Continuation of this story/ fic. Enjoy everyone! I own nothing sadly, EXCEPT FOR YOUR SOUL!


Part Two: Pieces to the Puzzle

"Komui, so you're saying that this ancient piece by Dante is something that can reveal the true revelations of the world, or something like it?" Allen Walker asked as he analyzed the yellowed, ancient piece of torn scrap paper. "It seems unlikely to believe, but what has this got to do with the Noah?"

Komui shifted a bit in his seat and adjusted his glasses, "It may not seem like it much, but it appears that Dante himself, when he wrote this, saw a vision. A kind of future sight that only one of the Noahs was able to possess." Komui then leaned back in his chair and sighed, "But unfortunately, it seems that the Noah that had the power to see and foretell future comings was killed."

"By the Earl?" Lenalee Lee, Komui's younger sister, asked him.

"I don't know," Komui answered as he shook his head, "but all I know that all we have here is a only a torn page from the book itself. Here, take a look." With careful fingers, he then began to trace the almost faded texting and the outlining of where the rip was made. "See, all we have here is a piece from the first part, Inferno. And just as it's about to go into depth, it stops here."

Lavi gazed with interest, "Maybe someone didn't want another somebody to know about everything."

"That could be it," Komui agreed as he looked up to the red haired boy, "also, this isn't even the first half."

"Seriously?" the eye patched boy asked, "You gotta be kidding! How long is the first part anyway?"

"No one is sure yet, Lavi." Lenalee said as she looked at him, "This is the first time in history that it has ever been discovered." Putting a gentle hand to the worn paper she then trailed her soft fingers, "To even imagine, Dante...the first to see something no other human was able to see. Not even Nostradamus was able to do!" Her hands soon stopped and twitched as she thought to herself, that in one's wildest dreams of what unearthly and terrible atrocities would be bestown in the future. Or worse...the loss of countless lives.

Allen watched as the jade haired girl's eyes flashed fear and tension, he knew that Lenalee was a gentle girl and for her to see such an overwhelming document would not only frighten her, but also create such sadness of what thoughts the future would hold. Especially if it was titled Inferno. Giving a sigh, Allen then looked at Komui with strong eyes, he knew what had to be done. "So, where are the rest of the pieces?"

Komui lurched back upright in his seat, "I don't know, Allen. But one things for sure, in the texts of the 'Divine Comedy', this is only part of the first book; and we don't even have the first whole page of it!" Wheeling to the other side of his desk, the spectacled man then opened a drawer and took out what appeared to be a heavy bound book. Flipping the pages in a quick manner, Komui then turned to the map of Europe. "If the the poems were all torn and shredded, god knows how many pieces are scattered around this area." Looking back up to the silver haired boy, Komui soon gave stern eyes, "But one thing's for sure; if we were able to find just this one piece, I am sure the Millennium Earl has heard of it and has already sent the Noah to search and retrieve as well."

Lavi gave a nod. This was such an important piece of history, something no other human and not even old Bookman, knew about. Now knowing what horrible and dreaded secrets contained in these ancient scripts, they just had to get their hands on it. "So," he began, "where do we start looking?"

Komui flipped once again within the large bounded book, "Let me see... ah! Well, evidence and rumors have told that some of the scripts have been hidden away in Paris somewhere, Belgium maybe as well. But no one knows for sure..."

"Any location in specific?" Allen asked.

"It doesn't say..." Komui replied with disappointment.

"Whoever wanted this to be hidden away," Lavi began, "really wanted to make sure no other human, or Noah, would find it."

Lenalee looked up to her brother, her eyes now shone with intensity and shimmered with a bit of impatience. Something that not even Komui had seen before. "We just have to find it," she spoke as her body trembled, "if the Earl gets to it... who knows what he will do?"

Allen and Lavi both looked at each other and gave a smile. Nodding their heads, they knew Lenalee was right.

"Alright then, Komui," Allen began, "it's Paris we're heading off to."

"Give us a map and we'll be on our way," Lavi finished as he held a thumb's up.

"I'm on my way," Komui answered as he soon left his study, book clenched tightly in his hand.

The three watched as Komui left the room, and soon a silence fell upon them. Allen soon averted his gaze the jade haired girl and soon sighed. Softly walking over to her, the white haired boy soon put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Everything's going to be okay, Lenalee. Don't worry, you'll see."

"Yeah," Lavi added in as he gave her a smile, "we'll get to them before the Noahs do."

Lenalee soon gave a smile her own and gave a deep breath. The thoughts were reassuring, really they were. But what was troubling her inside, cleverly concealing it on the outside, were the thoughts of failure. What if they didn't make it on time? What if the Noah got to the pieces of the puzzle before they did? How many more lives would have to die before they finally would be able to retrieve every single one? But giving a fake smile, Lenalee nodded her head and agreed. "You're right," she finally said, hiding the fear in her voice, "we'll find the rest of Dante's 'Divine Comedy'."

