I probably didn't need to add a whole first chapter on this, but anyway…


-The heroine's name is Megumi Shiroi. I'd originally planned for her to be nameless and instead just use "she" and "her" a lot, but I started to wonder if I'd have to put "she-chan". I was thinking maybe I should change it every chapter so she doesn't look like some slut juggling the TMGS2 guys or anything, but then that might be a little confusing. I don't know that many Japanese names for girls, anyway.

-This was inspired by starah's Extracts. I love her TMGS stories lots (especially the Hibiya one, I was literally going "Aww" at my computer screen) and I hope that she updates soon.

-None of the installments in this are translations of events in the game. They're more like my own interpretations of what happen from CG events/events/conversations. Since I don't speak Japanese fluently (I only know phrases and bits from anime and such), some of the characters may or may not be in-character. I'm giving the characters their personalities based on, again, my interpretations from how they act in the game. They may be correct, they may be way off.

-Most installments will probably be short drabbles and such. I plan to write mainly fluff, but there'll probably be some angst, too. I'll try not to write much of that, though…



Disclaimer: I don't own Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side 2nd Kiss/2nd Season.