The following day, Tenaya and Ziggy were already awake, having been woken by Alex for his early morning feed. They were still getting used to basing their lives around his schedule, but it was now becoming easier to get by on less sleep and only snatching an hour or two here and there. While Tenaya nursed her son, and Ziggy started to put away the changing equipment, Summer made her way into the room.
"Summer, did he wake you up?" Ziggy asked her. "I was sure we closed the door."
"I couldn't sleep." She rushed out, unusually energetically for the early hour. She had been on an incredible high in the run up to the wedding. Now that it was only a few hours away, it was no surprise she was climbing the walls with excitement.
"Summer, its only 5AM." Tenaya reminded her. "The wedding isn't for another seven hours."
"I just couldn't wait." She responded. "You know for a guy that claimed he didn't sleep, your brother did a pretty good job of ignoring me and going back to sleep..."
"Summer, for the sake of our friendship, please don't continue." Tenaya begged her, placing a towel over her shoulder once Alex had finished with his meal. She turned him up and started to rub his back gently. "There are some mental images I really don't need."
"Well seeing as we're already awake, I guess we could all go for a walk." Ziggy suggested, beginning to look out Alex's outdoor suit.
"Nononononononono! No one's allowed to leave!" Summer rushed out, running to his side and grabbing him. "The baker could be here with the cake any time, and there's the food to prepare and everyone needs to get dressed and..."
"Summer relax!" He chuckled, seeing her panic. "There's hours to go. The food's ready and just needs to be reheated. The decorations are done and there really isn't much point in getting dressed too early...especially Alex, he's just going to need to be changed between now and then anyway."
Tenaya finished burping Alex, and removed the towel from her shoulder. She could see that Ziggy's attempt to calm Summer down was going about as well as his attempts to become a feared gangster. She was just far too hyper to listen to any kind of reason. She figured it was now time to try a different tactic.
"Summer, would you like to take Alex for a little while?" She asked the Yellow Ranger. Summer's eyes lit up with delight at the prospect. Taking the little boy who would officially become her nephew in a few more hours, she started to walk around the main room, showing him the decorations and talking to him about the wedding. Tenaya approached Ziggy slowly as he mopped his forehead in relief.
"Thanks for the save." Ziggy said gratefully. "Remind me not to confront bridezilla again. I was seriously worried Alex was going to grow up without his daddy."
"Please, everyone's allowed to go a little crazy before their wedding." Tenaya told him, wrapping her arms around him. "It's kind of a tradition. She's got a lot on her mind. It won't matter how many times you tell her everything's ready and going to plan, she'll still be nervous about something going wrong."
"Well I guess I'll just try to stay out the way from now on." He replied. "For the good of my health."
"That might be a good idea." Tenaya responded. "You know, Summer will be busy with Alex for a little while right?"
"I'm sure." Ziggy laughed in response, casting his gaze over to where Summer was showing an increasingly drowsy Alex the carpet that had been laid out as the aisle for the occasion. Tenaya grabbed his head and turned his gaze back to her.
"You aren't that bright are you?" She asked him, pulling him down into a passionate kiss. "How often do we get a little time to ourselves?"
Ziggy smiled as he realised she was right. They didn't get as much time alone as they used to. He drew her in, returning the gesture, grateful that for once; they were able to use the situation to get some much-needed time to themselves.
Dillon was finally starting to get washed up a couple of hours later when he heard a knock on the door. Turning around, he noticed Flynn standing in the doorway. Dillon waved him in.
"You know a lot of people would start talking about a couple of guys getting together in a bedroom a couple of hours before they were meant to get married." Dillon teased him. Flynn just chuckled a little at this as Dillon pulled on a t-shirt. "So are you looking forward to this?"
"I haven't thought about anything else since Sam agreed to this." He replied calmly. "I was just wondering how you were holding up. I know you haven't ever been into huge social occasions."
"I don't know what you mean." Dillon replied with a shrug.
"Well the last big social event you attended you did slice Chas' face open with a fencing foil." Flynn reminded him. "This time he's an invited guest."
"Well things have changed." Dillon told him without hesitation. "I was never sure if I deserved any of this before now. I never knew what I was, or what I could become. I always held things off."
"What about now?" Flynn asked him.
"Now I know who I am." He assured him. "I love Summer. I always have, even before I remembered what she meant to me before all of this."
