Pink Rose Lily(aka: Starrypinkangel09): Just to let you know, Alphonse is human in this story so yeah, enjoy! and im the one who wrote this first part so opinions are needed. kay?

Ed, Al and Winry were staying at a hotel for the night while they wait to travel back to Resenbol in order to take Winry back home after she had came by for a visit.

Winry: But Edward! I want to go with you guys!

Ed: I told you already its too dangerous!

Winry: You and Al always leave me out of everything. I could never know if you guys were even still alive! I'm so tired of this! You don't care about my feelings at all!

Ed: That's not true! I'm only doing this because I care.

Winry: You're so full of crap Ed! I hate you always leaving me out of your life, and I hate you!

She turns around and sticks her nose up in the air. Ed, feeling sorry, walks behind and gentle grabs her shoulders.

Ed: Come on Rie-rie. You know I hate it when we fight.

Winry: I told you not to call me that Eddy!

Ed(Glaring): The same goes…

Winry: Just leave me alone, ok? Its what you're best at!( PinkandBlack rose lily: BURN!)

Winry attempts to walk away but doesn't work when Edward grabs her by her waist and pushes her over to the bed on the side of the room. She looked surprised when she saw Edward getting on top of her. Then the next thing she knew, she exploded with laughter, for Edward was endlessly tickling her.

Ed: Now say you forgive me!

Winry: Hahahaha! No dammit stop!!

Ed: You better. Or you're gonna regret it!

He then jabbed her in the sides. She practically screamed!

Winry: AHH! Stop it Ed!! Hahaha! Its starting to hurt!

At that point, Alphonse heard Winry scream. So he went to check on her. He went down to her room and cracked open the door.

Al: Hey Winry is everything-?

He quickly clasped his hand over his mouth. For when he looked inside he saw his brother on top of her!

Al(thinking): What the…? What's he doing?


Ed: Awww you didn't let me finish.

Winry: GET OFF ME RIGHT NOW! Hahaha!

Al: Oh my god! I gotta get out of here! This is scary!

And in fear, Al ran all the way back to the room he and Ed shared.

When Ed finally stopped tickling her she pushed him onto the floor, hard.

Ed: OW! Harsh!

Winry: Get out Ed! I swear I can't stand you!

Ed: Rie-rie I'm was just trying to make you happy!

Winry: You know what Edward? You've done enough! You didn't care nothing about my feelings till now! GET OUT!

Ed: Winry…

Winry then gets a huge wrench from behind her bed, eyes aflame, clearly pissed off.

Winry: I don't wanna tell you again!

Ed, as frightened as a wee kitten ran as fast as if Jesus had blessed him with wings on his feet.

Winry just sat on her bed and thought sadly,

Winry(thinking): You'll never understand me, Edward.

Edward ran back to his room and opened the door to find his brother ,on his bed, curled up in a little ball. Ed ran over to him.

Ed: Oh my god! Al what happened!

Ed then lifted him up, and made him sit up so he could look at him.

Al: Ed? Did you hurt Winry?

Ed(clueless): What do you mean?

Al: Well I heard her scream, and when I went to go check on her and you were on top of her?

Ed(thinking): Oh….crap!

Al: Did you do that one thing that I heard Roy talking about all the time?

Ed: What?

Al: You know. When two people like each other they hug like that.


Al: Yeah that's the word! Is that what you were doing?


Al: But you were on top of her and she said you were hurting her and from what I Roy say he's says that-

Ed: Ah ah ah ah! no no no no! I don't wanna hear what you heard from that pervert!

Al: So then what were you doing?


Al: Oh.

Ed: Gezze Al you really don't have a clue about this kind of stuff do you.

Al: Well…can you teach me?

Ed: o.0

Black Rose Lily(Aka: MCL3690): Just so you know I will be writing the second part!

Pink Rose Lily: And so am I! teehee PLEASE REVIEW!!!!