This is a Temari X OC story and this is the character that I am using in it not mary sue

Name: Kenji Takeda meaning strong and vigorous warrior

Age: 19

Rank: Anbu Captain

Appearance: He has Short spiked scarlet and black hair which is one of his most noticeable features. He has red eyes which is the other feature. His eyes are red from his clans Kekkei Genkai. He is in good shape and has a toned body ( really nice eight pack and muscular bisceps ) from being a shinobi and training every day too look good for the ladies and to complete his missions. He his five foot ten inches and one hundred and tweny-eight pounds. He has a tempting smirk and stare that bring you in. He is a really hot guy with a golden tan.

Personality: He is a strong, independent guy that likes to play with peoples emotions and feelings. He like using his looks for an advantage on his mission and every day life. He likes going to watch the stars at the sand dunes at sun down every day. He likes the hot weather of the desert lands and loves getting his tan on. He is aggressive and ruthless and will do what every it takes to finish a missions or have an arguement with the Kazekage Gaara. He likes girls with good bodies that are tough and are ninjas that are not scared of dying for the village. He is nice to most people he meets and if they are girls and are hot he will hit on them every time they meet. He likes to read big books and train every day. He is overall a really nice guy with big muscles and a chick magnet.

Clan: He is the heir to the Takeda clan. This clan is great with wind style jutsu. The clan help found the village in the sand with the help of the first Kazekage. They helped dig the hole that the village is in. They are really good at summoning dragons and the dragon spirt the king of the dragons are inside of Kenji's body and is sealed with a big red and black dragon tattooed on his back. The dragon demon gives him extra chakra that is red. You can call yourself a real clan member when you get your eyes to turn red and you can use a wind style Jutsu. The red eyes help you control people and animals actions and get rid of their memories at will . They are also the only way that you can summon a dragon. The eyes are called Byakkodun which he activated at the age of seven. His clan is the strongest in the land of wind and the most dangerous. His clan lives in the back of the vilage in really nice and big houses.

Skill: he is very gifted in taijutsu, highly advanced in ninjutsu. He can use wind, lighting, and water styles. He is poor at genjutsu and can barely make one at genin level. he has good levels of chakra and really high stamina. He can make chakra come out from any were on his body. He is fast and very strong for his age. He knows basic medical ninjutsu for broken bones.

Other: he is very popular with the people of the village and is best friends with Gaara and Naruto because of the demon. He hates Shikamaru because he spends time with Temari a lot. He has a secret crush on Temari and would kill for her and do anything for her. He dated Ino at one point in his life.

Please review and if you have any questions just ask. There is a link on my profile to see what he looks like