let's get you to Doctor Li," Nyla whispers gently to Katara, gathering her in her arms and pulling her up from the floor.

A burst of energy courses through Katara and she whirls around, wrenching herself from Nyla's hold and storms through the harem.

"Katara! Katara where are you going?" Nyla and Nikko chase after her.

Hatred burns in her heart for both Song and Prince Zuko. They both abandoned her in two different ways, both hurting her with equal measure and she wants nothing more than to see them bleed. With all the energy she can muster, Katara calls forth water from the rain outside and wraps it around her fingers, freezing it and sharpening each frozen finger cap like they were stiletto knives. She kicks the doors of Song's chambers in and launches her iced daggers at the headboard.

A scream erupts from the room and a burst of fire flies in her direction. Katara is able to deflect it easily in her rage and she calls forth more water to launch a spike straight for Song's chest cavity. Blinded by her rage she doesn't notice Zuko has slipped out of the bed and comes up behind her, hand grasping hold of her ice dagger and melting it while securing Katara in his hold.

"Katara!" Zuko yells, trying to break through her fury, "Katara calm down!"

His arms secure around her waist and she begins to buckle, her voice going hoarse from screaming.

"YOU LEFT ME!" Zuko twists her around and Katara burrows her face into his neck, her fists pounding against his naked torso, "You left me and HE RAPED ME!"

At this point she didn't know which of the two she was yelling at and quite frankly she didn't care. Exhaustion is starting to creep into her bones and she feels the darkness encroaching on her.

"He raped me…"

Nyla and Nikko come to an abrupt halt at the scene before them, Zuko's eyes slowly filling with rage, while naked and holding a now unconscious Katara in his arms. Tears sting at Nyla's eyes and she approaches, trying to help the Prince with Katara's dead body weight.

"Oh my sweet child…" Nyla kisses her forehead, brushing hair from her face before locking eyes with Zuko.

"I swear—"

Zuko silences her, "Call for Doctor Li, now!"

Late into the evening, Zuko finds himself pacing outside of Doctor Li's office. His mind is reeling and be cannot help but blame himself for what has happened to Katara. His hands run through his hair and his teeth gnaw at his bottom lip.

Song tries to console him, but he sends her away. Her presence causing his skin to prickle and her voice making his stomach churn violently. As he waits for word from Doctor Li, he hears his Uncle's breathing a few paces away.


"Don't!" He hisses at Iroh, "I did as you said, I left her alone and still he took her!"

"My boy—"

"Avatar be damned," he grips hold of his Uncle's collar, pulling him close, "Ozai will die by my hand. Mark my words."