"Well that much has been pretty obvious from the word go." Flynn told him. "The way you two have been looking at each other since you came to Corinth, I had no doubt we'd end up seeing something like this."
"Well there were times I wondered if I deserved her. You know, if I was good enough. Sometimes I didn't know if I had anything to offer her." He said, thinking back over all the ups and downs in their relationship. "Now I realise that it doesn't matter if I think I can offer her enough. It only matters if she thinks what I can offer is enough. It's her choice to make."
"I know what you mean. There were times I wondered what Sam saw in me." Flynn said as he hung up his suit carrier. "She chose me anyway. I knew she was the one right from the start."
"So I guess all that's left is to survive until the ceremony." Dillon sighed.
"Summer?" Flynn asked him.
"She's a million times worse than last night." Dillon warned him. "She was trying to get me up from about 5 this morning. I had to keep ignoring her just to get her to leave me alone."
"Well I guess it is the girls' day." Flynn commented. "That just leaves one wedding day tradition to observe."
"What would that be?" Dillon asked him. Flynn smiled as he pulled a bottle of whisky and two glasses out from his jacket and put them down on Dillon's bedside table.
"We have a dram and a quick toast before we start getting ready." He replied, pouring them each a glass. "This is 50 year old malt. Dad got it as a wedding present and he kept it all these years. It would probably be worth thousands if I sold it, but he said he wanted me to keep it for a special occasion."
"Well I guess today's the day." Dillon replied, appreciating the gesture that he was sharing this moment with him. "So what do we toast to?"
"May the worst days of the future be as good as the best of the past." Flynn responded, raising his glass. Dillon smiled and touched his glass to Flynn's.
"I like the sound of that." He answered. "Cheers."
Over in Summer's room, Mrs. Landsdown was busy styling her daughter's hair for the ceremony. Summer could hardly sit still, making the whole business a lot harder than they were intending it to be.
"Summer, would you please sit still?" She grumbled. Summer just glared at her. "How do you expect me to get this if you won't still?"
"You're doing a great job." She said back, trying to appease her mother. "Gemma, what are you doing?"
"I'm just keeping an eye on the door. You know, making sure neither of the grooms comes in too early." She stated semi-truthfully. She was, in fact, looking through the crack in the door, watching as the guests arrived. Mr. Landsdown, Colonel Truman and Mr. McAllister were all crowded around in the main room, deep in conversation while Ziggy and Scott saw to it that they had refreshments while they were waiting. She was desperate to see Hicks again after the night before. They had agreed to take things slowly, but she was still overjoyed that he had told her he shared her feelings.
"Dillon's already seen me this morning. I doubt it matters. Besides, Sam still isn't here yet." Summer reminded her. "It's unlikely Flynn won't see her before...Oh God! Sam isn't here yet!"
She jumped up, beginning to flail in her panic as her mother pulled away from her, rolling her eyes in frustration.
"Sam isn't here! Where is she? She can't be late!" Summer started to babble frantically. "She..."
"Calm down Summer, she's here." Gemma assured her as Sam arrived, carrying a tailor's bag. "She's just heading up just now."
As Sam arrived in the room, Summer ushered her in quickly, showing her into a chair. She had gotten her hair styled earlier to save a little time. She was needed in the lab, but she had managed to slip out early for the ceremony. By spending a few hours clearing her desk that morning, she had managed to secure herself a week's vacation to enjoy a honeymoon of sorts with Flynn after the wedding.
"God, you scared the hell out of me!" Summer stated as she accepted a glass of champagne from her mother to steady her nerves.
"Summer, there's still two hours left." Sam reminded her, pulling off her jacket. "It's not like we have to hurry. Almost everyone's here, just calm down."
"Almost!" Summer shrieked, realising what she had said. "Sam, who isn't here?"
"Well I saw Mouse, the Colonel, Scott, Ziggy..."
"Corporal Hicks just arrived!" Gemma rushed out with a huge grin on her face. She turned back to them, and realised that they were looking at her. So far they hadn't made their new relationship public, but then they had only strictly speaking been together for a matter of hours since the night before.
"Father Larry, your parents, Flynn's dad..." She continued. "I guess the only ones I didn't see were Chas and Brie."
