Hey Guys, So this is my first Stoked Fic, and I promise it won't be my last! 8D So yeah I realize that there are only like 5 stories posted for Stoked, so far but can you believe there are no ReefxFin stories posted yet? D8 I couldn't, so i wrote this. 3 If you don't like it, don't read it. This story will also have hints of: EmmaxTy and EmmaxJohnny. Im pretty open minded about pairings, so if you have an idea, feel free to let me know. I'm not expecting it to be more than like 6 or 7 chapters, but that all depends on your reaction.

Dislaimer: No,I dont own. :C

Summary: Fin McCloud is not your typical girl, let alone typical surfer. She's a pro and knows she can take on anyone who's up for the challenge. She and her new best friends are learning that it's either sink or swim, here at Surfer's Paradise Resort. When Bummer announces that an important guest is coming to stay, and that this guest will happen to be the host of an ultimate surfing contest her at Sunset Beach, the groms jump at the chance. But what's the a catch to this epic event? RxF, ExT, ExB

Her bronze skin shone in the sun, as the girl lay stretched out, comfortably by the edge of the hotel pool on one of the many deluxe lounge chairs. She sighed contently as she stretched her arms above her head. She yawned and slowly pulled her shades down so she could take a look around her. At first she winced from the overly-bright sun shining down on her; then as her eyes adjusted she glanced around and took in her surroundings.

The sun was still rather high up in the sky, meaning she couldn't have dozed off for too long. Some younger children ran around in the shallow end of the huge pool and were jumping and screaming as they played in the little fountains that sprayed water high into the air and then sprinkled gently back down. She saw some mothers scolding or trying to calm their kids down. She saw a few other teens that could have been her age but wasn't interested. A few old wrinkly people were out by the hot tubs, but other than that it had seemed to be a pretty slow day here at Surfer's Paradise Resort.

She swung both her legs over to one side of the lounge chair and reached down for her beach bag. Sticking her hand deep into the bag, obviously in search for something, she emitted a frustrated groan as she couldn't find the single object she was in need of.

"Crap. I know I left it in here!" She said to no one in particular. She gave up and tossed her bag back onto the concrete pavement. She ran her hands through her short bleach blonde hair as she tried to remember when and where she last had her cell phone. Just then a figure blocked her from the sun. She glared, taking a wild guess at who it would be. 'Can't a girl catch a break?' She thought to herself.

"What do YOU want?" she spat at the figure without even looking up.

The figure shifted, "Uh, nice to see you too?" The feminine voice caught her off guard, "I found something you might be interested in-" she waved her friends orange little phone back and forth in one hand, "but seeing as you're too busy.."

"NO!" The blonde girl shrieked at her new best friend. "I'm sorry, Emma! Really I am, I just thought you were someone else.."

Emma giggled, "Oh I know! I was just messing with you!" She smiled widely. The blonde girl scowled then reached for her phone. Emma gave her 'the look' and added, "Come on Fin! It was only a joke." She nodded as she turned her phone back on.

Emma motioned towards the phone, "You know; you really need to watch where you put that thing. If it weren't for me, it could have been lost forever."

"Where was it anyways?" Fin questioned as she fidgeted with the phones keyboard.

"I found it next to Broseph's stuff in the laundry room this morning." She looked at Fin then back down at the phone. "Geez, how many messages can you get in only a few hours?"

Fin frowned, "Too many!" The little communication device buzzed repeatedly, indicating multiple new messages.

After glancing at a few texts, Fin sighed. "Ugh! This is supposed to be my day off!" She yelled as she threw her hands above her head angrily.

Emma sent her a confused look, "What happened?"

Fin sighed heavily again, "THIS happened," she shoved her phone higher into the air so that Emma could read the glowing screen. It read: "Ms. McCloud, it has been requested that you join a few of the other off-duty staff members inside the hotel lobby in approximately 5 minutes, please await further instruction." The message read it was from their 'loveable' boss, Andrew. Or 'Bummer' as the rest of the staff called him.

"Weird. Wait.. Why does Bummer have your number anyways?"

"He has all the staff members numbers, remember?-" But Fin was cut short as Emma's Iphone buzzed loudly.

The redhead carefully pulled the phone out of her pocket and read the message silently, groaned, and then replied, "Ugh, looks like I'll be joining you too."

