Disclaimer: I do not own Artemis Fowl or Death Note.

This takes place after the Death Note episode "Love" and The Time Paradox.

Task Force HQ

L, alone in the headquarters, twirled his spoon absentmindedly, as he would a pen. That is, as he would if he was prone to using a pen, instead of crouching in front of the many computer monitors that were constantly feeding him information about the Kira investigation. His eyes were faced in the general direction of the monitors, but were looking into space, their owner lost in thought. L stopped spinning his spoon and pressed a button on the intercom.

"Watari, I want your honest opinion," L said in his soft monotone. "Do you think that we can handle two Kiras?"

Watari's voice came over the intercom. "If we are to assume that this Kira can kill with only a face, we must be very cautious and very quick in capturing both Kiras."

"In other words, we need more of an edge against our unseen foe," L mused. "Watari, just offhand, can you think of anyone that would be a great asset to this case?"

"Perhaps you could select someone from Wammy's House?" suggested Watari.

"Perhaps I could, but given the nature of that facility, I doubt it would be as much help as you would think," L said, balancing cubes of fruit and cake on his spoon. "I don't need a copy of me working on this case; we have Light for that anyway. No, I was thinking we could find someone entirely different. Someone preferably out of the country, since we know both Kiras are in Japan."

"Ryuzaki, I have someone that might interest you. An Irish teenager called Artemis Fowl. It's odd, he is an alleged criminal mastermind, and Kira hasn't killed him yet."

"I have heard of Fowl. I would guess that Kira believes that he has lately proven himself to be beneficial towards society." L scanned through the history of the Fowls. "And I doubt he would be on Kira's side. He seems to prefer carefully laid-out plans as opposed to resorting to drastic measures. I don't believe he is one to advocate this mass murder." The detective carefully placed a cherry on his tower, then tipped it and let it fall on his platter. "I will try and get in contact with Master Fowl. His brilliance may be just the advantage we need to catch Kira."

Fowl Manor

Artemis Fowl was, at the moment, also sitting near several screens. His own bank of bright displays showed headlines, both about the one they called Kira and the possible whereabouts of Opal Koboi. Not the Opal that was currently sitting in prison, but the Opal that had hitched a ride on a time stream and was displaced by about eight years. It had only been a few days, but already Koboi had tried to break her other self from prison. Twice. However, Artemis Fowl had been there to head off the power-crazed pixie. That hadn't stopped Opal from trying, however, and so Artemis sat at his monitors, looking for strange happenstances and whispering into his hand.

Artemis did not mutter to himself absently; when he needed to muse out loud, it was usually directed at his humongous Eurasian manservant, Butler. No, in truth he was speaking into a sophisticated communicator designed by the fairy People, namely the centaur Foaly, and given to him by Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police. The LEP had been the ones Artemis was helping to bring Opal Koboi down. Now Artemis was talking with Holly, trying to get up to speed on the events of the underground world of the fairies.

Artemis stopped talking abruptly as the door opened. He had specifically neglected to keep the hinges oiled, and so they squeaked slightly, giving the boy genius enough time to inform Holly they were not alone before falling silent. However, it was just Butler that walked in, with one massive hand doing a thorough job of muffling a telephone.

"Artemis, you may want to take this call," Butler advised. "This man claims to be L."

"L?" Artemis repeated. "The famous detective? How intriguing. I'll take the call. Even if it's not him, it will be amusing to explain exactly why he fails to live up to L's standards." He accepted the phone from Butler, then held it up to his ear.

"This is Artemis Fowl," he said.

"Master Fowl," a heavily distorted voice said, "this is L. I would like you to assist me in a most troubling case. I believe you have heard of it."

"The Kira case," recognized Artemis. "Yes, I thought that might be it. However, you understand that I am a little skeptical of your claims. How can you prove that you're L?"

"Might I recommend visiting the headquarters of the Task Force fighting Kira?" the voice posed. "I assure you, you will not be disappointed. Ah, though I can see that you will require proof before making such a long journey. Allow me to explain just why I selected you out of all the brilliant minds in the world. First of all, I had to make sure that you weren't Kira. That was a fairly simple task, as I had already narrowed down the location of Kira to Japan, namely the Kantou region. Naturally, there was a possibility that you could have set up links to the broadcast so you could see what L was saying to any region of Japan. However, I looked back at Kira's early killings, and concluded that it was extremely unlikely, as Kira was merely experimenting, and thus would not have had the power to kill long enough to set up such a complicated plan to lead the police to a different country.

"I also had to look at your history, make sure that you would be sympathetic to our cause. That was also easy. You seem to have similar morals to mine, although I must admit you seem to veer a bit more to the shadier side of the law than I. Also, you have proven yourself more competent and creative than all the minds in the world. In the end, all I have to worry about is the possibility that you could outwit us all and use us for your own purposes. As for that, I am confident that you will help us catch Kira, so what you do with us afterwards does not concern me."

There was a long pause. Artemis finally broke it with a sigh. "That is all I need. You are most definitely L. The mannerisms fit well enough, there is hardly a motive to fake being L if there is a possibility the real L had already contacted me, and on top of that, we traced your call. Shall I meet you at your current location?"

L noted the smugness in Fowl's voice. "Yes, that would be convenient. I'll see you in Japan, Master Fowl." The call cut off. Obviously, L had not wanted to give Artemis another opportunity to top him. Artemis stayed silent for a few moments, with Butler waiting for instructions. Eventually, he handed Butler the phone and moved his hand back in position.

"Holly, I assume you heard that."

"Yes, but I don't like it," Holly admitted. "I have a feeling you're going to want my help in this."

"Come on, Holly, did you expect any different? You've known me long enough to know that I can't do anything without involving you."

"Artemis, the People hate killing as much as you or this L character, but 'go on adventures with Artemis Fowl' is not part of the LEP job description."

"Might I explain why I want your help? I need to find out where Kira gets his power, and I want to exploit it for one person. A particular pixie."

"No, Artemis. I won't help you kill Opal Koboi. I don't care if you do it yourself, but I won't be responsible for a murder."

"Holly, even L agrees that executing criminals like Kira or Opal is something that needs to happen. We both know that Opal has done appalling things, and she needs to be stopped at all costs. This is a question of the security of both our worlds."

Holly did not respond for a while. "…As much as I would like to refuse, I know that this is the only way we'll really be rid of Opal. Fine. I'll do it."

Artemis turned to Butler, who was still standing in the doorway. "Butler, please inform my father that we will be in Japan for a while. I think in this case, it would be best to tell him the truth about what we are doing. Kira is big news, and I am sure that my father would want my talent to go to a good cause in this instance."

Miles underground, Holly Short rolled her eyes. "A good cause. You really know how to strain a friendship, don't you, Artemis?"

Author's Notes: Wow, I'm surprised how scarce this crossover type is. You'd think that the combination would be natural. Hmm. Anyway, no sign of Light yet, but he'll show up in the next chapter. That is, whenever I write a second chapter… hope to do it soon, though. See you next time! Odd Man out.