"They're not here?" Summer asked her. "Brie's my maid of honour! This is a disaster! Where the hell are they?"
Just then, her cell phone rang. Summer saw that it was Chas and answered it.
"Chas, where are you?" She asked him.
"I'm on my way to the hospital. Brie went into labour ten minutes ago." He informed her. She could hear her screaming and the sound of a siren in the background and realised he wasn't joking.
"Oh god, she's having the baby?" Summer asked him. "I'll call off the wedding. We can be there..."
"No, don't do that!" He instructed her. "Brie, it's alright sweetie, just breathe...Summer, it's your day. We'll be fine, just go and have a good time."
"I'll call you as soon as I can." He interrupted her before hanging up. Summer just stared at the phone as it went dead.
"I guess Brie and Chas aren't coming then." Tenaya surmised as she arrived, wearing a pale yellow silk dress. Alex had been cleaned up and put into the miniature tux that Summer had given them the night before.
"Brie's having the baby." Summer told them. "Chas insisted we go ahead without them. He promised he'd call us when he could."
"So what are we going to do?" Tenaya asked them. Summer considered it for a moment. It felt a little selfish that she wanted to go ahead with the wedding, and part of her wanted to call it off and head to the hospital.
"Chas did tell you they wanted you to go ahead." Mrs. Landsdown told her.
"Mom, we can't..."
"Do you really think they'd want to feel like they ruined your day?" Mrs. Landsdown asked her. "It's not like you could do anything to help them anyway."
"Your mom has a point." Gemma told her. "There's no telling how long she'll be in labour. They'll call you if anything happens."
Summer thought about it for a while, looking at Sam, hoping for some kind of wisdom to help her make the decision, but she seemed to have as little idea what to do as Summer. Eventually she looked to Tenaya.
"Could you fill in as Maid of Honour?" She asked her. Tenaya nodded in response.
"I have to carry the ring bearer anyway." She reminded her, bobbing Alex gently.
"Gemma, go downstairs and tell everyone what's going on. We'll carry on as planned." Summer instructed her to a few sighs of relief. "Come on Sam, it's time we got dressed."
Down in the main room, Scott approached Dr. K as the guests all mingled, chatting casually as they waited for the ceremony to begin. She was dressed in a long, white ball gown for the occasion.
"You look incredible." He complimented her. She just rolled her eyes and turned away from him. "How much more apologising do I have to do?"
"I believe it is customary in these situations that a woman makes her boyfriend 'jump through hoops' for a while as Summer would say." She told him. "I understand one is meant to bribe their girlfriend when they do something like this."
"I told you, I'd been up all day, we were working for a long time and I fell asleep." He reminded her. "I didn't mean to make you worry."
"You didn't call." She replied bitterly. "I knew where you were, but it hurt that you didn't call."
"I promised I'd make it up to you and I will." He assured her, placing an arm around her, stroking her shoulders gently. She found her resolve melting a little. She hated that he had figured out how to ease her like that. She found it hard to be angry with him when he touched her like that. "I have a little something for you later."
"You do?" She asked him, managing a little half-smile at him. "What is it?"
"Well you wanted to be bribed." He whispered in her ear as he moved closer, holding her to himself. He pulled a small box out of the inside pocket of his jacket, handing it to her. She opened it and smiled, looking up to him.
"They're your favourites." Scott interrupted her as she took a piece of candy from the box, shoving it into her mouth. "I have more in my room. I spent a couple of hours on the phone to every confectioner in the city to find one that stocked them."
Dr. K kissed him softly, the sweetness of the candy still hanging on her lips.
"So am I forgiven yet?" He asked her. Dr. K looked to the box thoughtfully.
"It's a start." She replied cheekily. "I'll let you know when you're there."
"So what else can I do?" He asked her. Dr. K thought about it for a second, before smirking at him and giving him a knowing wink.
"I'm sure I'll think of something." She replied. Just then, Father Larry made his way to the end of the aisle, while Colonel Truman and Mr. Landsdown went up to the girls' room. Gemma split off from them at the top of the stairs to head to Dillon and Flynn's room. "It looks like something's happening.
"I have an announcement to make. Chas and Brie will not be in attendance; Mrs. Winchester is currently delivering her child." He told them. The assembled guests applauded, delighted to hear the news that they were having the baby at last. "The ceremony will go ahead as planned; we're just getting the grooms ready to begin."
