Karen walked by Nathan's room Haley was sitting in the chair next to his bed holding his hand while Jamie layed next to Nathan. He had not woken from his surgery yet and his condition was still the same. The doctors had repaired everything and they said the next few hours he should be coming around.

Karen knows the feelings that Nathan has for Haley. She told him to keep the faith if it was meant to be it would happen. She thought Haley was perfect for him, and she had grown to love Jamie like another grandchild.

"Jamie looks comfortable." Karen said as she walked in his room.

"Sorry you probably wan to sit with him." Haley said as she wiped the tears from her cheek.

"He would rather have you two with him than anyone else."

"I'm so grateful for Nathan protecting Jamie like he did. I'm just so sorry he got hurt."

"He loves him. He was doing what he had to do." Karen said as she sat next to Haley.

"I know."

"He loves you too."

Haley looked at Karen. She didn't know what to say.

"I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable Haley, but I know that Nathan loves you with all his heart. He cares so much for the both of you. He wants to take care of you both."

"Karen I want you to know that Nathan is very special to me and Jamie. I hope you know that. I don't want to lose him." Haley said as she looked at him.

"We won't lose him. My son is a fighter. He has to much to live for."

Haley had taken Jamie to her parents house after they had got home. They had come by the hospital and spoke with Karen and Keith to see if there was anything they could do. Haley had wanted to go straight back to the hospital but her mom had talked her into getting some food and a shower.

Lucas and Brooke had been with Nathan when she returned so she had gone down to the chapel she had been in when her father was in the hospital. His condition had not changed much. He was still not awake.

Keith had come down to the chapel to tell her she should go sit and talk with him. That is what they had all been doing. Brooke had told him about the picture that Lauren had drew for her favorite uncle and how when he got better they had another date to go ice skating.

Haley sat back in the chair by his bed and took his hand in hers. The strong hands she had been use to seemed so week now.

"Nathan Jamie has been talking about the camping trip he said you were taking him on. He is very excited." Haley said as she caressed his cheek.

"I remember the first time I saw you. You were at the river court with Jamie, you had him on your shoulders shooting baskets. Jamie was having so much fun. He talked about that for weeks. You turned around and my heart started to race. You were so handsome. I felt week in the knees.

"You took such good care of this little boy that you didn't know. Jamie had never had that male figure in his life. You took him places, you did projects with him. You have given him so much that I feel that I can't give him. I'm so glad that we became friends. I use to look forward to our talks we had about everything and anything. You are my best friend Nathan. Remember the time we went Christmas shopping after your game and that girl hanging on you. I have never seen you so red in my life. You apologized the rest of the day.

"Nathan please wake up. We need you. I need you. That night my dad had his heart attack. There was a reason I came to your apartment. I knew that you would take care of me. I'm sorry I put you in that position Nathan. I took advantage of you, but I haven't been completely honest with you. That night meant something to me also. You are so good to me. Better than I deserve. I do feel something for you Nathan, I'm just scared to admit it to myself. You could do so much better than me. I love you Nathan come back to me."