A/N: Hey again, everyone! I'm sorry it took me a little more than a week to update, school's been crazy and yeah i feel likei have no time. But anyways, THAN YOU EVERYONE WHO REVIEWED, you are the reason that i tried to upload this as fast as i could. C: Well, it's nearly 3 in the morning, here and i have shcool tomorow, soooo i'll leave you with this update. 8D It's like double the lenght this time. so i hope you guys enjoy.

Also guys, this chapter i wanted to warn you that it's definately rated T: simply for language and implied nudity. LOL So if you don't approve, don't read! I promise it's that bad, though!

Disclaimer: No way. :V

"I dare you to-" Broseph began, but was cut short by a loud tapping on the outside door of the elevator. Fin jumped, and Reef nearly yelped.

"We are so busted." Reef groaned. Fin slapped her hand over his mouth to quiet him.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" A female voice asked. Fin recognized it to be the head maid, Rosie. Suddenly there was a louder screeching noise coming from outside; it sounded as though someone was trying very hard to rip open the metal doors.

Without thinking, Broseph pressed multiple buttons on the wall which caused the doors to slide open. The three teenagers tumbled out, earning them a concerned look from Rosie.

"Uh.. Hey Rosie." Fin said as she removed herself from the floor. She rubbed her head as it throbbed from the hard impact.

"What are you three up to?" Rosie asked suspiciously. She always figured they were up to no good. But it wasn't surprising, because they usually were.

"Nothing!" Reef smiled crookedly. Rosie gave him 'the I-know-what-you're-really-up-to-so-don't-lie-to-me look. "No really, we're not!"

"Riiiiiight." Rosie replied.

Bummer's loud voice suddenly echoed against the white walls. He was yelling something, and he definitely did NOT sound happy. Rosie watched confusedly as Broseph, Fin, and Reef scrambled down the hallway in the exact opposite direction of Bummer's sharp yelling.

In a few seconds, The blonde haired boss was panting in front of the head maid. "Have … you … seen … those … meddling kids, anywhere … around here? …"

"Uhhh." She looked off in the direction that they ran, then back to the elevator.

"Uh, oh yeah. They just rode the elevator downstairs. I'm sure they're on the first floor by now, Mr. Bummer."

"It's Balmer! NOT Bummer!!" He yelled agitatedly as he rushed into the elevator.


"The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception."—Friedrich Nietzsche


Johnny was sitting up straight at his desk, typing away at nothing. He looked at his computer's monitor and read the time in the lower right hand corner. When it said it was only 9:45, Johnny sighed deeply. No doubt was Bummer going to keep him here all night. Again. By now, most of the guests were upstairs in their rooms, or at least finishing dinner over 'on the ship'. He frowned more; Emma and Lo were surely having the same problem.

Suddenly, in all the quietness, the two front doors slammed open and in came what looked like a very important guest. The man was a few inches over six feet; he had on a black suit, and had some nice black shades that prevented you from seeing his eyes. His hair was slicked back in an attempt to make him appear more sophisticated, or at least that's what Johnny thought. He was rolling a suitcase in one hand, and balancing a surfboard in the other. There was no doubt that this was the famous Mr. Logan Stokes.
"Hello Sir!" Johnny waved politely as he caught the man's attention, "I can help you check in, right here." Johnny stood up and motioned at his desk. The man nodded.

"You must be the Mr. Logan Stokes that will be staying here for the next week, am I correct?" Johnny asked as the man walked over briskly.

He nodded, "Why yes, young man. That's me. Got my room all ready? The wife and kids aren't too far behind."

"Yes sir! They're all set." He turned around and removed two room keys from a drawer, "Here you are."

"Thanks.. Uh does this place have a bellhop, or what?" He asked as he looked around slightly impatient for some service. Unfortunately for him, the current front staff was uh… busy. Johnny laughed nervously. His attention turned to the sound of a door swinging open.

Lo walked in the front door, clad in an extra wench's costume. She was smiling brightly at the fact that the vomit was no longer on her. Johnny eyed her and cleared his throat loudly. The Brunette turned her head, "What? You have a cold or something?"