On cue, Dillon and Flynn came down the stairs with Gemma in tow. Dillon was dressed unusually formally for him, having been convinced by Summer to get dressed in a black tuxedo. Flynn followed on, wearing a kilt bearing the McAllister tartan. They made their way into the room, being greeted by guests. As he shook hands with them though, Hicks could only look at Gemma.
He watched her coming in, and nodded to her, grinning broadly. She returned the gesture as the grooms made their way to the front of the room, at which the guests started to take their seats. Hicks sat on the opposite side of the aisle from her, since Gem had taken the seat next to her. It was something they needed to tell the others, especially Gem in time. It wasn't the time to just spring this on them.
Ziggy and Scott, Dillon and Flynn's best man respectively joined them before Father Larry as they waited for the brides.
Father Larry started the music as the bridal party made their way down the stairs towards the carpet. Colonel Truman led Sam, while Summer was accompanied by her father. Tenaya made her way along behind them carrying Alex, who looked around in wonder, not knowing what to make of the ceremony or the large crowd in the Garage. As they arrived at the front, by Father Larry, Flynn and Dillon finally got a glimpse of their respective brides. Neither man could contain their happiness as Father Larry began the ceremony.
Over in the hospital, Chas held Brie's hand as she made the final push. She collapsed back into the bed as the doctor checked on the new child.
"Congratulations Mr. Mayor, it's a baby girl." He informed him. He handed the baby to Chas, who just looked at his new daughter in amazement.
"What did we have?" Brie asked wearily as she struggled to recover from the ordeal. Chas brought the girl up closer so she could see.
"It's a girl." He said happily as Brie looked at her daughter. "You're a mommy."
Brie reached forward, touching the little girl and laughed a little. This was the greatest thing that had ever happened to her.
Back at the Garage, Father Larry had just overseen the exchanging of the rings. He smiled as he was ready for the final part of the ceremony.
"You may now kiss the bride."
"Is that really necessary?" Dillon joked. Summer hit him in the shoulder, unhappy with the timing of his joke. He just laughed at her. "As if he really needs to ask."
As the two couples shared their first kiss together, Gem set off a charge, raining harmless coloured sparks from the ceiling. Father Larry jumped in shock at the explosion, while everyone else kind of expected it. He quickly regained composure, remembering his final duty.
"It is my great pleasure to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs McAllister, and Mr and Mrs…" He tailed off and leaned in, whispering to Summer. "What surname are you using?"
"I don't have one." Dillon told him. Summer shook her head and shrugged. Father Larry just stood back up. "And Summer and Dillon!"
The others all cheered and a few more charges went off as they turned back to their friends. They walked through exchanging congratulations and well wishes. Mr. Landsdown suddenly drew their attention with a loud whistle, holding up his cell phone.
"That was Chas, it's a girl!" He informed them all, causing another cheer of approval. "Both mother and child are fine."
As the celebration went on, Dr. K pulled Scott aside. He placed his hands on her waist as she backed him into a corner.
"So is it time for me to make it up to you yet?" He asked her. Dr. K just shook her head.
"Scott, I've had Venjix's palace under surveillance. Things have been far too quiet recently." She told him.
"Well I will admit the last two months have been comparatively boring." He agreed. "What's up?"
"Activity at the plant has increased dramatically. It's putting out far more pollution than it ever has, and the energy readings are off the scale." She said with a worried look on her face. "Production has increased dramatically. Whatever it's building, it's big. I think we can expect a lot more movement in the near future."
"So what do we do?" Scott asked her. Dr. K looked around at the party regretfully.
"There's no point breaking up the party. Until Venjix makes a move, there's nothing we can do." She conceded as she watched Flynn and Sam dancing together. "All we can do is enjoy the good times while they last."
With that, she noticed something flying in her direction and snatched it out the air, realising it was the bouquet. She looked up to see Summer pointing at her with a huge grin on her face and gesturing her over wildly. She looked into Scott's eyes, wordlessly reminding him of what she had said, and he had to accept she was right. They needed to enjoy the good times while they lasted. No one knew how long they would.
A/N: That's the end of this story; I'll begin my version of the conclusions arc soon, now that the series is FINALLY coming back. Hope you all enjoyed it. Knightwood.