AN: And finally, finally, the epilogue. Sorry I kept people waiting. Thank you to Princess1heart1Hubby, The Giant Daifuku, Lucadris, ScarletKira and wow for reviewing the last chapter. But I must also thank everyone who ever reviewed this story – so many of you have stuck with me and I'm so, so glad you guys did, otherwise I probably would have never got this finished. I can't believe I'm finally saying goodbye to this story and couple! ;_; Well, I had a great time with them and you guys! Let's roll out with style!


Esther's eyes opened when the morning sun's rays hit the bed. Those precious two years gifted to them by Lady Caterina were almost gone. Soon they would have to return to AX. But it didn't feel like a burden – she couldn't wait to show AX what she and Tres had become.

She shuffled so she faced the other way and looked at Tres, whose eyes were closed. He was in repose beside her, a hand loosely wrapped around her. Sleeping was something that came after half a year. He'd spent so long analysing and rerouting pathways within, bypassing all the protocols built into him. Now many of his processes ran through the part of his brain they'd put inside this robotic form. And in recent times, Tres had spoken of dreams he'd had, though from what he recounted, it sounded like he was finally tapping into his lost memories from when he was human.

Esther lightly brushed hair from Tres' face, watching how the morning light played along his skin, and he opened his eyes.

"Good morning," she whispered.

"Good morning, Esther." His hand tightened around hers, drawing her closer to him and she smiled. She decided to answer his questioning look, realising her pensiveness must have begun to show.

"I was thinking about returning to the Vatican," she said, "Did you dream again?"

He lightly shook his head.

"Not tonight. We still have another forty-one days until the terms of our agreement with Lady Caterina are broken," he said, pulling Esther even closer so he could tuck his head over her shoulder and kiss her neck, "so there are still many other things we can do until then."

A smile curved onto Esther's lips.


Life had been good to them. Esther never would have believed back when they first left AX to travel together there would come a day where Tres would make the first move. She could no longer profess herself a nun, that's for sure.

Tres ran a hand through Esther's now shoulder-length hair before kissing her. He was slow and thorough, making Esther's toes curl with pleasure.

"If I wasn't fully awake before, I am now," Esther said with a smile.

A lot had changed in two years. Esther knew they would return a formidable pair. She was confident in herself and her abilities; and although Tres' humanisation would appear as weakness to many, she knew he was stronger and surer of himself than anyone could imagine. He was capable of utilising both halves of himself – man and machine – instead of having one hidden away like a shameful secret. He was a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Albion Army and a Killing Doll. Those things could not be changed anymore than Esther could will herself taller. Esther was positive Lady Caterina's prediction they would return and become unsurpassed agents would come true.

The future looked bright and hopeful. Any wrongs could be righted in time. Even if the reports she and Tres would get periodically of Abel apparently tearing the Rosenkreuz Orden down one by one, presumably to reach the elusive Cain, Esther was impassioned – she would put things right. She would bring Abel home, help destroy the Rosenkreuz Orden once and for all, make Lady Caterina and AX proud. She knew herself and her capabilities, which had expanded exponentially since she'd left AX.

"Will we even be recognisable?" Esther wondered and Tres caressed her cheek with a soft expression on his face.

"We will always be ourselves. Perhaps we are more ourselves than we were before."

A smirk pulled at Esther's lips. Her hand rested on his chest and she enjoyed the feel of his synthetic skin and warmth under her palm.

"That's probably the dumbest and least robotic thing I've ever heard you say, and I've heard you say some pretty weird stuff in the last few years," she chuckled and Tres blinked, "but I like it. Well, shall we get up and be more ourselves elsewhere?"

Tres reluctantly got out of bed, but swiftly turned and pulled Esther out by the ankles, making her shriek indignantly. She ended up in his arms, held close and laughing.

"You jerk!" she shouted, but couldn't keep a straight face as she lightly hit his chest.

He gave her a smile that both melted her heart and filled it with warmth.

'He really always has had a gift for pulling me in multiple directions,' she thought as she got on her tiptoes to peck Tres on the lips.

Without a word, he took her hand and they headed to the shower together.

'Yep, today's going to be another great day,' Esther decided.

And now she was sure Tres would agree with such sentiments.