"That's the spirit!" Lavi exclaimed as he patted her on the back, "Anyway, I think I should be waking up Krory kins and update him on the situation, otherwise he'll feel all left out!"

"I think I'll head on over to Jerry's," Allen said as he began to make his way to the door along with the red head, "Lenalee, are you coming?"

"You all go on ahead, I'll meet you guys up over there."

"Alright then, we'll see you soon!"

Watching them leave the room, her smile slowly began to fade away.

Blow a kiss, I run through air, leave the past, find nowhere. Floating forests in the air Clowns all around you...

"Tyki, the Earl said we are supposed to get rid of the Exorcists here," Rhode reminded as she took a seat on the cafe table's chair. Giving a bit of a yawn, the little Noah soon began to stretch her feet and her arms, the long road here had been a boring and tiring one. Maybe a two or three minute break was okay.

"I will, I haven't forgotten," Tyki answered as he finished lighting a fresh ciggarette, "but Rhode, surely a small break for coffee or something won't hurt, shall it?"

"Maybe, it all depends..." the spikey haired girl said as she lazily turned her head to the side.

"Tyki tama, we shouldn't really be dallying here, Lero." Lero piped in.

"Lero, I'm sure you have always wanted to try some Belgian delecasies," Tyki said slyly as he leaned back in his chair, tipping his head to see if the waitress would come out.

"I'm a golem, I don't eat, remember, Lero?" Lero reminded.

"I want some sweets...maybe a cake or something!" Rhode said excitedly as she leaned forward.

"Cake it is then," Tyki sighed out as the smoke exhaled from his lips.

"Or maybe... I also want bread pudding!"

"Mistress Rhode! If you eat too much, you'll have a tummy ache, Lero!"

"Just pick one, Rhode," Tyki sighed again as he took a deep drag, "I'm thinking of having a bottle of wine or something."

"'s too early to be drinking, you know." Rhode informed lazily as she rested her face into her palm. Giving a sigh, she couldn't wait until their job was over so that she could go back and return home. Maybe torture Allen...that was always fun. Finally, remembering what she was going to ask, she then sparked up with energy. "Oh! Tyki! I almost forgot!"


"What was it that you and Lulubell were talking about?" Rhode asked as she leaned in with innocent interest.

"Now why are you so eager to know?" Tyki returned as he let out a stream of white smoke.

"Because you seem to be the only one, other than the Earl, that talks with her." She soon gave a smile, "What were you the two of you talking about?"

Tyki leaned back his head and put the stick up to his lips. Inhaling deeply, he remembered their talk earlier that morning and what she had said. Already he was missing the sound of her voice...


"What do you want?" Lulubell asked, her cold tone in that voice of hers.

"I just thought I'd come by and let you know that we'll be in Belgium," he had informed to her, a smile on his lips.

She looked at him skeptically, nothing with interest. "And?"

"I was just thinking well...maybe after finding that document...maybe you would..."

She soon shook her head slightly, "Enough," she said, cutting him off. "I know what you are trying to say, and it is simply impossible."

"What are you talking about?" Tyki asked with a bit of impatience, "Surely you are not going to be spending entire nights on the search for those pieces of paper."

"That's exactly what I am going to be doing," she informed to him coldly.

"You're lying, and you know it," he teased as he grinned at her. He knew inside she was saying those things just to try and make him come after her. Her little mind games with him. Her little tricksies.

"Even so, you have Rhode with you. What are you trying to accomplish?"

"I'm saying that there is always a chance," Tyki urged, "when her and Lero are asleep."

"You are out of your mind," she finished for him as she headed towards the door. Turning back just a little bit, she gave him a small smile; eyes shining brightly. "Maybe, if you promise not to do anything out of the usual."

Tyki grinned at her and then nodded his head. It was set, she would give the word on when and where and they would be there. The plan was now set.


Thinking back to earlier this morning, the Noah of Pleasure now thought much more deeper into it; how in the world was he ever going to meet up with Lulubell? Let alone, contact her? The Earl had lent them two level three Akuma and since they were in Belgium, many more were sure to be around. Taking another drag and thinking much more thoroughly on would now be established, but what about timing? Tyki sighed and a stream of smoke came from up his throat and out of his lips; it would have to be during the evening. No doubts about it. But then again, Rhode never slept early during the evenings and loved to entertain herself by strolling along the late night streets with Lero. Maybe perhaps a quickie while the two were out? Perhaps, but maybe not...Tyki knew how much it was about quality and quantity. More Pleasure to give and feel, and more time to enjoy it. That was how he rolled. Leaning a bit more back into his chair, he then glanced up at the sky. It was still a bit of the early afternoon, sun down wouldn't be in another couple of hours...

Rhode watched with boredom as her uncle was scheming something in that head of his and yawned, "Tyki...I'm hungry, I want to eat now."

