Tears Of Aphrodite ch 10


The alarm was strong...And they rushed down the hall way...they felt the ship land almost to a crash. "oomf!" Yuffie fell on her bum and Vincent turned back to retrieve her but she quickly got up. "I got my self! Sorry bout that!" They hurried to the bridge. Every one was in there and they all stood with grim faces.

"Its getting worse." Cloud said to Vincent with a grim expression. "More and more fiends just appearing every where!" "They seem to be out pouring in Nibelheim..." Tifa nodded... Vincents head shot up. "Is that where we are?" "Yes...the engine went out...Cids gonna stay here and fix it...we gotta go out and kick some ass!" Barett smirked. "Lets go for it!" Yuffie smiled and they left the ship to the dark cold and foggy Nibelheim.

As soon as they stepped out they felt the ugly bare torture in the air. It was Avalanche at their best. A step forward and a crowd of fiends appeared...and they were ready. Cloud shot up in the air his blade his twin. Following movements and killing with precision. As Tifa pounced on the enemy. After fighting for at least several hours of nothing but crowds off fiends...Vincent and Yuffie took off running to the source...a tower. And it was new. "What the..." Cloud turned. Tifa saw them go. "They are gonna kill the source! Keep fighting!" Cloud nodded. "We got your back Valentine!" Cloud shouted and kept slicing as fast as he could.

Yuffie scrambled up the tower, Vincent swung up the bars like Tarzan...They saw him...Hojo on the top staring down at them in surprise but mostly in an amused grin. "Oh well look who decided to join the party! Vincent and his new girl!" Hojo smiled, "Its time to start the games!" Suddenly a large Aeon was summoned from the earth. Long huge...and deadly. The big black aeon came forth from the ground and shook the earth. His claws that put pond sized holes in the ground.

"Oh crap!" Yuffie said staring at the beast. As the tower shook they fell to the ground and the Aeon gave a howl as it stretched out its claws.

"You ready for this...Vinnie..." He nodded swinging the cerberus around from his holster.

Yuffie grabbed his hand and they pounded fists. "Lets go!" They said at the same time. Hers energetic...his more matter of fact-ly. And it was on. Cloud and the rest of the gang show'd up and everyone did there part in trying to defeat it.

Gun shots from every end...the sound of blades dicing it up and the smell of blood from the wounded members...Reeve joined...Cid joined. Even Sherra. The battle lasted only god knows how long... and everyone was on the last thread... The Aeon attacked yuffie she flew backward and didn't get up.

"Yuffie!" Vincent turned back the the same attack blew him backwards, Landing him next to Yuffie. A roar sounded and the other members of the gang attacked.

And suddenly as Yuffie and Vincent locked eyes...they read each others minds.

you know...it cant end like this.Yuffie blinked as they stare motionlessly

I know...

I love you Vincent...

And I love you Yuffie...more than you will ever understand.

We...can't let everyone die...not after what they have done for us.


And with that they linked hands and suddenly...They change happened. A huge light came from them. Vincent a fiery red and Yuffie a cloud blue. Everything one stopped to watch as they transformed.

A large Black chaos Cerberus dogs growling and appearing with a loud terrifying roar. Yuffie a large gown and huge wings of feathers and white bestowed upon her. There energies twirling into a mass of red and blue.

white and black.

As their energy became immense...they locked eyes one last time.

you ready?

Never been more in my life.

Her lips touched his as they embraced.

And with their hands they started to charge for an attack. The avalanche members stood back in awe.

I Love you...more and more...every waking minute.

nothing can change that.

nothing will.

All i can say is...

The attack plummeted and the Aeon shrieked in anguish as it fell to its death. The attack so powerfull the earth from wutai to the chocobo farms trembled. A numbing explosion of power never seen before on the face of the earth.

Tears fell from Yuffies eyes and when they touched the earth...it healed all.

Avalanche and the dead with no souls. Tifa looked up and started to cry...as she saw the two float to the earth...and soon in a sparkle of orbs...they floated away.

"Th-their gone..."

Good bye.