"No. Actually, Lo, I need you to help Mr. Stokes," Johnny replied, Lo's face lit up. This was her chance to prove Daddy wrong and get back into the penthouse! "You know, with his bags and things."

"Isn't that the bellh-" Johnny shot her a look. "Oh. Hehe Right. Cause I'm the bellhop!" She rushed over to strain herself over the heavy bags.

"Wow, nice uniforms; very creative, especially for just being a bellhop!" Mr. Stokes replied happily.

Johnny smiled nervously, "Oh, well here at Surfer's Paradise Resort we spare no detail!"

Lo smiled, even under the strain. "Yes Siiiiiiiir!" She managed to move the black bag a few feet before she fell over backwards. She fumbled to get back up and looked both left and right before asking Johnny, "Hehe, say Johnny, where is the luggage cart?"

"I wish I knew." Johnny replied.

Mr. Stoked dropped his shades down on his nose, so he could get a better look at Lo. "Um, are you sure you're a bellhop?"

"Oh yeahhhh! I'm like the best." Lo squeaked as she was now pushing the luggage using only her back. It was sliding successfully across the clean floors.

"… Okay, well if you're sure." He replied.

The front doors swung open again, this time for a woman that looked like she was in her late 30's, possibly early 40's. She was dressed in a fancy red dress, and had two large bags in either hand. To her right was a little girl with two little brown pigtails. She was clinging to her mother's dress; she couldn't have been more than six years old. Across from her and to the left of the woman were two boys. One was a little on the short side with a short brown 'mop top' hairstyle; he looked around ten or eleven. The other boy was much taller; lankier, too. From what Johnny could tell, he looked about thirteen. Between the four of them, there were nine bags. Lo groaned when she saw this, but kept on trying to move the single bag.

"So this is the wonderful hotel you heard about, Logan?" The woman asked Mr. Stokes, she was obviously his wife. The three kids followed behind her quietly.

"Isn't it lovely, dear?"

She smiled, "It looks fantastic!" She was taking everything in, when she noticed Lo struggling with the suitcases. "… Is that the bellhop?" Lo looked up and half waved.

"Yes, uh ma'am! You need me to get those bags, too?" She pointed to the large pile left by the door. The woman nodded as if it was obvious.

The elevator rang, and out popped a completely pissed Bummer. He was mumbling something about strikes, and how much he hated hiring teenagers, but he stopped when he notice the new arrivals. He pasted a huge fake smile on his face, "Why Helloooo!~ You must be the wonderful Stokes family, am I right? Of course I'm right! Here, let me help you with all of those." He walked over and started to lift some bags over his shoulder. He shot Lo a confused, but grateful glance as he walked by.

"Come on, bellhop! Put your back into it!" Lo heard Bummer call from the elevator. She grumbled as she finally got the large, black bag into the elevator."You're on the top floor, I believe?"

"Yes, the sixth floor, one of the extra large suites." Mr. Logan Stokes smiled as he and the rest of his family squeezed inside also. Bummer pressed a button, and the door closed.

Johnny sighed when he noticed they were all gone. "It could have been worse." He told himself as he went back to typing.


"Error is just as important a condition of life as truth"—Carl Jung


Broseph, Reef, and Fin were still walking quickly down the hallway on the second floor. Does this thing ever end? Fin had suggested they stop going, as soon as she had stopped hearing Bummer's voice; but Reef was bent on going to the end. Which, if you think about it, is completely idiotic because if Andrew WERE to find them, they'd be cornered and trapped! Fin was busy trying to point this out.

"Guys! Really, if we don't stop soon we're just going to end up stuck in the corner when Bummer comes!" Fin threw her hands up wildly.

Reef mocked her by throwing his hands up, also. "Pfft. Chill out Fin! I know exactly where I'm going."

"Oh yeah?"


"Then where are we, genius?"

".. On the second floor."

"No way, Dipshit! Now can we please stop, already?" Fin stopped walking and stood there, watching what the two boys would do.

"FINE!" Reef exclaimed as he stopped in front of her. "You happy now, your highness?"

