Musa stood on her balcony waiting for Riven. He had called a day before and said he had a surprise for her and to meet him on the balcony of her dorm room at 8:00 that night. It was 8:10 and he wasn't there. Musa paced back and forth, waiting for her boyfriend to show up with this "surprise". Finally, he rode up on his levabike. He pulled the bike to a stop on the edge of the balcony and pulled his helmet off. "You're late," Musa said with a blank face.

"You look nice," he said with a small smile. Musa gave a tiny eye roll, but Riven saw the little sparkle in her eye. Musa was wearing tight black pants and a yellow one-shoulder midriff with her long violet hair pulled back in two side pigtails. Riven tossed her a helmet and grinned. Musa slipped the helmet on and climbed on the back of the bike and held tight to Riven's waist as he accelerated the bike and rode off.

"You still haven't told me where we're going," she said into the helmet's radio. She heard Riven chuckle.

"You'll see," he answered slyly and speed the levabike up even more. In no time at all they reached Magix stadium. Riven parked the bike, hopped off and helped Musa down. He pulled off her helmet and straightened her hair. He smiled at her and lead her to the stadium doors. " Ready for your surprise?" Riven said. Musa heard voices cheering and a loud base that shook the ground. Riven approached the doors and flashed two tickets to the ticket checker and lead Musa in. 3 Doors Down was on the stage, blasting Here Without You, her favorite song by them. Musa turned to Riven and threw her arms around his neck. He chuckled and pulled her through the crowd. Riven picked Musa up onto his shoulders so she had a perfect view of the stage, high above everyone else. Two hours went by. When to concert was over, the couple walked to the bike and made their way back to Alfea. Riven pulled up at Musa's balcony and she hopped down. When she slipped the helmet off, she had a smile on her face that reached all the way up to her eyes. Riven gave a little chuckle and said,"So, did you like your surprise?"

"Riven, you rock!" she said, handing him back the helmet.

"I know," he answered. "Well, it's only 10:00. You wanna go for a walk or something?"

Musa nodded. "Meet you downstairs." She ran quietly through the dorm, down the stairs and out the front doors. Riven was leaning against a stairway when she came out. He took her hand and lead her across the quad and to the edge of the forest. He turned to her and raised one eyebrow. She giggled and they walked into the forest together.

"So," he said. "You had fun tonight, right?"

"Yeah, it totally rocked!" Musa answered enthusiastically.

"Good," Riven said.

"Did you have fun?" Musa asked looking up at Riven.

"Of course!" Riven answered. "I always have fun when I'm with you." Musa giggled. "Can you say corny?"

Riven laughed along with her and they walked deeper into the forest. Then, he stopped. "You know I'm no good at this kind of stuff. I just want to make sure you're happy and-"

Musa put her finger to his lips and said, "You talk to much."

"Now who's being corny?" he laughed. She just smiled and pulled his head down into a passionate kiss. Riven went along with it and held her close around the waist. They stood in the middle of the forest kissing and after a few minutes Riven pulled himself away, breathing hard. He looked down at her and she was breathing hard as well. "I should get you back to school," he said, a hint of reluctance in his voice. Musa stuck her lower lip out dramatically but Riven wouldn't give. He picked her up and started to carry her bridal style out of the forest. She snuggled close into his chest, taking in his warmth so she would remember it through the night. When they reached the levabike, he gently set her down and climbed onto his bike. She put his hand into her's and spoke softly.

"I really did have fun tonight." Riven let loose a rare but genuine smile and pecked her on the check.

"I'm glad. Call you tomorrow, O.K.?" She nodded and let go of his hand. He slipped on his helmet and rode off the grounds. Musa watched and listened until his departing figure faded and even her sonar ears couldn't hear his bike anymore. She grinned and walked up to her bedroom. As she closed her eyes to go to sleep, Riven's face was all she could see.

"So lover boy," Brandon teased. "You have fun with Musa last night?" He and Riven were sparring in the training ring at Red Fountain. Riven took a quick jab, but Brandon blocked it. "I'll take that as a yes," Brandon laughed. "Did she have a good time?"

"Yeah," Riven answered, his voice slightly distant. Brandon stopped fighting and lowered his weapon. "What's up, bro?" Riven asked.

"You tell me," Brandon answered. "Are you O.K.?" Riven sighed and walked to the edge of the ring. Brandon joined him and they stood looking out at Alfea castle in the distance.

"I know she likes me," Riven said after a while. "And I like her too."

"So what's the problem?" Brandon said.

"Well…I think I love her. Seriously."

Brandon smiled. " So what's wrong with that?"

"Well… You've meet Stella's parents, right? And Bloom's meet Sky's. Layla's parents set her & Nabu up, Flora's parents and Tecna's parents met Helia and Timmy last summer. I really haven't got any parents to show off but I've never met Musa's dad."

"Yeah, you did," Brandon said. "That day at the Red Fountain concert. Remember?"

Riven shook his head. "That was hardly serious. And our relationship has grown since then. I think it's only right I meet him for real."

Brandon shrugged. "Why not?"

"Well what if he doesn't like me?" Riven said. Brandon laughed and Riven turned to glare at him. "I'm serious!" He yelled, punching him in the arm.

Brandon's laughter died down. "Sorry, man but since when do you care what other people think about you?"

"This isn't just some other person. This is Musa's dad! If he doesn't like me, I can kiss Musa good-bye." He stared off into the distance, thinking about life without Musa. It would suck. She brought out the best in him and made him a better person. Not to mention, he loved her! He didn't want to live without her.

Brandon turned to Riven. "Sorry man. Didn't know it was that serious to you." Riven just shrugged. " You should talk to her about this," Brandon. said. "If it really means that much to you, Musa need to know." Riven just nodded and turned to walk away.