Moon sighed sleepily as she tilted her head and looked up into the dark blue night sky. The sky was clear of all clouds and the Moon was in a crecent shape. The ship was unuasually quiet. But it was late, everyone was already sleeping, all but her who had the night watch today. Of course the idiot captain of hers would be up in a few hours like usual and start sleep walking to the kitchen to grab a midnight snack, but for now, she was alone.

At least that's what she had thought, so she jumped, startled, when the familiar rough voice rang out from behind her sitting form.

"What was up with you today? You've been so jumpy, you even freaked when Yuki did her usual daily tackle hug thing"

Moon glanced out of the corner of her eye to see Zoro sit down on the railing in front of where she was currently sitting. She looked back down at her feet, avoiding his gaze.

"what does it matter to you? You never care"

Moon heard a slight growl come from Zoro and she glanced at him, surprised to see him glaring angerly at her.

"What? It's true..." she trailed off when Zoro stood up suddenly with a pissed expression on his face, thinking he was going to start a fight she stood up as well, standing in a fighting position. She flinched back confused when his arms wrapped around her instead.


He grunted

"what are you doing?"

Zoro pulled back to look at Moon glaring. Moon blinked a few times confused, first he's worried, then he's angry, then he hugs her, now he's angry again?

"what does it look like? I'm hugging you, you retard."

Moon chuckled lightly at his way of wording it.

"thanks for the hug, not so much for the calling me a retard part"

Zoro rolled his eyes as she hugged him again.

"Well it's- huh?" Zoro blinked as he felt Moon shaking, he looked down to see silent tears rolling down her cheeks. He placed a hand on her cheek.

"I-I had a bad dream. It sounds stupid but... it scared me."

Zoro held her a little tighter, trying to calm her down.

"you dont have to talk about it if you dont want to, it's arlight."
Moon scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully. "you're being unusually nice today Zozo"
Zoro grunted "shut up and dont call me that." but he said it amused, not angry.

Moon sighed and layed her head on his chest, closing her eyes as he sat down with her.
Moon smiled, Zoro never talked too much, neither did she. Perfect. She heard Zoro mumble a few words as she drifted to sleep.

"I Won't leave you..."

My first try at doing a Roronoa Zoro oneshot. Kept him in character as best i could in a romance fic X3

Review! ^_^ and if you are wondering who Moon and/or Yuki is then read the small stories called Grandline adventures ^_^