Fin smirked, "Come on Alberta," She picked up her bag and swung it over her left shoulder before leading the way back to the staff house to change. Emma trailed behind, still upset that she had to work on their day off.


"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"- Edgar Bergen


A few minutes later, both girls had made it to the small, sweaty staff changing rooms."We haven't had a day off since we started working here! This is so not fair!!" Emma complained as the two entered through the door. Fin nodded.

Lo Ridgemount, the daughter of the Mr. Ridgemount who owned the hotel, was already in the humid staff house. "Ughhh, trust me Emma, it's like beyoonnddd not fair!" The brunette said just before she walked into a stall to change into the wench costume that was mandatory for all Dining Room Staff. "I mean, what could be so important that I had to leave early from the spa?!"

"At least we had a few hours, bra." The afro-haired Jamaican boy said as he emerged from a stall farther down. He was dressed in the usual bellhop attire. "It's better than nothin'."

"Whatever, it's still not fair." Lo said as she finished strapping her dress on. She opened her door and sat down on a nearby chair to finish putting on her ballet flats.

"Aww, come on Lo! Bummer can't keep us here forever." Emma said as she tried to cheer the others up. "…He can't do that, right?"

Fin laughed sourly, "He better not! There's a sick set going off later, and there's NO WAY I'm going to miss it!"

Broseph nodded, "Yeah man. Hey, where were you earlier? You missed some sweeeeeet waves."

"Oh… I was around. I thought I'd take the day to relax." Fin said nonchalantly. "You know, take a break from hitting the beach… And get away from Re- everyone." She said simply, obviously referring to the one guy that always managed to rub her the wrong way.

Broseph shook his head not understanding her logic of giving up on the chance to surf the office, "Whatever dudette. Your loss."

Emma fidgeted with her outfit before agreeing, "Broseph's got a point, it was very un-fin like of you to pass up surfing like that." She nudged Fin gently as if to prod the information out of her. "What's the real reason you didn't go to the beach with the guys?" Emma giggled excitedly.

Fin rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Yeah right. I just wanted to hang by the pool. And relax for once. Is that really that hard to believe?"

Lo giggled and joined in, "Are you suuuuuure it's not because of a certain someone?" Emma laughed playfully as Broseph stood looking very confused. Fin glared.

"Yeeeaaahhh, Someone like-" Emma started but was quickly cut off when the four teens heard the overhead speaker blare with noise.

"WOULD ALL OFF-DUTY STAFF PLEASE REPORT TO THE LOBBY!! YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS, PEOPLE!!" Bummer's loud voiced echoed through the small changing room. Lo threw her hands over ears in an attempt to stop them from ringing.

"God I hate working." Lo said before turning to leave. The other three groms had already sprinted out the door, and were most likely well on their way to the hotel's lobby. She huffed as she stomped out the door.

"I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early." – Charles Lamb


The blonde-haired surfer was the first to make it to Surfer's Paradise Resort's front desk. She slid carefully across the tiled floors in her standard maid sneakers and nearly knocked Johnny over in the process. "Sorry Johnny!" She said as she tried to regain her balance. Fin grabbed onto the edge of the check-in desk for help.

Johnny simply smiled, "No biggy." He turned back around and walked up behind his desk, awaiting any guests in need of service. He noticed Broseph, Emma, and Lo running inside as well. They weren't far behind Fin. "You guys got called up by Bummer?" Fin nodded. "Harsh. I don't know what the man's got up his sleeve this time, but I'm sure it can't be good."

Broseph walked over slowly next Fin. He breathed heavily, "Yo dude; got any water?" He was practically panting. Johnny was about to reply but was cut off entirely by an angry Bummer.

"It's about time you kids showed up!" He yelled at the four angrily. "Where's the fifth one? You know, the Elvis Wannabe Drama-Queen?" He peered around the whole lobby in search of Reef. He wasn't behind the fish tank, or near the front desk, not even by the elevator. He kept looking, but no luck.

"You called him, too?" Emma asked.

Bummer sighed and continued slightly annoyed, "Yes. I need all of you junior staff here for this! Ugh, where is that boy?!"

Just then, a loud CRASH came through the two front doors. A few suitcases went flying into the air and several guests screamed. A luggage cart sped across the lobby and slammed into the huge shark-filled fish tank. And a tanned redhead with overly spiked hair skid not so gracefully across the floor. Reef smiled up crookedly before replying, "You called?"

