Summary: What might have happened if Alice's first vision was of the Cullen's particularly Edward rather than Jasper. A/E, R/Em, Es/C, and eventually B/J.
Disclaimer: All characters from the Twilight saga belong to Stephenie Meyer who is definitely not me. I'm just playing with them.
A/N: This prologue takes place in 1934, the year after Rosalie was changed, and the year before Emmett joined the Cullen family. Although the story will eventually focus on Bella and Jasper the first few chapters will merely be setting the scene mainly as they are set before Bella was even born. This is my first Twilight fan fiction. Please read and review.
Prologue: Coming Together
Finally I was drawing near to their home. Excitement bubbled up within me as I realised I'd finally be able to have the family I'd dreamed of. I'd watched them throughout the past 14 years, since I had my first vision of Edward and Carlisle when I'd woken up for the last time. I watched as Carlisle chose to turn Esme and they'd fallen in love, and my heart had broken and split in two as I watched Edward leave them. I watched his struggle as he fed off the lowest echelons of society before he decided to return to Carlisle again.
That was the one of the hardest things for me to see. I'd been sticking religiously to Carlisle's way of life, but once Edward parted from him I was no longer as in control. My mind was skewed between Edward's new way of life and the way of life I'd first foreseen. It was during this decade when I slipped more often that I cared to remember. Watching as Edward drank from human's when I was still little more than a newborn myself made it to difficult to ignore the lure of human blood. After Edward returned to Carlisle and Esme though I was able to work completely on my own control again so that I would be able to truly join the family.
When Carlisle chose to turn Rosalie for Edward my heart nearly broke. He was my future not hers, and since the second I first saw his face in my visions I started to fall deeply in love with him. The relief that I felt when they were clearly not enamoured with each other was overwhelming for me. I knew then I couldn't risk waiting any longer to get to my new family, and I pushed myself more for control and towards my family. As I looked down upon the house nestled in the mountains, I knew that finally I was where I belonged.
I felt like I could scream. Ever since Rosalie had joined our family she'd done everything possible to drive us all nuts. First of all we had to move from Rochester so that she wouldn't be detected, but not before she'd successfully managed to assassinate the men who killed her, and since then she was either wallowing in self pity or staring into the mirror. Her reaction to Carlisle was also detestable. She was so resentful of her new life I was almost tempted to offer to end it for her, although that would hurt Esme too much, and after leaving such a short time ago and hurting her, I couldn't bear doing anything more to hurt my mother figure.
As I made my way downstairs I was suddenly assaulted by a new set of thoughts. [i]Finally I'm where I belong[/i] The thoughts practically screamed excitedly in my head just before there was a knock at the door. I could smell the woman's scent from here and could tell instantly she was another vampire. Taking a deep breath I made sure I was the first to answer the door. As I opened it I was met by the most adorable creature I've ever seen before in my life. She was tiny, yet completely in proportion from the tip of her spiky black hair to the point of her heeled feet. I couldn't do anything more than stare at her. She completely took my breath away.
Although I was aware of Rose's beauty it had never done anything for me unlike this wonderful creature in front of me. I made up my mind then and there that somehow, someway I'd make her mine.
Just as I made the decision her golden eyes glazed over and I watched as an image of the two of us exchanging rings under a beautiful flower covered arch came flying into my mind from her thoughts, before it vanished again. She looked at me for just a second before she squealed and launched herself into my arms. Her exuberance completely overwhelmed me for a second and I completely forgot all my gentlemanly manners as I felt her small curves press against me.
I was sitting with my beautiful daughter helping her comb through her hair when the doorbell rang. I wasn't too worried about answering it as I'd heard Edward walking down the stairs shortly beforehand. Right now Rosalie needed me more. Her depression was upon her again, and I knew just having the two of us sitting together like this helped heal her heart somewhat.
Rosalie was still very young to this life, and I really felt like she was the daughter I had always wanted. She was beautiful and strong. I knew she had killed those men who had hurt her in cold blood, and I understood more than anyone why she had done it. She had been violated in the worst way possible and neither Carlisle nor Edward could every really understand how she felt as a result. Yes Edward could see what had happened to her in her thoughts, but to have experienced something as brutal as abuse and rape was something no one could understand unless they had lived it themselves. I just wish that neither of us had experienced that act which formed the bond I shared with my daughter.
Just then we heard a feminine squeal and a dull thud from downstairs. Both Rosalie and I shared a look for just a second before we both rushed downstairs where we were met by Carlisle as we all witnessed a small woman with her arms tightly wrapped around Edward.
A smile blossomed on my face as I took in the scene in front of me. Edward seemed to be reciprocating the woman's hug. I glanced at my husband, and his smile was beaming as he took in the scene, before I glanced at my youngest child. The look on her face however, was another story.
The pang of jealousy that went through me when I witnessed Edward in the arms of another woman was like nothing I'd experienced before. I couldn't understand it. I knew I didn't want him, just the sound of his voice annoyed me. Yet I still felt that jealousy bubble up within me.
"So who's your friend" I sneered out at the embracing couple as I watched them with a degree of distaste. With that the woman disentangled her arms from around his neck although she slid her hand into his.
She was absolutely tiny, though I could admit she was very pretty in a pixyish sort of way, and at least her clothes were fashionable.
A tingle shot through me and straight to my unbeating heart as her tiny hand slid into my own. It almost helped me to drown out Rosalie's vindictive thoughts about the wonderful woman by my side.
"Oh, I'm sorry my name's Alice" she said as she looked carefully at my family taking in each of their voices. Her voice was clear like the ringing of golden bells. "I know who you all are. You're Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, and of course my Edward." She continued. It almost felt as if my unbeating heart had started again when she claimed me as hers.
"What do you mean your Edward?" Rosalie snapped at her, "and how do you know who we are."
"I see visions. I've seen Edward and Carlisle since I was first turned. That's how I knew Edward was destined to be my mate." I heard her breezily reply.
With that Rosalie turned on her heel her and headed up to her room. She was clearly jealous of my beautiful little Alice. Whilst Esme was practically gushing in her thoughts over how happy she was that I had found my mate, although she was worried about Rosalie.
"Well all that's left to say is welcome to the family Alice" I heard Carlisle say with a smile, before I looked down at the wonderful woman beside me who was now my world before leading her to the sofa in the living room to get to know her better.