Tyki blinked as he was brought out of his thoughts, "Oh? They still haven't arrived it?"

"I think he's coming right outside now, Lero," Lero informed as he glanced the wooden, glass framed door open revealing their waiter.

"Sorry for the wait, young lady and gentlemen, how may I be of service?"

Rhode looked up, 'Akuma,' she thought to herself and she smiled. "You're quite late," she scolded, "and for that, you must bring us your most finest sweets otherwise the Earl will here that you were slacking."

A star soon appeared on the young man's forehead, "Yes, Lord Noah," he replied in a trance-like tone.

"I want a bottle of wine, and maybe some stoemp." Tyki added, and soon waved his hand for the Akuma to leave.

Rhode soon smiled sweetly as she leaned a bit towards Lero, "You're going to be sharing some of my desserts."

"Mistress Rhode, you know I cannot eat, Lero," Lero reminded as he gave a tired sigh. Turning to Tyki, the pumpkin headed umbrella then tilted his head, "So after this will we go and complete our duty, Tyki tama, Lero?"

Tyki gave a tired, bored look and answered, "Yes," with a mumble.

"Lero, you're not being fun!" Rhode whined as she tapped the pumpkin's head, "While we're here in Belgium, the Earl won't mind if we have some fun as long as we get the job done." She then giggled as she turned back to Tyki, "So what shall we do after this?" she asked with eagerness.

"Let's inspect the city after," Tyki answered, "after all...what is the sense of stopping meddling Exorcists if we do not familiar ourselves on their ground?"

"More Jerry!" Allen called as he tossed his fifteenth, empty plate that was once filled with pasta. Leaning a bit back, the young Englishman gave a groan as he patted his stomach; still yet he wasn't even full and very soon now they would have to depart for Belgium. Their carriage would be here in less than twenty minutes, and the white haired boy surely didn't want to leave without having being full. Otherwise, he knew that he would surely go hungry along the way.

Lavi soon slouched over the table, he hadn't eaten anything yet, but just watching Allen pile and tackle down all that Jerry had prepared and delivered to him had already made him full with sickness. Still yet to this day, the young Bookman wondered how it was ever possible for Allen to throw it all down there and not feel sick? Looking around to try and not stare at the empty plates, Lavi soon noticed that Lenalee had still not yet shown up. "Hey, where is Lenalee?"

Krory looked over and soon also noticed as well, that Miss Lee had indeed not shown up. "That's strange, she said she would meet up with us...didn't she?"

Allen stared at the wooden table, "Maybe she's still a little bit stressed out."

"Of what?" the Transylvanian asked.

"About the whole 'Divine Comedy' thing by Dante," Lavi filled in, "she seemed to have taken it harder than any of us."

"Oh...that," Krory sighed out.

Allen soon placed the fork into his mouth and began to chew on the silver prongs, "I don't know if she'll handle the mission well, now that I think about it..."

"What are you talking about?" Lavi asked, "Lenalee will manage, I'm sure of it!"

"A text about the apocalypse and the end of the world is pretty depressing the more you think about it," Krory informed.

"But this is Lenalee that we are talking about here," Lavi pointed out, "she cares about the safety of everyone. And she also knows that as an Exorcist, it's the job of one to protect the lives of others. Especially if it's from the Earl, Noah or Akuma."

Allen sighed, Lavi was right. Lenalee was an Exorcist. Krory was one, and so was himself and Lavi. Now the job was serious more than ever, grab all the documents by Dante before the Noah and Earl did and figure out its secret. Thinking it over much more deeply into his head, he finally jerked with surprise when Lenalee soon sat herself on the table. "Lenalee!" he exclaimed, "You surprised me!"

Lenalee gave a giggle, "Sorry about that, Allen."

"Are you alright, Miss Lee?" Krory asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry." The jade haired girl assured.

"You know..." Lavi began as he tried to search for the right words, "if you don't want to do the mission it's fine."

Lenalee shook her head, "No, I'll be able to do it. It's just that..."

The boys soon leaned in closer, "'Just that'...?"

She sighed, the words were tough to pull out, "I'm...afraid..." she admitted, "what if the Noah have already started? We won't have time to gather all the pieces in time before they do."

"I'm pretty sure they haven't," Lavi assured.

"Even so," Allen commented, "even if they are ahead, we'll still beat them to it." Allen soon gave a strong, encouraging look to the Chinese girl, "Because we know we can't allow the Earl to grab at these things before we do. Don't you think so, Lenalee?"

Lenalee soon smiled. They were right, now wasn't the time for worries. If they were going to ever beat the Earl and the Noah, they just had to grab all those papers by Dante. No matter what.

Buhhh... Lame ending there by my wrists are cramping up and hurting so I have to stop there. Wait for the next installment! R&R! Sasorichyan out!