Disclaimer: I absolutely own nothing of the wonderful Harry Potter series. I just playing with characters for own fun. Hope you enjoy the story.

Rating: Mature

Pairing: HP/HG

Era: Hogwarts

AN: Bashings: Weasely, Dumbledore an understanding Snape and Malfoy family! Shocking! Sirius alive and free! Shocking Granger secret!

Emerald Eyes


hermione snape

Chapter 1

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Professor Albus Dumbledore sat behind his desk his blue eyes twinkling behind his half moon shape glasses starring at the Potions Master and spy, Professor Severus Snape sat in an over stuffed arm chair across the wizard. He crossed his arms and sneered at the headmaster. He couldn't believe what Dumbledore had told him.

"I will have no part in it. This is madness!" hissed Severus.

Albus leaned forward propping his elbows on top of his desk. "You will or I fear your employment maybe in trouble. You gave me your vow that you will do as I say."

Severus sneered at the elderly wizard. "Are you blackmailing me, Albus?" He rose from his seat. "I will not be blackmailed. I can not go back on word. I am not doing this for you. You damned fool. I'm doing this for my own reasons. You twisted freak of nature. You're just as bad as the Dark Lord!" He swept through the large mahogany doors. He had entered only an hour ago his black robes vanishing from sight.

Albus popped a lemon drop into his mouth. He knew this plan would work. The plan he had worked on for years had failed. The Weasely family's plan had failed badly. The trio were entering their seventh year. The plan needed to be a reality before they left the halls of the school. He didn't need it to back firer. The use of Severus Snape had been it's worth of work. He had him were he wanted him. It would be perfect. He just had to wait.


Severus snatched the bottle of Fire Whiskey and a glass from the bookshelf. He poured a large amount into the glass and swallowed the amber liquid in one go and it burned down his throat. "Shit. Damn bastard!" He poured another glass and downed it as he did the first.

Severus nearly jumped out of his skin when the flames in his fireplace turned green. Luicus Malfoy's head appeared. "Now Severus what has happened?" He asked and stepped through entering his childhood friend's chambers. He quickly replaced his strong wards.

"Dumbledore's finally done it. Blackmailing me into his sick plan." Severus hissed and sat down in the arm chair that was behind him.

Lucius sat down on the couch in thought. He smirked at his friend. "The plan has a chance to back firer." Severus gave him a puzzled look. "The power he knows not of. Dumbledore's plan is to steal the power but what if it was to twist the other way. We both know he would be better protected in the Slytherin House, but the Weasely brat got to him first and he was sorted into Gryffindor House. I believe it is time for you to contact your dear sister, my niece."

"I believe you are right. They all must know. Our family is being targeted and we will protect the children. We have to or all could be lost." Severus told him. Luicus nodded stood up and left the way he entered.


Severus stood on the Astronomy Tower watching the sun set bellow the horizon and a jet black owl fly off into the distance. His sister and brother-in-law had to be told before Dumbledore's plan was to go into action. He knew it would occur over the summer break. They mustn't interfere with it. Lucius was correct it could be the Dark Lord's undoing. Severus turned on his heels his black robes flowed around his ankles. He swept down the stairs to the great hall.


The great hall was full with the inhabitance of the castle with cheerful and active conversation that echo throughout the hall. The students ready for their much wanted summer break. Harry dreaded going back to his aunt and uncle's house. It was never ending nightmare.

Hermione smiled when she saw Hedwig fly into the great hall. She landed in front of her. Harry turned his best friend with a puzzled expression. "Oh I used Hedwig early today. I hope you don't mind." He shook his head not wanting to speak with his mouth full of pie. He watched her opened the letter. She squealed and threw her arms around Harry's neck. "You can come."

"What?" He asked with a confussed tone.

Hermione pulled back and smiled. "I spoke with Dumbledore. I know how you hate going to the Durselys' for the summer. He gave his approval that you could stay with me. Than I owled mom and dad and they said you could spend the summer with us."

Harry looked at his best friend in shock. He could go to his best friend's house. He didn't have to stay in hell. He could have fun. He beamed at her. "You're the best!" He threw his arms around her neck.

"But their was a catch Harry." Hermione said gravely. Harry frond. She smiled bigger. "You had to have a guard. Snuffles will be at the house. He will have to stay in form. Voldemort is after him. So he can get to you." Harry nodded and threw his arms around her again.


Severus hid his smirk with a well plastered sneer. He had to admit that it was getting harder and harder to hide who he truly was. He was tired of playing a part. He was tired of the a whole thing. Tired of the war. He was glad that Potter didn't have to spend the summer with his dreaded relatives. He had checked on him several times over the years and it appalled him at the state of the boy with each summer break, but this year it would be different. In fact everything would change.


The Hogwarts Express pulled into King's Cross Station and the students stepped onto Platform 9 ¾ in search for their families. Harry and Hermione bid the Weasely family a wonderful summer and ran through the enchanted wall, which caused the couple to miss Molly hitting Ron upside the head and give Ginny a curl look. The family ran through the wall.

Harry grabbed Hermione's hand so they wouldn't get separated in the busy muggle area. She looked at her best friend and blushed slightly. She turned back in search for her parents. Hermione smiled and pointed to the couple next to the number six exit where they met her every time in the station.

Helen had long slick black curly hair, pale skin, blue eyes and a slim womanly figure. Sean had brown hair, tone skin, brown eyes and muscular built frame.

Harry couldn't help but notice that Helen Granger held some of Snape's characteristics but kept that to himself. He didn't want to upset Hermione. He only smiled. She pulled him through the crowd.

Helen quickly pulled Hermione into a gentle hug. "I've missed you sweetheart." She said and pulled back. "You must be Harry. It's nice to met you." She quickly pulled him into a hug.

He was glad that Mrs. Granger's hug was gentle unlike Mrs. Weasely's tight hugs. He smiled and returned the hug. "It's nice to met you Mrs. Granger." She pulled back and smiled.

Sean pulled Hermione back out at arms length and smiled. "What happened to the girl I sent to Hogwarts in September?" He teased.

"Daddy." She said her face turning a slight shade of pink. She saw Harry smile. He winked at her causing her to blush more.

Hermione's once unruly hair was now in slick curls, her bright brown eyes intensified with the right about eye makeup that brought out her facial features even more. Her clothes that once baggy clothes fit her tone body from her and Harry's mornings workouts in ROR.

Harry introduced himself to Mr. Granger. He smiled and shook the young man's hand. They all jumped when they heard a bark.

Harry turned around and saw large shaggy black dog his tail wagging madly behind. "Padfoot." Harry said with a large smile. He knelt down and threw his arms around the dog's neck. He pulled back and Padfoot gave him large lick on the face.

Hermione laughed and threw her arms around the dog's neck. "Thank you for doing this." She whispered. He licked her cheek. "Let's go."

"You guys go on I need to speak to Mr. Granger." Harry told them.

"We already know. It's alright. We'll do what we can to make sure you stay safe." Sean told him. Padfoot barked in agreement. "Let's go home." Harry smiled and they all left King's Cross Station.

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