Fin smirked and nodded her head. The three employees sat down in a little circle. From what they could tell, they were about halfway down the hall. There were no guests in sight, so far so good!

"Alright, I believe it was your turn to dare, Bro." Reef pointed to the afro-wearing boy next to him.

"Right, Dude!" Broseph laughed back, "Hmmm… Where was I? Oh yeah! Fin!!"

Fin's face went blank, maybe playing this game wasn't the best idea, after all. She gulped as Broseph opened his mouth again. Yeah. Definitely a bad idea.

"I dare you…"

"Yes?" Fin asked cautiously. Reef looked like a little kid with candy.

".. I dare you… Fin Mcloud …"

"Just spit it out, already!" Fin snapped.

"Okay, uhh. I dare you to," he glanced over at Fin's now aggravated face. "…lick your elbow."

They all sat in silence for a moment. Fin's face changed from angry to dumbstruck. "Uh, excuse me? LICK MY ELBOW?" Fin asked.

Broseph nodded. Reef's face had fallen, he was obviously hoping for something a little more… creative.

Fin started giggling, "That's it?"

"Yeah, dude. What, can't do it?" Broseph teased.

Fin laughed louder as she attempted to lick her elbow. After a few minutes of fumbling around stupidly, her tongue touched just above the tip of her elbow. "Okay, how's that?" She asked.

"Pretty impressive, Brah." Broseph replied, he had a look of sole amazement on his face. Fin only laughed harder. Reef crossed his arms.

"What a waste of a dare! Come on Bro, you could have done so much more damage!!" Reef exclaimed.

Fin's laughter slowly died, "Oh really? You think you could do better?"

"Pshhh! Of course I could!"

"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and find out when it's your turn then; won't we?" Fin replied as she made a face at him. "But in the meantime, I believe it's MY turn." She looked back and forth between the two boys. "Hmmm, Reef!"

Reef's face lit up, "Bring it, Blondie!"

"Okay, well let's see.." Fin placed her hand over her chin and started thinking. "Got one! I dare you toplay this game in nothing but your underwear for the next three turns!" Broseph laughed.

"Face it. You just wanna see me as close to naked as possible." Reef smirked happily and flexed his biceps at Fin. She made a disgusted face. "It's okay, Fin. Really; I understand how tempting I must be for you." He placed an arm over her shoulders. She shook it off quickly.

"Puh-lease. It's just a stupid dare." Reef waggled his eyebrows at her. She scoffed. "Are you going to do it, or what?" Broseph was practically rolling on the floor, he was laughing so hard.

"Fine!" Reef quickly threw of his tight wet-suit like shirt and started to remove his swim trunks. Thank god he wore underwear under his swim shorts, or else this could have been bad. Next to go was his shoes. In a few minutes he was sitting cross legged in nothing but a tight pair of light grey briefs. Fin was having trouble not bursting out laughing. It was too late for Broseph.

"Briefs?" Fin giggled, "Really?" Reef's face turned slightly pink. If he didn't have such a big ego, this probably would have embarrassed him to hell.

He stood up and struck a pose, "Well of course. REAL MEN wear briefs." Reef replied. Broseph and Fin were dying from laughter. Reef just made a face and decided on sitting back down.

Fin elbowed him. "Just go ahead and give one of us a dare, Mr. REAL MAN."

Reef smirked as he looked between his two friend's faces. His smile stretched evil across his face as he looked at Fin, This was his one chance at the ULTIMATE revenge, plus he would never live it down if he made her do something utterly embarrassing. Fin gave him a cross look. On the other hand, there was Broseph; who was sitting there, smiling ear to ear. He had yet to go, and Reef might as well teach him how to dare properly.. "Alright." He bit his tongue, "I dareeeeee…"

"Oh. Oh OHHHH!" Broseph waved his arms around like a madman, "PICK ME!" Reef contemplated this. He glanced over at an irritated Fin, again. 'I'll get her next time.' He thought.

"Okay, Dude! Broseph!! I dare you to go downstairs and hit on a guest."

"Pfft. Easy, Bro!" Broseph agreed, quickly.

Fin rolled her eyes, "Can't you think of anything other than girls?"

