For new readers, welcome. For old readers - if for some reason you are reading this again - welcome back. I decided to rework this fic because I went over it awhile ago and didn't like several parts of it. For the most part, there's not too many changes from how it was earlier. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Rosario + Vampire.

- Start -

Tsukune blinked. He was attacked by a jealous first year for hanging around Moka. The new student had professed his love to the vampire the second he had seen her at the school gate. Obviously, Moka didn't feel the same way; she just smiled, backed away nervously and clung to Tsukune's arm.

The first year was a tanuki, which surprised Tsukune since they were supposed to be happy but mischievous creatures. This one went attacked him with the same ferocity that reminded Tsukune of Gin. Then again, a lot of things he thought about monsters ended up being completely inaccurate or slightly true.

The tanuki attacked Tsukune when he was headed back to the dorms by himself to get the newspaper article he had written. The ambush had caught Tsukune off guard completely.

- Flashback -

"I can't believe I forgot the article," muttered Tsukune as he ran down the path to the dorms, bypassing all of the skulls, gravestones, and the dead trees as if they were nothing. After staying at the school for a year, these little things were almost nothing.

The first year ran on all fours, using the trees for cover. He jumped up into one of the trees, spotting Tsukune as he was about to pass. The tanuki jumped through the air, pouncing Tsukune and slashing his claws into the helpless boy's back.

"I will make Moka mine!" he shouted.

Tsukune cried out in pain as he struggled to rid himself of his attacker, to no avail. No one could help; Moka, Kurumu, Yukari and Mizore were all at the club room already. Gin would probably be out taking perverted pictures or hitting on some girl. He had no idea were Ruby was at this time of day. Kokoa hated his guts since he was the only one who could take off Moka's rosary and unleash her inner self while the younger vampire couldn't.

Just as he was about to give up hope, Tsukune felt the tanuki get off his back. The sun was blocked out by a figure in front of him.

"Huh?" Tsukune looked up to see…

- End Flashback -

….. Kokoa?

Lo and behold, it was the red-headed vampire alright. She was holding her familiar over her shoulder, which had changed its shape to a giant mace.

"Kokoa, is that you?" asked Tsukune, slowly pushing himself off the ground. His wounds didn't seem that bad; that didn't stop if from hurting.

"Don't rush yourself," she said as she helped Tsukune up. After she got him on his feet, Kokoa started leading him to the infirmary. As they walked away, Tsukune saw the first year's legs sticking out of a tree.

While she was leading him, Tsukune's head was swirling and not just from the blood loss. "Why'd she help me?" was the main thought in the human boy's head. He wasn't sure he wanted to ask, lest he end up like his unfortunate first year attacker. He was so lost in thought that he almost didn't hear Kokoa speak to him.

"….fanboys?" finished Kokoa.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" asked Tsukune, "Still a bit dizzy."

"I said, 'Was it one of Moka's fanboys?'" repeated Kokoa. Tsukune nodded. Silence filled the air as they kept walking.

Tsukune, wanting to get the thought out of his head, blurted out, "Why did you help me?"

Kokoa snorted. "You obviously needed help since you can't seem to fight without my sister's help."

"Uh, thanks I guess," said Tsukune. "At least she helped."

"Plus… I owe you." She said it so quietly that Tsukune almost didn't catch it.

"What for?" Tsukune asked. Kokoa groaned, muttering something incoherent.

"That time… in the cave," she said after a few moments.

"Oh that time," thought Tsukune. "It was nothing." The boy smiled, "You obviously needed help since you couldn't keep warm," he teased. He laughed when Kokoa started to blush.

"S-Shut up," Kokoa said defensively, "I don't like owing people, alright? Now we're even."

"You never owed me anything. That's what friends do for each other," said Tsukune. His reply seemed to bring out that blush again for a moment. "To be honest, I thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you," said Kokoa, "Sure, I don't like the fact that you're the only that can bring out onee-sama, but I don't hate you."

By this time, they had reached the school grounds. "Are you well enough to get to the infirmary?"

Tsukune nodded, slowly walking out from Kokoa's grasp. "Thanks again." He made his way to the nurse's office, surprising her with the gashes across his back. She wasted no time in patching him up. After she finished wrapping up Tsukune, there was a knock at the door. As she left him to go answer the door, she left him to lie on his stomach. He was just about to close his eyes when he remembered the thing that got him into this mess.

"I forgot the article!" he said, burying his face into the pillow and groaning.

"Tsukune?" said the nurse, "This was delivered to you."

She handed him, to Tsukune's surprise, his article.

"What? Who delivered this?" he asked.

"Some red-headed girl. She was pretty cute."

The nurse winked at him before resuming her previous work at her desk.

Tsukune looked at the article, smiling at what Kokoa had done for him.

"Why did you help him?" asked Ko.

"I owed him," said Kokoa. She wouldn't let anyone know that she actually liked Tsukune.

"I think it's something else," said Ko in a sing song voice, "You like him don't you?"

"What? No!" said Kokoa, her face turning the same shade as her hair. She reached for bat, who flew out of her reach. "Get down here. You're going in your cage!"

"Kokoa likes Tsukune! Kokoa likes Tsukune!" chanted Ko as he flew through the air.

- End Chapter -