FEB 9, UC0080


We found out that all Zeon units are to be tasked with hunting down I.Z.L.S as EFSF high command has found it suitable that Zeon Conscripts should fight their countrymen, then more Federation lives loss to a war that is supposed to be over. The only Federation unit that is allowed to help are authorized personnel that has a bad reputation sheet. Which I come to find out that all the new Sparrows in some way shape or form had disobeyed an order or just on thin ice. Because of this, our request for mobile suits have been denied and we are only allowed a certain list of authorized Mobile Suits.

"I said you will hand over your Mobile Suit, Spacenoid." One voice yelled to the other pilot

"You can have it when you pull my cold dead body outta that cockpit Yazan." The other pilot replied as he got in his face

"I don't know who you think you are but all Zeon Pilots will hand over their Mobile Suits! Now do what I say Jace or I will put you down like I should have at Solomon!" Yazan yelled at Jace's and shoves him

"You gotta stop that." I said to Zero

"Already on it, Pres" Zero replied as he made his way to the two

"What in the hell is going on" Zero stepped in

"You two again? Mind your own fucking business and let me do my Job, Spacenoid" Yazan said briefly look away from the Zeon pilot

"This pilot has an authorized Mobile Suit, so what is the problem?" I asked

"I said you Spacenoids need to mind your own business! Now give me your Mobile Suit" Yazan pulled his sidearm out

"What would what's her name say about this?" Jace asked

"You shut your mouth about her! You don't get to ever speak about her ever again! You hear me! Yazan yelled as he pulled his sidearm to Jace's face

Zero at this point had enough of this and shoved him to the ground, and pinning him down with his knee as I grabbed his pistol and dropping the magazine out of it, and popping the one in the chamber. Jace the Zeon pilot walked over him and look down at him.

"What would Karen say? She seemed like she really cared about you when we fought that day. It was really regrettable what happened Yazan but it's the nature of the life we live" Jace said

"Jace I swear to god I'll kill you! If it the last thing I ever do. I don't care how long it takes I will kill you" Yazan said as a Fed MP took him away

"You okay?" I asked

"Yeah, thanks Archer. I'm glad you survived this whole mess, but It seems we are in a totally new one now" Jace said

"Yeah you too, I wasn't sure what happened to you or Shin when you guys after the Gundam split us up. I'm glad you are here though, is Shin here as well? I haven't seen him." I asked Jace

Jace got really quiet and lowered his head. It looked like he was struggling to form the words he wanted to say.

"I see, I'm sorry. He was a good man and hell of a pilot." Zero added

"Jace, what was your old "callsign" again?" I asked

"Dark Wolf" He replied looking back up at me

"I saw you fight and I want the "Dark Wolf" in the Sparrows. What do you say?" I asked him

"I am still 'Dark Wolf' to honor the 'White Wolf'." He replied

"Done." Zero said as he shook his hand


Pilot Quarters

"Excuse me Sir, so if we can't use what we ordered what are we going to us" Mercer asked

"Pretty much Zakus and GMs" Vorobey answered him before I could reply

"Among others, but yes Mercers we have to use what the EFSF has on surplus. That just happens to be GMs and Zakus" I replied to him

"This is such bullshit. I mean we fought hard this whole war, all of us regardless of what side we were on and these guys are just gonna have us use second-rate Mobile Suit to hunt down these terrorists?" Anna addressed her malicious to the situation.

"She is right sir. If they are going to give us Zakus that leaves most of us at a disadvantage. You and I are the only ones that are really qualified to use a Zaku without problems. But throwing people who never used one before is ridiculous, its like they want us to die out there." Wyatt voiced his opinion.

"Zero and I are on this and we want to make sure that we have proper equipment that will suit us to the best we can acquire at this moment." I replied not really knowing how to reply to them seeing that they are right.

"Also this is Jace Hawx he was the number two man to Shin Matsunaga, he is joining us" Zero introduced Jace

"The Dark Wolf right." Anna asked as she lights her cigarette

"That's right" Jace replies

"A Dark Wolf and White Wolf attacked us at Solomon, left me floating in my GM for two days. I swore that I'd find you and kill you. But I can't. I want to forget this war happened and that I want you to know I have no ill will to you" Anna says as she smokes her cigarette then puts it out, then heads off to her room.

I dismissed everyone after that and I left to my quarters to call Cassandra

"Preston" Cassandra smiled

"Hey babe, you look good" I laughed

"No I don't I'm as big as a whale, you did this to me" She laughed

"I wish I was there with you so bad, I'm sorry." I started to tear up

"That's not the Archer I fell in love with. He didn't feel sorry for himself, he was strong and fought till he completed his mission." Cassandra said

"I know, It's hard I was only strong for you and you aren't here and I don't know what to do" I replied at this point tears are falling down my face

"You have a team of men and women that need you so they can also go home to their loved ones. Win this last battle and then well have the life we wanted " Cassandra encouraged me

FEB 14, UC0080

Solomon Space

For the past couple of days battleships and patrols have been getting hit and run attacks from an unknown enemy force hidden in the debris of, we are being sent out on patrol to see if we can flush out any remnant forces in the area.