Bummer looked down at him in total shock, then over to the terrified guests, and then back down at Reef, again. Rosie, one of the Resort's maids muttered something about 'just cleaning that' before stalking off to re-clean the whole lobby again. Bummer still stood in complete shock.

Reef got up unsteadily, brushed himself off, and then walked over to join the other four teenagers. Fin placed her hands on her hips and glared at Reef. After another minute in shock, Bummer spoke, "Well, that sure was quite the entrance, Reef! STRIKE!! And I hope you're planning on helping Rosie clean up that horrid mess!" He said as he pointed to the now cluttered front door. Some guests were staring on, and others were yelling about 'poor service' or something along those lines.

Reef groaned, "Of course sir." He replied, flatly. Fin stifled a laugh as she watched Reef fume about cleaning. Reef shot her a dirty look as he folded his arms.

"Is something funny, Ms. McCloud?" Bummer said sharply as he watched Fin's face fall as he spoke. The blonde tomboy gulped.

She gave him a worried look before answering, "Uh no sir! Not at all!" She tried to shake the worried look off her face, but she knew whatever Andrew was going to say next, it couldn't be good. She winced when he opened his mouth to talk.

"Good. Then I'm sure you won't mind helping Reef clean up," He nodded at the mess again, "that. Will you?" She nodded and looked at Reef grumpily. He smirked, which only made her scowl more.

"Anyways, as I was saying: I called all of you here on your day off because I need your help. It seems that surfing legend, Logan Stokes will be staying here over the next few days-"

"EEEEEEEE! THE Logan Stokes?!" Emma asked excitedly. "Oh my GOD! I love him!!" Bummer sighed agitatedly.

He cleared his throat and continued, "And so I need this place running in tip-top shape! Not only will he be staying here, but a few of his family members are coming too. Some sort of Ridgemount-Stokes reunion."

"Ohhhhh," Lo whispered to Emma, "The Stokes! How could I forget them, last time they came here, it was MADNESS. Daddy must be signing another deal with him or something." She sighed unhappily. "You know what that mean, don't you?"

Emma whispered back as Bummer continued rambling, "No, what?"

"It means, that I have to sit through boring dinners and stupid family get-togethers." She made and 'ugh' sound quietly.

"But it's with LOGAN STOKES, how boring can it be?" Lo rolled her eyes.

"Oh it's bad." Emma gave her a slightly sympathetic look.

Bummer kept on talking, "So, since he's bringing the whole family along, I'm going to need you five to comply with his every whim. Do I make myself clear?" He added the last part briskly.

"Crystal." Lo replied sourly as the others simply nodded their head in agreement. Bummer seemed pleased as he smiled quickly.

"Good. They should be here in a short while, in the mean time; go back to your regular posts! And if you'll excuse me, I'll have to attend to some very angry guests." He looked menacingly at Reef before hurrying to the door to the scattered guests.

"Dude's pretty harsh." Broseph said simply as he watched their boss storm off.

"I know! Can you believe this?! I wanted to go shopping tonight!" Lo cried as she tossed her hands in the air. "Instead we're stuck here serving some stupid guy."

"Oh, it could be worse, guys." Emma offered; her usually optimistic spirits were still high.

Fin mock laughed, "Riiiight. Cause I just love spending my Saturday night cleaning up for some surf star big shot." Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

"Aww man! Looks like we're gonna miss that sweet set after all, dudes." Broseph sighed heavily.

"…You're right, Emma."

"I am?" Emma asked.

"Yeah," Fin replied solemnly, "My night just got a whole lot worse."

Reef smiled, "Look on the bright side, Betty."

"What bright side?" Fin asked very irritated. She chose to ignore the 'betty' comment.

Reef flexed his biceps, "You get to spend the night with me," He flashed a smirk in her direction, "and my beach weathered biceps." He flexed again for emphasis.

"Ugh! You are SUCH a KOOK." She muttered as she pushed him aside. "I'm going to go clean up that mess, later guys."

"Hey! Wait up!" Reef yelled as he followed her. Emma and Lo laughed.


"Behind every successful man is a woman with a brush and shovel cleaning up the shit he's too full of himself to notice"- Anonymous


A/N: So what'd you guys think?? Like it/Hate it/Love it? Let me know! (: R&R guys!