Reef continued, "-But not just any guest. A MALE guest; the first male guest that you see, in fact." The redhead crosses his arms and puts on a slick smile. Fin started giggling slightly.

"Oh I HAVE to see this. Come on Bro!" Fin stood up and grabbed one of his arms to pull him, also. The young Jamaican got up reluctantly, and hung his head in shame. Reef grabbed his other arm, and they began leading him down the hallway in search of guests.

Reef scanned the room, "There!" He pointed to an old fat man who was waddling over to his room. Yes, waddling, not walking but WADDLING. He looked like he was balding on the top of his head, and there could have been a few liver spots up there, too. He was sporting a lovely maroon-colored jacket that looked like it was over fifty years old, and some old baggy sweat pants, that should have been baggier if it weren't for his size. Broseph looked like he might cry. Reef pushed him gently, "Go turn your swagger on, Broseph!~"

He stumbled forward slightly, then turned around. Both Fin and Reef were motioning for him to keep going. He swallowed hard and began walking closer. Once he was within reach, he tried to smile.

He coughed, "Excuse me sir. Do you work for UPS?" The man looked up and shook his head, no. "I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package." His face was burning bright crimson. He listened to Fin and Reef burst out laughing behind him, and he watched as the man in front of him muttered something about faggots and kid's these days before he waddled away in the other direction.

Broseph looked mortified. Reef and Fin came up behind him and Reef pat him on the back. The two continued laughing as their friend stood motionless.

"I gotta hand it to you, Reef; that was good." Fin said in between laughs.

Reef nodded, "Just wait for what I have in store for you!" He cackled.


"You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen." – Paulo Coelho


"Uh, I think it's stuck." Ty said as he and Emma tried to pull a piece of squid from his hair. Emma frowned. "Oh, no wait! I got it!" he smiled as he pulled the last of the fried calamari from himself.

"I am soooo sorry, Ty! It was a total accident." Emma replied guiltily. "If you want I can go get some shampoo or something to you know, clean yourself up." Ty thought about it, and then shook his head.

"Don't you have customers to get back to?" Emma's face went blank.

"Shit!" She ran out the kitchen double doors. Ty chuckled, that grom was something else. He got up off the kitchen floor to look at himself in a mirror. His hair was covered in grease from the squid and fries. His shirt was stained with multiple sauces and a few soda spills. His pants had the least amount of damage, though; at least that was something.

He began peeling off his shirt to wash it in the sink, along with his hair. He carefully pushed a stack of dishes away to dunk his head in. He closed his eyes and held his breathe as he emerged his head into the sudsy waters. When he pulled out, he was dripping wet. He shook his head back and forth to try and dry it quickly.

"Ugh! Alright, Chef!! We need one more order of fried shrimp, two sushimi supremies, and a-" Emma said as she carried in empty dirty dishes in both hands. She hadn't noticed Ty standing there until she placed the plates on the counter. She blushed at his shirtless-ness. Was He blushing, too?

"Oh, um sorry. I figured this," he pointed his thumb at the sink, "could make a good shower. Heh, sorry."

"Don't be.." She kept trying to look him directly in the eyes, but kept going back to his washboard abs. It's not that she hadn't seen him so 'exposed' before, because surely she had at the beach. Just, never this close. She blushed deeper. "So… You need a towel, or something?"

"Towels are nice." She tossed him an extra rag from the counter. The two stared at each other, just smiling, Emma began daydreaming until a sharp voice brought her back to reality.

"EMMA!" Kelly screeched as she walked into the kitchen. "Where is Lo?" She looked furious, then she looked over at Ty, "And what are you doing here?"

"Trying to get a decent meal." Ty laughed, Kelly just glared. "…Tough crowd. Alright, alright I was just about to leave anyways; I need to find Ripper and Lance." He threw the rag back next to the sink, grabbed his stained t-shirt and waved as he exited the room.

Emma frowned once he was gone. Kelly noticed and replied, "Don't waste your time with that fish stick." Was Kelly trying to be nice? "…Now get back to work, wench." Well, that didn't last long.

