Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix, or the Disney characters, only the story idea.

Summary: Post KH2- 'Oh my god. We're going to die here' she thought... She's tried many times to get his attention, with no success. When she finds a strange book in the library, everything goes wrong. They change from body and new adventures begin. S./K. Sel/R.

A/N: Just another idea I'm working on. Let me know what you think of it and if you want me to continue this story or not. The other chapters will be much longer, promise. Reviews are welcome ^_^

"Books are always right."


~ A week after the end of KH2 ~

Triiiing! Triiiing!

The irritating sound of the doorbell brought the daydreaming girl back to reality. She sighed. All she had been doing lately was think of him… He was so… perfect. So adorable. So mature, unlike his best friend, who sometimes really acted like a five year old child. Selphie giggled at that thought. No matter how Sora acted, he still was very cute, so Selphie was happy for Kairi.

"I'll go!" Selphie cried.

She opened the door.

"Hi, Selphie!" a red-haired girl greeted her cheerfully.

The girl had blue eyes. Selphie had always envied the looks of this girl. Every boy seemed to fall for her when she played with one of her long hair-strings. It wasn't really encouraging for Selphie, when nobody even noticed her. Everyone always had eyes for Kairi. It had been every day the same thing back then. In Kairi's absence, though, Selphie had changed slightly. She had become more confident and knew how to handle things.

"Who are you?" Selphie asked.

"It's me, Kairi!" the girl answered confused.

"So… I'm glad you finally found some time for me, Kai, if that's really your name. Are you sure you're her, 'cause the real Kairi doesn't have time for her friend," the girl noted.

Kairi smiled apologetically.

"Okay, I deserved that. I'm so sorry Selph, but-"

"It's okay, Kai. I'll forgive you… this time," Selphie said jokingly.

The girls decided to go for a walk. After all, it was a bright sunny day and they had a lot to catch up, since she hadn't seen each other for a year.

"You really are absent-minded, aren't you?" Kairi said after a while, when she had noticed that her friend was very quiet.

Selphie hesitated, before she asked, "Hey Kai, can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah, sure."

Selphie snickered.

"Cool. Me too."

"Selphie!" Kairi said frustrated.

"Did you know that the name Rome – or actually Roma – is reversed for amor, which means love?" Selphie said, ignoring Kairi's comment and changing the subject.

"Roma? Did I miss something?"

"You know, that city from that book I told you about before you disappeared. Roma, la ville de l'amour, just like Paris, duh," Selphie explained.

Kairi looked questioning at her.

"It's French for the city of love. I remember how you hated French. French is also known as a language on earth, a planet that-"

"Oh! I remember now. Such a boring name for a world with aircraft and carls. Selphie, when will you learn the difference between reality and fairytales? I mean… wait a minute, since when do you speak French? You hated it even more than I did," Kairi spoke confused.

"Those are called cars, Kai. And to answer your question, I learned it when you were gone."


They continued walking in silence.

"Hey, you didn't answer my question. Does your behavior have anything to do with a certain boy called Riku?" Kairi teased her.

Selphie blushed slightly.

"So you noticed?"

Kairi nodded.

"It's kinda hard not to notice it, since you change into a drooling zombie when you're watching him," Kairi laughed.

"I think it's time to take some action. I went to the library and I found a book that might help me to get his heart. It's called: '1001 ways to make him notice you.' Tomorrow I'll start with 'Operation l'amour.' Will you help me? Please?"

"Are you sure that book will help?"

"Of course! Books are always right."

"If you say so… Okay, I'll help you."


la ville de l'amour (French) = The city of love.

A/N: Was it good? Was it bad? Let me know :)