Haven't did a one-shot in awhile haha, i've been busy with 'you missed a part' and 'what happens on the way to vegas, stays in vegas.'

I do not own twilight or anything used in this story. :]


I sighed as I entered the girl's gym lockers, for another grueling hour of P.E. This was horribly wrong for two reasons. One, I was uncoordinated which means I fall a lot and get hit with the ball a lot. And two, I didn't get to share the class with the love of my life, Edward Cullen.

Once I changed into my gym kit, I slammed the locker room door. We had basketball today, which just happened to be one of my least favorites. And we had to play another gym class, which would mean that even more students could laugh at my skills.

I was already nervous, as I walked out of the locker room, tripping on my own feet a couple of times. I swung open the door to the gym hall and froze.

Edward stood in the middle of the basketball court, smiling my favorite crooked smile. He was wearing a red colored knee length baggy shorts, and a grey t-shirt with no sleeves bringing out his perfect, white muscles.

I felt dizzy looking at him, "Bella!" The coach shouted. I walked over to her, not keeping my eyes off Edward.

"Bella, your defense, now, please try not and trip for the team sake" I pulled my eyes away from Edward and looked at the coach and nodded.

Once the Coach finished talking about the positions, I quickly made my way over to Edward who was still smiling his crooked smile.

"Why are you here?" I mumbled, struck by the beauty in his muscles.

Edward chuckled, "we're playing your team...i don't like that couch of yours...or her thoughts." A quiet growl came from his chest.

"She's not very keen on me..." I looked over my shoulder to see the coach who was giving orders.

"mmm...i can tell." Edward said.

"Swan! Get over to your position!" The coach yelled while I sighed.

"It would sound better if she said Cullen..." Edward mumbled while I groaned.

"I won't discuss marriage before a basketball match, now, I have to go, good luck." Although, Edward wouldn't need any luck, he was vampire after all. He had to hide his strength and speed during P.E but I could tell that he would be amazing with or without strength or speed.

I walked off, hearing Edward chuckle, I couldn't work out what he was laughing at, maybe in anticipation of seeing my poor basketball skills. I stood at the defense area waiting for the coach to blow the whistle, signaling time for me to start dodging balls.

I couldn't help but laugh as Mike tried to get the ball of Edward, who was very good at basketball. Which didn't come as a surprise. I couldn't figure out what Edward was laughing at; until I realized his position.

He was the shooter. I was in defense. Oh great. I looked as Edward drove the ball up court, grinning at me at the same time.

Mike was doing a poor attempt at defending himself, I quickly moved out of the way as Edward was at the net while Mike was trying to defend him.

"Swan!" The coach shouted, "Help Newton!"

I stumbled along to Edward and Mike, Edward still grinning at me, which put me off. Without even taking his eyes off me, Edward flung the ball with ease into the net. Once the ball hit the ground, Mike quickly picked it up and flung it at me, angry for not helping defend quicker.

The ball hit my face and I flinched a little. I looked at Edward whose face was as hard as stone.

Everyone, say your prayers for Mike Newton.

Review please :)