Emma nodded and went to deliver more food. It didn't matter what anyone else said, maybe there was hope for Ty, after all. Emma sighed, dreamily.


"Eventually you love people – friends or lovers – because of their flaws." – Karen Allen


"You have a sick mind, my friend." Fin muttered at Reef. He only smiled.

"You know what they say: Payback's a bitch." Fin stuck out her tongue. "Well it's true and you know it! Look, it could be worse."

"How?!" Fin exclaimed.

Broseph shrugged, "That is a little harsh, Reef."

"Well, let's see. You dared me to strip completely naked, streak out in the front lobby, and then skinny dip for at least two minutes in the hotel's pool!!" Fin yelled. Reef smiled at his 'genius'.

"It's the king of all dares!" Broseph yelled excitedly. Fin shot him a dirty look, but he high fived Reef anyways.

Fin rolled her eyes, "Who's side are you on, anyways!?" The blonde haired boy shrugged.

"So are you gonna do it, or what? The score is all tied up, everyone has one." Reef asked. Fin furrowed her eyebrows as she thought. "You know it IS okay to chicken out, there are some things girls just can't do." That little sexist comment finally did it.

"That's it! I'll do it." Fin yelled at the redhead. Broseph took a step back, this could get ugly.

"Good." Reef said curtly.



"For you, maybe!" Fin screamed, their faces had grown only inches apart as they continued fighting. Reef took note of this and blushed; Fin raised an eyebrow but kept glaring at him.

"Let's get it started then, Finnigan."

Fin scrunched her nose. "Don't call me that!"

"Whatever, just take it off, already!" Reef looked somewhat excited.

Fin blushed, "You guys can't look! Turn around!!"

"That wasn't part of the dare, was it Broseph?" Broseph shook his head, 'No'. The two boys grinned stupidly.

Fin groaned as she turned her back to them to strip down stark naked. I mean, sure she hated the stupid maid's uniform but running around in the nude, probably wasn't her best bet either. She tried her best to just fling the articles of clothing of. First the dress, then the undershirt, and next the socks. She stood there in front of Reef and Broseph in a pair of purple panties and bra.

Reef was smiling happily; probably a little too happily. "Alright, I have five minutes to do this whole thing, right?" Reef nodded.

"But you're not all the way naked, yet!" Broseph pointed out.

Fin sighed, "I will be, as soon as I'm ready."

"You ready, yet?"

Fin rolled her eyes. She breathed deeply, turned away from Broseph and Reef and quickly pulled off her underwear. She threw them into a sloppy pile along with her other clothes on the floor next to the elevator. She kept her back to the guys as she hurried into the elevator.

"Here goes nothing!" She yelled as the doors closed shut. About twenty seconds of silence passed.

"Say, Broseph, how do we know she's really going to do it?" Reef asked as he looked down at Fin's clothes.

"It's Fin." Broseph replied simply.

"…You have a video camera?" Reef asked. Broseph nodded

Reef smirks, "…I betcha we could make it to the Lobby before she does if we take the stairs." Both boys have huge grins plastered on their faces as they run to the nearest fire-escape stairwell.


"If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out"—Will Rodgers


"It's quiet… TOO quiet." Jonny said to no one in particular. Only a handful of guests were out in the lobby now, most likely because it was nearing ten till eleven. Johnny yawned.

Someone was calling his name, "Johnny! Yo Johnny!!" Was that Ty? What was he doing in the dining room? Johnny waved at him. "Hey, have you seen Ripper and Lance around here?"

"No, should I have?" Johnny replied.

Ty shook his wet head, "Nah, I was just supposed to meet them here. Baumer said he had an 'important' job for the three of us."

Johnny laughed, "I know how that is. Oh hey, look there they are, now!" Johnny waved over to them to catch their attention.

"Ay mates." Ripper greeted the two. Lance simply put up his hand to wave. "So either of you bloats know what Bummer's got us doing tonight?"

"Not a clue." Ty relied. Johnny nodded in agreement.

"He said it was important; but you know that really just means that he wants you to help with some sort of odd job. Am I right?" Lance spoke up.

