Sorry I haven't been updating, I got a little distracted with my other stories. Well, on with the story!!
Chapter 7
Madison's POV
We went into a room with a huge Ping-Pong table. Dionysus was already there, drinking cherry flavored Coke. There was about twenty chairs tightened around the table. No one was there, except Mr. D, so we sat in random chairs. Mr. D was on one end, and Chiron on the other. Chiron cleared his throat.
"The six shall travel to the island of the Titans,That means you six." He said. "Destruction, by all, shall be frightened, This could mean multiple things." He looked at each of us individually.
I thought about this deeply. After about five minutes, I gasped in horror. "Perses!" I yelled, standing up in the process.
Everyone started at me weirdly. James stood up, "This no time for a sudden urge to get purses, even if your Aphrodite's daughter." He said.
I glared at him. "That's not what I'm talking about! So shut up and listen!" I yelled at him. He sat down quietly. I rolled my eyes and continued my explanation. "Perseus is the titan of destruction! It says it clearly in the prophecy! Destruction shall be frightened and destruction might remain a dead soul. It all makes sense!"
Everyone stayed quiet for a moment. Annabeth stood up. "She's right." she said, then glanced at me. "How did you figure that out?"
I shrugged, everyone's eyes landed on me. "It just...came to me." I said. She nodded.
"Very good Madison." muttered Chiron. "Back to the first line. It mentioned Island of Titans." he looked at Percy and Annabeth. "I suppose you now where, and what that is." he said.
Annabeth nodded grimly. Percy leaned back on his chair and sighed loudly, a pained look coming to his face. "Mountain of Despair, or as mortal say, Mount Tamalpais." He said.
Everyone stayed quiet again. Dionysus cleared his throat. "This is no time for grieving." he said, carelessly.
"Mr. D is right." Chiron said. " You must head to San Francisco and hope for the best."
What's so bad about San Fransisco? That's in California, is that bad? And what's Mountain of Despair?
After that announcement, Chiron said we would leave tomorrow morning. I don't know how we're going to get there, but let's hope we find a ride. Nico and I decided that we should have fun before we go on the quest so we're going to the beach, to practice sword fighting, rock climb, relax by the beach in the snow, and just roam Half-blood hill. Not in that order though, we're going to roam Half-Blood hill first. I had to stop by my cabin to get a pink coat Bailey had loan me.
"Why was Percy and Annabeth acting weird when they said Mountain of Despair." I asked him, once we were walking again.
He looked down. "They went on a quest to find Artemis. First, it was Zoe Nightshade, Atlas's daughter and Artemis's Hunter, Grover, a satyr, Phoebe, another Hunter...and Bianca. My sister." he said.
"I didn't know you had a sister." I said quietly.
"Let me tell you the whole story" He said. I nodded and he started.
He told me everything, well everything Percy told him about it. Zoe and her father, and her death. Luke. Annabeth and the "Roof of the world". Artemis and her kidnapping. And finally, his sister dieing, at the god's junk yard.
"I'm sorry for asking." I said after he told me about his sister.
Surprisingly, he smiled a sad smile at me. "It's okay, I talked to her ghost. She all right over in the Underworld, and I'm okay about it, too." he said.
I smiled back at him. This would be a great time to kiss him. I stepped forward and leaned in. I kissed a few guys before, but this is the best one yet. We parted a few seconds later, at least I think it was seconds. He did a little laugh, I gave him a skeptical look.
"What?" I asked.
He grinned. "Will you kiss me every time I'm sad?" he teased.
I rolled my eyes. "Only if you get on your knees and beg." I teased back. We laughed, despite what he told me about his sister. I dragged him to the arena. "Come on, lets go practice sparring." I said.
James' POV
After Chiron's "Speech", Jessica and I went to the arena by the fire near the dinner tables. We sat on a bench a few feet away, but close enough to feel the warmth. Jessica rested her head on my shoulder and I put arm around her. In a comfortable silence, we stared at the fire.
"Tonight's Capture the Flag" Jessica said.
I looked at her. "Capture the Flag?"
