Ff . net deleted three of my stories! One of which was my fave James Potter Has Seen Enough! So I'm reposting it as an extra chapter for this fic and hopefully it won't be deleted again! Anyway I've now backed up all my stories at least twice on two different computers so hopefully that should be okay! Hope you enjoy this :D and I'm also giving you lovely people the opportunity to request similar letters from anyone! Hope you enjoy and please remember to review! :D
Dearest Padfoot and Moony,
I am writing this extremely polite and friendly letter to kindly request the removal of yourselves from the humble abode I call my - Oh, this is bullshit. In other words:
Do you know how much trouble I went through to get you two together? The blood, sweat and tears I wasted over you? I have had my darling Lily-kins knee me in my family jewels when I asked her for help in getting you two together; I have had McGonagall interrogating me as to why I was wanking in a broom cupboard; I have had first years staring at me strangely as I mime basahing your heads together when I am walking behind you. All of that was done for YOU! (Yes, even the wanking part... just don't ask... the trauma I experienced over that is just too much... honestly, the things I do for you!)
This is how you treat your BEST FRIEND? Moony, honestly, I'm ashamed at you - I thought that you, at least, would be a tad more considerate for me, but NO! You let that stupid fluff-ball we call Padfoot fuck you on MY BED! You ruined my pretty sheep-covered covers! My mother have those to me! And now, I can't even get the stain out!
The stain! Oh, don't even get me started on the bloody stain! The mere fact that your semen is on my bed covers is enough to make me vomit! How could you do this to me? How? HOW? And what am I going to tell my mother? That my two best friends thought it would be amusing to FUCK on MY BED?
I thought you were my friends! Why couldn't you do it on Peter's bed? Why? WHY? Peter's mother doesn't give a shit about his bed covers! You know how my mother is; she'll go ballistic! And unlike me, Peter did not go through hours of thinking - which, by the way, almost killed my brain - about how to get you two brainless idiots together.
And the noises you make, oh blimey, they make my ears bleed! Literally. Do you know how painful bleeding ears are? I swear, my ears almost fell off- but what with all the racket you buffoons were making, that wouldn't have been a bad thing! I do not want to know what you are doing with each other's cocks, and I don't see why you'd (Remus) would want to advertise how 'good it feels inside you'! And Padfoot, I doubt anyone wants to know how 'godly' you find Remus' privates!
Also, you idiots are having a very negative effect on the Gryffindors! Half of them are two scared to even enter the common room in case they just happen to come face to face with your naked arses! Or they're worried about not being able to work while you two furbrains are humping each other through the floor in the dormitory directly above them! The other half, scarily enough, want to see you two going at it! And that does not mean they have good taste in gay men, no! It simply means that these people, unsurprisingly the majority of which are girls, are twisted, insanely perverted and utterly loopy. (I hope you liked that play on words, Moony. You know... 'Loopy', 'Lupin', 'Loony'... ya know what I mean? Or maybe I should start calling you Moopy. Mixture of Moony and Loopy... Yeah, I rather like that.)
Alright Moopy and Madfoot! (Hehe, I'm a genius!), if I ever see you two sexing each other up outside the dormitory, without a silencing charm (on the floor as well as the walls and door) or locking charm, I'm going to grab you both, by the penis (of course, I shall be wearing gloves), and then lock you in a room with a hundred rabid Remus/Sirius fangirls. (You know, I thought I saw Professor Sprout making gooey eyes at you two...) That's right! The evil look that you are visualising on face as you read this is actually there.
Thank you, and goodnight!
... Peace out. (I've always wanted to say/write that!)
James 'Prongs' Potter.
P.S. You guys have to buy me new bed covers. And this time, I want them covered in piggies, please.
Even if you've read it before, reviewww! Let me know if I need to fix anything or whether it just cracked you up again! Or share my anger over my fics being deleted waaah :( Thank you! Hope you enjoyed! Love all my reviewers to bits! First reviewer gets to decide who the next letter comes from! :D
M x