"Ugh I hate when we get special guests, Baumer always flips his shit and goes all anal on us, you know, mate?" Ripper asked as he leaned back carefully on the check-in desk. Suddenly Reef and Broseph came stampeding through the hallway. Broseph was carrying what looked like a small video camera, and Reef was just running.

AS the two groms approached the seniors, Reef waved. "From the looks on your faces, Fin must not have come down yet." He smirked.

"What are you nimrods talking about?" Lance asked.

"Fin. She'll be running through here in a matter of minutes." Reef replied as he got his phone out and set it on the camera application. Broseph had already had the camera set up.

"So? Who cares what Barbie's doing on her free time?" Ripper rolled his eyes.

The two junior staff members looked at each other and laughed, "Oh you'll care when you see her in a minute." Reef said slyly. Ripper raised one eyebrow.

"You groms are so weird."

Sure enough, within the next few minutes, the elevator doors opened up and there stood a one-hundred percent naked Fin. She had an annoyed expression on her face as she stepped out into the lobby. She looked around and when she saw the group of guys she blushed deep crimson. She tried not to look at them as she ran past the check in desk and around the aquarium. Most guests stopped and stared or either laughed and pointed. She flicked the group of guys off as she ran by.

"… What's that Sheila up to?" Ripper asked as Fin ran through. Johnny's face was bright, BRIGHT red. Reef and Broseph were laughing so hard, they almost looked like they were crying, while Ty and Lance just stared in shock.

"It was a dare; Sink or Swim!" Broseph laughed. Johnny gave him an angry look.

"I thought I told you three specifically NOT to play that game."Johnny said.

Ripper and Lance were laughing, "Oh boy do I remember that game!" Ty exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, that was some game," Ripper agreed, "I just can't believe that your little friend would actually run through here, butt-naked. She's got balls, I'll give her that." Fin was gone just as quickly as she had come and from what Reef and Broseph guessed, she was well on her way to the pool.

"She's full of surprises." Reef laughed.


"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." – Mark Twain


Thank you to everyone who has reviewed! (: Really, it brightens my day.

So on that note; Please Review!! The more reviews, the faster I'll update. Deal?

Reviews: (I was so happy on how MANY i got! :D You guys rock!)

JoPoGirlsKickAss: Lol I'm sorry about the cliffhanger, but i figured it'd add more suspense! :P I'll try not to do that as much in the future. C:

Nata247: Haha, good guess! A bunch of people thought the same thing, lol but that wasn't a dare... YET! You'll have to wait and see what happens.

Shy Saya: LOL, thank you. BAHAHAH He DOES look prego. :P

TheVampire'sGirl: Haha, i agree. Reef and Fin are just so adorable together. But yeahh I think Fin's way more loose than Courtney. C: But i still love CxD all the same!

N03ll3n03ll3: Aww, thank you so much! That's so nice to hear. C: As for the quotes, i find it a nice way to seperate scenes. :P

Ali-Cat 2315: Ha! A TyxEmma Fan? Well i wrote somemore of that this chapter and if you'd like i may do more in chapters to come! :) thanks and keep reading! ;)

Chibi-Akira-Chan: lol, now you know! This is only the first of the dares, thoughh. :P

jadedXelement: haha, well than kyou! I hope you keep reading (:

Pinky Dvertimento: lol, i hope i updated fast enough for you! C:

AlienPhantom: LOL, yeah Broseph WOULD be the cause of awkwardness.

dippindotz: Why thank you! :D lol, maybe i will; maybe i wont. You'll have to stay tuned. ;)

AllAmericanRejects4Ever: thank you! C:

Emmy: lol, I tried to update as soon as i could! Alot of people said thats what Broseph would have dared her, i hope it suprised you!

.Free.123: I hope you guys find this interesting. C: But, thank you!! I agree, the fandom is still growing so hopefully We'll et some great Stoked fics, up soon. :V

angelrock444: haha, i promise the next xhapter will have TONS of Reefin. :D

Loved it!!!!: AWWWW, thank youu. (: lol well here's an update!

Yumi Stern: Why thank you! (: I;m glad there are other Reefin fans out ther, too! :D