"It's just like what they explain in the books, so don't worry. Except we can't kill anyone" She explained. "Although I'd like to maim Clarisse a few times." She muttered. "Our team's leading one team, and Nemesis is leading the other."
I smiled at her. "Are you saying you want me on your team?" I asked her.
She smiled back. "What I'm saying is: I want you on the team, but Annabeth has to agree with me, since she the head of the cabin."
I looked back at the fire, I was always calm when I looked at it. "I'll play in your team if Annabeth agrees to it." I said.
She grinned. "I'm sure she will." she said.
I kissed again, it was becoming natural now. Her lips...tasted like cherry? I pulled away and smirked at her. "Cherry?" I said.
She rolled her eyes. "Awesome, you figured out how cherry taste like." She said sarcastically.
I laughed and looked back at the fire. The, I saw something in it. A face? There was a face in the fire! Wait, it was the fire. It shaped into a woman, my eyes widened.
"I have high hopes for you James, since the minute I saw you I knew you were going to be special. You'll do great" The woman said. She turned to Jessica and nodded. "Jessica" she said. And the image in the fire died out.
I stared at the fire. "Did you see that?" I quietly asked Jessica. She nodded slowly, and stared at the fire too. "Was that my mom?" I asked again.
She gulped and nodded. "Yes it was James." she said. Then the looked at me. "I think she wants you to do really well on the quest. You can't disappoint a goddess." She said.
I rubbed her fore arms and rested my head and hers. We looked into the fire expectantly. "I'm not going to disappoint her." I whispered to her. She gave me a reassuring smile, then looked back at the fire.
"I know your not" she whispered back and I hugged her.
After a while we thought we'd go practice sword fighting, so we can be prepared for Capture the Flag and the quest. We went in and saw Madison and Nico was already there. We waved to them and they gave us nods, I guess they couldn't wave back because they were sparring. Jessica and I fought next to the water fountain in case I "Burst into Flames like at the Christmas party", or so she says.
"Take deep breaths and focus on fighting, not on your awesome fire powers" She said.
I grinned. "Awesome fire powers?" I said.
"You know what I mean!" She said and we began fighting.
She was really good, compared to her I was an inexperienced toddler holding a sword my height. She was smiling the whole time, while I was concentrating on "Fighting" and not my "Awesome fire powers". But, I think something went wrong because I started getting hot again. Then, I thought of an idea. I focused on pushing the energy to my arms and into my sword. That was kind of hard to do while focusing on blocking Jessica's slashes. When I finally got the heat to my arms, I had to concentrate hard on bring it to my sword. Jessica was making this hard the whole time. Then, finally, I felt the heat exit my arms, either it went away or my sword is about to get on fire. Suddenly, as Jessica was about knock my sword away, my sword burst into flames! The flames went from the bottom up, but it stayed like that. It didn't shoot out flames or anything, it just lit on fire.
Jessica gasped, I thought she was going to the water fountain with a bucket, but she just dropped her sword and brought her hand to her mouth.
"Um, does this mean I win?" I asked stupidly.
I shook my sword a little, but the fire didn't go out. I shook it more furiously, but it wasn't even affected. I focused on getting it to disappear, but nothing happened. Then a splash of cold water hit me and I fell.
"Ow" I muttered. I looked up and narrowed my eyes. Percy just "Distinguished" me. I looked at my sword, the fire was out. Jessica helped me up and giggled a bit. I looked at Percy, he was trying to hold in a laugh. "I wasn't on fire, the sword was!" I said.
He shrugged. "That's my way of thinking fast. Sorry, man" he said. Annabeth was by his side looking at my sword weirdly. Jessica handed me a towel.
Madison and Nico joined us. "Saw the fire, then the water. Everything alright?" Nico asked.
I dried my hair hair with the towel. "Just peachy" I muttered.
Jessica stared at me in wonder. "If you could do that with you practice sword, what can you do with your real one?" She asked, mostly to herself.
I asked myself that same question.
So, how was that??? Capture the Flag is almost here! Please Review!!