"Anna Launching"

"Vorobey, I'm launching"

"This is Mercer, I'm launching"

"Dark Wolf in the Zaku High Mobility. I'm launching"

"Wyatt, launch"

I strapped into my Zaku and closed the hatch. The darkness of the cockpit engulfed me then slowly the light of the instrument illuminated me.

"Archer, Launching"

Shooting into the blackness of space once of again. I found the sparrows scanning the area

"Sir, We are clear no sign of I.Z.L.S forces in the area" Mercer reported in

"There here. I can feel'em" I replied to them

Just then a beam of energy shot out of the darkness of space at Artyom, he barely dodged it

"Shit! Contact!" he yelled

Four Rick Doms and a black Gelgoog Jager rushed us from the dark of space

"Feddy pilots, surrender or be killed" the Jager yelled of our comms as they charged us from the graveyard

"Sparrows, incoming" Zero yelled as the overwhelming fired made us scatter

"Archer! Is that you? We fought on Earth together. How can you betray your own people" The Jager pilot yelled into my comm

"If you fought with me then surrender! The war is over! " I yelled trying to convince the pilot to surrender.

"For the glory of Zeon! Seig Zeon!" One of the Dom pilots yelled as he charged me firing at my Zaku

I fired a short burst of my MP-40 at him founding its marks its stricken his cockpit stopping him in his tracks, the Dom stopped and exploded.

"Direct hit, Pres!" Zero announced over comms

"Great him, Sir" Mercer yelled

"I got one on me" Alex yelled

A Dom had committed himself to Mercer and wasn't letting him go

"Shit, hold still kid you're making this is hard on yourself." The Dom pilot said as he tried to get a lock on Mercer

He shot up and aimed his gun at him

"Stop, I don't want to do this!" Jace yelled

They continued to him, Jace let out a burst of fire at him hitting the Rick Doms

"Jace! You got him!" Mercer yelled as he rushed to his aid

Letting a long burst of machine fire from his GM, the bullets found its mark. Killing the other Rick Dom in his tracks and letting him float off into the blackness

"INCOMING I.Z. fleet" Solomon reported as three Musai and a Chivvay-class entered our battlespace

"We have to that out that Command cruiser first, Archer" Anna yelled as she shot her GM towards the Chivvay

"I'm with you." Artyom said as he loaded another magazine into his weapon

Mercer shot towards the first Musai, it fired at us but without MS support it was almost defenseless

"Hit its bridge!" I yelled as Mercer fired his bazooka

The Musai exploded and out of it wreckage we flew thru, unleashing the hell the Sparrows are known for at the Chivvay

"Red Moon this is Jager! Fall back!" The Gelgoog Jager yelled to the Chivvay

He was too late, we weren't letting any of these guys go. Went after Red Moon first, the Chivvay didn't stand a chance against the sparrow's combined assault.

"Jager, This Sparrow 2! Surrender or be destroyed" Anna yelled

"I'd rather be dead! Seig Zeon" The Gelgoog yelled as he pulled out his heat saber and charged Anna's GM

I fired one burst at him, the rounds connected as his Gelgoog floated away to the blackness of space and the remaining Musai escaped out of the battlespace. We celebrated the victory of the battle until a fast fighter hit my IFF.

"What the hell is this!" I yelled

"A new type weapon, Sir" Artyom explained

"Stay close" Wyatt yelled

"He's fast" Jace yelled firing a burst at him

"Preston!" a voice came over the comm

Two Mobile Suit floated in front of us an all-white High mobility Gyan and a red Efreet Nacht

"Tom is that you!" I yelled

The white Gyan opened its hatch and the pilot revealed himself, Tom floated out and waved at me then reentered his cockpit. The two then shot to us

"Preston, this is the White Knight do you copy?" Tom tried to contact me while opening fire on us

"Tom! You're the White Knight!" I replied to him

"Shit this guy is fast " Anna yelled firing wildly at the two Zeon suits

"Red Queen this is White Knight target acquired. Permission to engaged" Tom asked of the Efreet

"Go" Red queen said softly

He shot to Artyom's GM at an incredible speed and ignited his saber and slammed his saber directly in the chest of his GM

"Nooo!" Anna screamed

"You Bastard" Wyatt yelled

"They killed him" Mercer yelled

"Fall back White Knight we are done here" Red Queen ordered

The two mobile suits retreated from the battlefield, it was quiet. No one said a word, Jace and I grabbed his GM and brought it back to Solomon.