Dearest Draco,
Dear Sweet Draco.

I know I have grown cold with you recently and I hope you understand why after reading this letter.
It's because I love you, why I'm doing this.
And I do.
I truly, deeply love you.

Knowing you as I have, it probably hasn't slipped by you that something has been different with me of late and I wish I could explain this in a way in which you will understand my reasoning for what I am about to do.
But I doubt you will, no one will fully.

In the past year, ever since my long lost God-father, whom I had just found was killed I have been struggling to deal with that fact that because ofMEI have lost another loved one.
And I have found this particularly hard within these past two weeks have I been more and more affected by what has happened.
And I just can't face this life anymore.

I can't face another nightmare,
I can't face another person calling me the chosen one,
expecting me to be this great saviour, who I'm not.
I have tried to distance my self from you with the past week or two, trying to make this less painful for you, (because I still hold the belief that you loved me back and a little part of me

the most selfish part of me—

hopes you suffer a little bit, just so I know you felt something for me too),

My Dear Sweet Darling Draco
I Love you with all my heart and I know this may seem like a very a selfish act
but it's the only way I can escape the pain that plagues me every waking hour.
Even ever sleeping hour I can not escape it.

Please explain to Hermione and Ron why I have done what I have done and let them know I care for them.

Not only for my own sake am I about to do what I am but for all your sakes to.
Everyone close to me gets hurt or killed and I cannot face even the thought of you being harmed or
(my worst nightmare)
being killed because of me.
Because I am who I am, and you are with me, close to me.

Just know that I love you.

I always will.

My Dragon.

My Sweet Sweet Dragon.

You are the most precious thing in my world, and you must understand that I cant face losing you.

You are my everything.

Always and Forever yours